Author Topic: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?  (Read 1281 times)

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Offline dutch508

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So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« on: September 08, 2021, 07:04:05 PM »
Star Member Cyrano (13,057 posts)

So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?

The war didn't start with Trump. The Republican Party is a fascist and criminal organization that has spent decades getting to where they are today.

"Election laws? **** that." And we do nothing.

"Truth? **** it." And we do nothing.

"Stop gun massacres? **** that." And we do nothing.

"America is meant for white supremacy? You ****ing bet." And we do nothing.

"Total abortion ban? Yeah, you ****ing bet." And we do nothing.

Yes, we try. We march and demonstrate, We bring up forever law suits. We point out the hypocrisy and evil. But mostly, we try to play by the "rules." When will we understand that, for Republicans, there are no "rules" except for the ones they make up, change, and change again.

Knives to a gunfight doesn't begin to cover it. They've been taking a huge dump on democracy and our freedoms and we've been angered, we've objected, and we've done everything we think we can do. Everything but accept the fact that they are out to own America and fight them accordingly.

Let's get this straight. The Republicans are the equivalent of the American Nazi Party. Would everyone please wake the **** up and recognize that they are playing for keeps. And that's exactly what we must do. And the clock is ticking. It's past time to take the gloves off. And please don't ask me to be more specific. All I'll say is that today's Republican Party is the deadly enemy of democracy and freedom. And if we don't stand up to defend our values, who will?

luv2fly (1,511 posts)

1. Please share what you think we should all do

Contacting our Representatives is often useless, for they either give us lip service or they ignore us.

Protests generally are useless, and while they might make us feel good at the moment and lead us to believe that we are actually doing something, legislators don't really care.

So please, what do you think we should all be doing that we're not?


Star Member Treefrog (2,996 posts)

4. Well, I remember when tfg was elected there were many passionate threads about safety pins.

Also turning magazines around in the grocery store.

Meanwhile, the women in Afghanistan face bullets and clubs.

... yeah,... from the Taliban.

Star Member Heartstrings (6,873 posts)

5. That's what's frustrating about the "we go high" crowd.

“High” hasn’t gotten us much, if anything. From here on the ground I feel abandoned. Can’t help it, that’s how I feel….

Do I profess to know exactly “what” to do from here? No, but I’ve worked my ass off campaigning, canvassing, post-carding, telephoning for our dem candidates…..and now? It’s in their hands now that they’ve been elected and I hear “crickets”.

Maybe there’s some undercurrent going on that I’m not privy to, but it sure doesn’t seem like it from my end.

Star Member Irish_Dem (16,461 posts)

8. I think Dems are stunned by recent events, and just coming out of denial.

Yes we knew were were getting screwed over, but not the extent of the war tactics and depravity.
And the fact we are at war, total outright war waged by ruthless sociopaths.

Some of us had an awareness before, but the majority of Dems are beginning to see it now in all its horrifying glory.

When a political party starts killing its own base, and letting thousands of Americans die, it is an eye opener.
And openly try to overthrow the US government and stop a legal election.

I think the major question right now, is what is our strategy?
It has to be carefully thought out. We are up against sociopaths with no shame, no rules.
They would kill most of America if it helped them.


Star Member MineralMan (139,154 posts)

9. Maybe you could give us some examples of what you're doing.

Perhaps we need some ideas that have proven to work for you.

Star Member Cyrano (13,057 posts)

11. Sorry, Mineral Man. I don't know how to save the world.

But I do know that everyone who believes in freedom must unite, act in concert and meet the enemy on their own terms. And while we're at it, we've got to get as ruthless as they are.


NCDem47 (1,510 posts)

13. We're scared of blowback by the electorate

Dems “overreach” and we pay for it dearly. Republicans do it and them seem to be rewarded with more power. Infuriating!

Star Member BlueTsunami2018 (1,757 posts)

18. It's incredibly frustrating.

Whenever I suggest we should be as cutthroat and ruthless as they are I get pushback about morals and ethics and not “wanting to be them”.

Why don’t we want to win? That’s my question. Because that’s all that matters at the end of the day. And they’re about to win it all because they don’t give a damn about what’s “right”.

You can’t play a game when the other side doesn’t abide by the rules and expect to win. The Constitution is merely a gentleman’s agreement that only works if both sides honor it. The GQP has no honor, no ethical constraints, no integrity and no shame. They just do whatever it takes to win.

As long as we handcuff ourselves over some imaginary moral high ground, we’re never going to get what we want. Time is almost up.

Star Member BlueTsunami2018 (1,757 posts)

24. It means respond in kind and play the same way.

Whether that means lying, cheating or being nakedly hypocritical. They let nothing stop them, we shouldn’t either.

