Author Topic: "Uterine Fibroids"-Diet and Lifestyle Changes  (Read 4196 times)

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"Uterine Fibroids"-Diet and Lifestyle Changes
« on: March 08, 2009, 03:22:45 AM »
Fibroids and Hormonal Imbalance

Fibroids are quite common and found in 20-30% of the women by age of 40 and more than 40% of women have them by the time they reach menopause.

The most important fact about fibroids is that they are benign(non-cancerous) tumors.A fibroid is formed from excess fibrin(scar tissues), smooth muscle tissue, and generally, pockets of estrogen. They are found on and within the uterine wall or in the uterine cavity and can vary in size from being very small to weighing several pounds.

It is estimated that 75% of the women are unaware that they have fibroids since they are symptom-free. The most common symptom of fibroids is heavy menstrual bleeding, often with large clots. Regular cycles of heavy bleeding can lead to anemia. The size or position of a fibroid can exert pressure on the bladder, bowels or sensitive pelvic nerves, causing a variety of symptoms including pelvic pain, frequent urination, constipation,low back pain.and irritable bowel.

Although fibroids are the number one reason that doctors perform a hysterectomy, there are, in fact many effective, natural treatments that can successfully resolve fibroids.

Balance Hormones, Banish Fibroids

Fibroids are hormone dependent, thriving on estrogen. The primary cause of fibroids is a hormonal imbalance caused by an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of progesterone.

This estrogen "dominance" can be fuelled by many things including the use of "Pill," fertility drugs, or hormone replacement therapy. Other contributing factors to estrogen excess include bowel toxicity, liver congestion, inflammation, heavy metal toxicity, hypothyroidism, and exposure to environmental estrogens (e.g., organochlorine pesticides, pharmacological compounds). From my clinical practice, I have also observed that stress from unresolved emotional conflicts regarding creativity, reproduction, and relationships can often exacerbate hormonal imbalances.

Since there is a direct relationship between fibroids and estrogens excess, restoring balance by increasing progesterone levels is necessary. Transdermal natural progesterone cream, a bio-identical source of progesterone, helps to restore this crucial balance. The recommended does is 1/8 to 1/2 tsp. rubbed twice daily (am and pm) on soft tissue such as the abdomen, inner arms, or inner thighs usually from day 13-26 of the menstrual cycle.

A standardized extract of the herb chasteberry(vitex) (140to276 mg. daily) has been shown to also increase progesterone levels. However, it may take threeor four months before its full benefit is experienced.

In general, all foods that promote estrogen excess must be reduced or avoided: all non-organic, processed foods, dairy products, sugar refined carbohydrates, unfermented soy products alcohol, and coffee. Environmental estrogens are also found in personal care products, cosmetics, household cleaning products plastics, and all forms of pesticides. Whenever possible, use only organic, chemical-free products.

Fibroids and Your Liver

The liver plays an important role in hormonal balance. Estrogen is deactivated by the liver before being eliminated from the body. Liver problems and liver congestion will raise levels of circulating estrogen's and thus aggravate fibroid growth. A vitamin B-complex (100mg) helps support the liver by enabling it to break down estrogens while vitamin E (600IU) will regulate bleeding and normalize estrogen levels.

Indole-3-carbinole (159to 300mg), an active ingredient of calciferous vegetables such broccoli,Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, has a powerful effect on the liver's ability to properly metabolize estrogens. The supplement Calcium D-glucarate(150-300MG DAILY), a naturalsubstance found in many fruits and vegetables clears estrogens and xeno-estrogens out of the body. Liver support herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, goldenrod, barberry, and artichoke detoxify a wide range of hormones, drugs, and toxins. The B- compound vitamins, choline, inositol, and methionine are excellent for liver cleansing.

Regular exercise is essential to help reduce the growth of the fibroids.

Once released from the liver into the small and large intestines, estrogen may be reabsorbed back into the body if the intestines are sluggish. Since slow transit time and constipation increases estrogen levels-increasing water consumption, fiber intake, amd taking bowel-cleansing herbs will aid proper elimination.

Two effective strategies for eliminating fibroids includes the use of castor oil packs to increase healthy circulation of the pelvic cavity.

There is also a relationship between a sluggish thyroid and fibroids. So, it is important to assess thyroid function. A blood test is usually recommended. In addition, I suggest taking your first morning temperature, before getting out of bed. A consistent reading of 97.6F or below indicates a low thyroid.

Since fibroids are composed of fibrin, or scar tissues, the protein-dissolving action of a systemic oral enzyme such as Serrapeptase(5 tablets3xdaily an hour before or after meals) has the ability to actually dissolve the hard, fibrous material of a fibroid. Serrapeptase also exerts extremely high anti-inflammatory properties, a condition associated with fibroids.

The herb Shepherd's purse is used to stop heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging, particularly from the uterus.

It's always good to check with your doctor.

By:Sherrill Sellman, N.D. &

Sometime it's a BI*** being a woman!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 03:55:41 AM by Inga »
There will always be "Battles" to fight.