Author Topic: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites  (Read 6555 times)

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Offline Chris_

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Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine of global warming, and he seems to relish the damnation they heap on him.

Plimer is a geologist, professor of mining geology at Adelaide University, and he may well be Australia's best-known and most notorious academic.

Plimer, you see, is an unremitting critic of "anthropogenic global warming" -- man-made climate change to you and me -- and the current environmental orthodoxy that if we change our polluting ways, global warming can be reversed.

It is, of course, not new to have a highly qualified scientist saying that global warming is an entirely natural phenomenon with many precedents in history. Many have made the argument, too, that it is rubbish to contend human behaviour is causing the current climate change. And it has often been well argued that it is totally ridiculous to suppose that changes in human behaviour -- cleaning up our act through expensive slight-of-hand taxation tricks -- can reverse the trend.


More inconvenient facts for algore and his acolytes.

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 12:26:38 PM »
Notice that all the urban elites live in cities that are on the coast. Assuming if Global Warming happens, they would be washed out to sea.  :evillaugh: :fuelfire:
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 06:15:16 PM »
Notice that all the urban elites live in cities that are on the coast. Assuming if Global Warming happens, they would be washed out to sea.  :evillaugh: :fuelfire:

That's definately a + for global warming.
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Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 07:15:31 PM »
Part of a 100,000+- year cycle linked to the SUN . We go from glacial to interglacial (like now) regularly these last several million years. At this juncture in our history I truly believe we cannot affect or effect climate. We need another centuries worth of science to even figure out what we are capable of and what we might actually do.

Offline Chris_

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 09:26:11 PM »
Part of a 100,000+- year cycle linked to the SUN . We go from glacial to interglacial (like now) regularly these last several million years. At this juncture in our history I truly believe we cannot affect or effect climate. We need another centuries worth of science to even figure out what we are capable of and what we might actually do.
algore's carbon credit scheme scam program cannot wait that long.  He needs your money wants to save the world now. 
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 07:41:46 AM »
Part of a 100,000+- year cycle linked to the SUN . We go from glacial to interglacial (like now) regularly these last several million years. At this juncture in our history I truly believe we cannot affect or effect climate. We need another centuries worth of science to even figure out what we are capable of and what we might actually do.

Follow the money Peter.

Science is fun and profitable when a segment of science finds something they can write papers on and published to get Tenure or government grants to study some problem.

You may notice that when things get quiet in say seismology, an earth quake somewhere in the world brings in government money to study why it happend.  So we know why it happend  why spend money to research what we all ready know.?

What are the signs of an impending earthquake, Animals acting up, [some times].

We have had 2 incidences in the town I live in that caused some question after the fact.

Both happend about 18 months from each other, both in the same area.

Police received calls from people telling of loud booms in the night.  Both times the police put it down to fire works and investigated only to find nothing.    A couple of houses were actually moved a few centimeters off foundation but when all was said and done the problem was put down to a small earthquake, both times.

The old timers that lived in that area or were raised in that area 40 + years ago have another idea.

They point out that for over 150 years a city dump was located in that area. The dump was closed and plowed over to make way for stores and gas stations.

They believe that what we have here is not earthquakes but Methane build up  in pockets that have been building up for over a century and a half.

To prove their point, there is a field about 2 miles away that is on a major road that is not developed, kept mowed and has two dozen pipes implanted in the ground with the goose neck pipes used to release gas.

So some problems are caused in isolated pockets of earth caused by manking, but to expect to blame an ice age, global warming, on human behavior is just a money making machine.



Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 12:25:13 PM »
Of course, if warmists said nothing much bad will happen as we FINALLY completely emerge ftom the "Little Ice Age" , and good things will happen. More rainfall from the increased water vapor, temp. moderated by increased cloud cover, bigger crop yields due to uincreased availability of CO2 , then asking for hundreds of millions to study climate would be greeted by snickers from Congress.

Claim that unless you give them BILLIONS as the WORLD HAS A FEVER, and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE unless we get MORE BILLIONS may be too much to resist for many.