I’ll take a nasty win over an honorable loss any day. If it takes the worst kind of backstabbing, arm twisting and rat****ing to secure voting rights, healthcare or whatever we’re looking for, so be it.

How do you think Joe Biden got 81 million votes?

Caliman73 (8,441 posts)

23. What are your concrete proposals to, "be as cutthroat and ruthless as they are"?

Give some examples of what the Democratic Party should engage in to win, because that is all that matters.

Should we lie?

Should we gerrymander districts to our favor?

Should we stir up violent mobs to attack right wing politicians?

I am just wondering what it is that Democrats should actually do. Then after that, explain to us all how democracy and a civil society will function. After we cheat, lie, break all the rules of the "gentleman's agreement" that is the Constitution.

Do we go back and follow what we just threw out as worthless?

Do we make a new Constitution that permanently bans Republicans?

How does society look to you after we become just like Republicans (except you know, for the side of good, right)?

Star Member Bettie (11,746 posts)

36. OK, I'll play

We don't need to lie, but we can spin the truth to make it look worse for them.

Gerrymandering? If they can do it, we should do it so hard that they beg for a national law against it.

Violent mobs? No. People who follow and harass/heckle them continually? Yes.

We should also have a specific message that is repeated by every Democrat who appears in any capacity on media of all kinds.

Go back to Howard Dean's 50 state strategy and work it hard.

Those are a few things that I, as one lowly not-rich person, would like to see, but no one in the national version of the party gives a single **** what ordinary people think or want.


Star Member GoodRaisin (6,338 posts)

20. Well, you are right, but we do need some suggestions that are actionable. Lies are killing us. We need to push back on the lies as vigorously as they are being delivered. Fox News broadcasts propaganda 24-7 which is all lies and we can't stop it. Fox lies don't end on cable news. I was watching a local channel's 11 pm news the other day and they were repeating Fox News lies to our community by showing the actual Fox News segment in their local forecast. And yeah, it was a Sinclair station. Ignorance is killing us. Half the American public don't pay attention to what is happening at all and don't bother to vote. They don't read or have any source of news other than what they hear said at work and then they come home and watch Netflix all night.

And, of course, social media is full of lies.

The war we are losing is informational. "Taking the gloves off" means taking actions that reverse the informational war. Take action against the attacks from Fox News, Sinclair, and other such forms of propaganda. Expose the Republican Party as "The American Fascist Party". We rarely hear the term "Fascist" used in the media, yet we are attacked as "socialists" all day long every day from the right. How about we start calling them fascists (what they are) instead of conservatives or republicans? That would be a "glove removing" change for example. Another thing we do is concede that the first amendment gives Fox News a lying license. Start trying to change that would be taking off the gloves, or at least creating our own truth channel to offset the lying channel, instead of being satisfied to rely on the likes of Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd to get out the truth, which they don't, or CNN, which has gone full Fox over Afghanistan to succesfully bring down our Democratic president's approval rating by 10+ points.


90-percent (6,533 posts)

26. elect Alan Grayson to the Senate

He took republics on aggressively and used FACTS to make them all look like the stupid nazi's that they are. he was a "Congressman with guts" to such an extent that that was his actual campaign slogan used in his campaign. He takes the gloves off!

He can give them hell just by being truthful and showing them the elephant in the room in an unavoidable way.

-90% Jimmy

republics?  :???:

Mad_Machine76 (21,240 posts)

27. What happened to him anyway?

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Star Member treestar (79,158 posts)

28. We have to persuade enough people to our way of thinking and it has to be a supermajority, since the Constitution allows rural areas more power. We can't just rely on the elected officials to do that.

traitorsgalore (42 posts)

31. Don't forget Covid, it's germ warfare waged against us by repuke domestic terrorists


WarGamer (2,500 posts)

37. I think people tend to ignore all the progress.

And focus on the negative.

What would a black man from 1979 think if he woke up in 2021? A gay couple from 1982? An aspiring female Physicist from 1967?

This Country is literally unrecognizable compared to 50 years ago.

We've made MASSIVE and considerable progress.

Keep it up but don't forget the successes.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2021, 08:06:56 PM »
When a political party starts killing its own base, and letting thousands of Americans die, it is an eye opener.

So, we should definitely be concerned about former governor Cuomo, and the others who emulated his policies, right?

13. We're scared of blowback by the electorate

Dems “overreach” and we pay for it dearly. Republicans do it and them seem to be rewarded with more power. Infuriating!

It's almost as if Americans don't really buy into the democratic party platform (as is their right).

Whether that means lying, cheating or being nakedly hypocritical.

Your side already lies constantly about your opponents, and your hypocrisy is astounding.

Should we stir up violent mobs to attack right wing politicians?

Again, already happening.

republics?  :???:

Yes, they call us that sometimes, in response to us referring to the 'democratic party' as the 'democrat party'. They think it will offend us... because... who knows?

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2021, 08:46:15 PM »
Quite the active imaginations on these clowns. :stoner: :mental:
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Offline YupItsMe

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2021, 09:12:12 PM »
Quote from: CDem47 (1,510 posts

13. We're scared of blowback by the electorate

Dems “overreach” and we pay for it dearly. Republicans do it and them seem to be rewarded with more power. Infuriating!

It's because when you overreach your ideas are too ****ed up for about 70% of the total electorate.  You know the people that work and stuff.

Edit to add:  It utterly amazes me that I have to explain this simple concept. The logic of what should be obvious right in what CDem47 wrote if only he had a functioning brain.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 09:16:12 PM by YupItsMe »

Offline USA4ME

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2021, 09:57:17 PM »
You’ve got Cap’n Dementia in the WH, a 50+1 majority Senate, the House, but you’re the one having war waged against you?


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Offline Delmar

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2021, 09:59:18 PM »
Response to Cyrano (Original post)Wed Sep 8, 2021, 08:15 PM
Mysterian (2,589 posts)
41. Hate radio and hate tv got us here

We need to understand the power of the airwaves and get left-wing flamethrowers on the air and on tv.

Liberals always used to say that Air America failed only because the only people who listen to talk radio are ancient conservatives and that's why hip young lefties couldn't compete.  Conservative talk radio is still growing and growing.  More and more people listening--not dying off.

Maybe it's time for Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken to give radio another shot--and make fools out of themselves again. 
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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2021, 10:02:56 PM »
It's because when you overreach your ideas are too ****ed up for about 70% of the total electorate.  You know the people that work and stuff.

Edit to add:  It utterly amazes me that I have to explain this simple concept. The logic of what should be obvious right in what CDem47 wrote if only he had a functioning brain.

DU turns awfully anti-democratic when their ideas prove unpopular.

Offline thundley4

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2021, 05:54:16 AM »
Quite the active imaginations on these clowns. :stoner: :mental:

Projection is more like it. Most of what they accuse republicans of doing, they are doing it and worse.

Offline SVPete

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2021, 08:19:49 AM »
What's with Cyanose channeling NanceGreggs? She may be permanently pickled, but she isn't dead yet, :rotf: .
« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 08:38:07 AM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2021, 08:20:59 AM »
Does wearing a gorilla mask and throwing eggs at a black man count?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline enslaved1

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2021, 10:30:01 AM »
Does wearing a gorilla mask and throwing eggs at a black man count?

I saw that garbage yesterday.  Why was that obvious racism ok?  Cause Larry Elder isn't staying on the democrat plantation, that's why.
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Offline freedumb2003b

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2021, 04:08:26 PM »
Liberals always used to say that Air America failed only because the only people who listen to talk radio are ancient conservatives and that's why hip young lefties couldn't compete.  Conservative talk radio is still growing and growing.  More and more people listening--not dying off.

Maybe it's time for Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken to give radio another shot--and make fools out of themselves again.

I was thinking about exactly that.  err america continues to stand as a beacon that in the marketplace of ideas, leftism has no buyers.
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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2021, 04:57:22 PM »
I was thinking about exactly that.  err america continues to stand as a beacon that in the marketplace of ideas, leftism has no buyers.

The reasons that Err America failed are few. Most people listen to talk radio while driving to and from work or while at work.  That leaves a very small group that would listen to liberal insanity on the radio.

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2021, 09:53:08 AM »
Star Member Cyrano (13,057 posts)

11. Sorry, Mineral Man. I don't know how to save the world.

But I do know that everyone who believes in freedom must unite, act in concert and meet the enemy on their own terms. And while we're at it, we've got to get as ruthless as they are.

Freedom? Oh, like the freedom to silence those who disagree with you, the freedom to ban guns you dislike, the freedom to kill the unborn, the freedom to abuse the fisa system, the freedom to cross our southern border illegally, the freedom to alter election rules on the fly to benefit your own side, the freedom to allow porous borders and gain seats from the illegal presence of illegal aliens, the freedom to mandate vaxxines with carve outs for your political allies...

Freedom isn't power, DUmpmonkey, freedom is the ability to say no to power and mean it, which is something you like when you're out of power, and hate when you're in power, like the would be tyrant that you are.
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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2021, 10:13:49 AM »
11. Sorry, Mineral Man. I don't know how to save the world.

But I do know that everyone who believes in freedom must unite, act in concert and meet the enemy on their own terms

They're going to meet us on our terms?!?!?! Oh no, what shall we do?!

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Re: So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2021, 10:20:27 AM »
So when do we engage in the war being waged against us?

Whenever you're feeling particularly froggy, DUmbshit. You're welcome to come look me up anytime...

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