Al Gore saw it as a wealth creation device and he's now worth something north of $90 million.

I have spent long hours looking at , reading, and thinking about the issue, and I've nutshelled it in my post.

on the right , check the erosion on the rocks at high tide. If anywhere, a rising sea level would show, and it does not.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2009, 05:55:09 AM »
Of course, if warmists said nothing much bad will happen as we FINALLY completely emerge ftom the "Little Ice Age" , and good things will happen. More rainfall from the increased water vapor, temp. moderated by increased cloud cover, bigger crop yields due to uincreased availability of CO2 , then asking for hundreds of millions to study climate would be greeted by snickers from Congress.

Claim that unless you give them BILLIONS as the WORLD HAS A FEVER, and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE unless we get MORE BILLIONS may be too much to resist for many.

Al Gore saw it as a wealth creation device and he's now worth something north of $90 million.

I have spent long hours looking at , reading, and thinking about the issue, and I've nutshelled it in my post.

on the right , check the erosion on the rocks at high tide. If anywhere, a rising sea level would show, and it does not.

 Peter, I live on what could be called the beginning of the Bay of Fundy, our largest river in places has mud flats that span over a mile to deep water on both sides of the river.

I have been out Kayaking and had the tide go out so fast one minute I had 6 feet of water under me, 200 yards to shore and paddle as fast as I could I still got caught on the flats.

There may be 3-4 other places where this does occur in the world, but few Americans can imagine that scientific act even when they see it with their own eyes.

For the old timers that were around in the early 1930's a rumor began that the government had decided to build an electric plant using tidal power. Back then they figured harnessing all that power could supply enough power to light up the east coast down to North Carolina west to Philly.  This was naturally about 70 years ago.

All work stopped on that project when WW2 began, the story goes all machinery was place in storage and the workers and designers, engineers were sent to Portsmouth N.H. to build Submarines and to Bath Maine to build big man of wars.

The rumor is that every few years the government checks on the stored machinery that is now falling apart but the blue prints still exist. 

It is told that after the war we could not resurrect the program due to the objections of the power industry.

All tall story's perhaps, but I have heard these story's all my life.

BTW, the River that is the boundary between Maine and New Hampshire was not created by natural acts.   There was at one time a good size island in the mouth of the river that at that time Navy or civil engineers decided to blow up that island to allow larger deep water draft boats into the harbor.

The whole darn island was blown sky high and something happend no one could forsee, The tides came rushing in at great speed, low tide caused some areas to become complete mud flats.

My mom still lives on our ancestral home on the river where it narrows to about 2 and 1/2
foot ball fields or less and on a nice day at a full moon time, we all enjoy sitting on her front lawn and getting much fun watching as craft try to buck the out going tide.  We place bets on how long any one craft will stand still with their engines going full bore ahead---most fun for us locals that know the river.

Super tankers go right by the house with the tide and those behemoths are really moving.

My river is perhaps the 3 rd. fastest navigational river in the country, all from taking  out that island that acted as a cork to controll billions upon billions of tons of water that came in or out every 6 hours.

Heading up the coast into Maine because of the configuration of the land and sea bottom, one will find miles of deep water mooring for their boats----Then suddenly when one gets to your neck of the woods one cannot believe their eyes,

At low tide docks on stilts are 15-20 feet in the air and mud flats as far as the eye can see'

I have heard storeys about the wealthy at one time finding it fun to take out horse drawn carrages onto the flats to race and the tide came in so fast the horses could not out run the tide.

I can believe it, I have been to the bay and seen how that could happen.

I believe we need to solve some of our power problems with tidal power's hoe it works all my life and I believe that power is is the strongest and renewable power source we have----no problem with disposable after effects, all ways there like clock work.





Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2009, 03:01:36 PM »
There was a plan to harness the Bay's power in the 70's too.

Here's an article about it:'
notice the "enviornmentalists" are against it, shore birds feeding being far more important than us freezing and starving in the dark.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2009, 04:29:44 AM »
There was a plan to harness the Bay's power in the 70's too.

Here's an article about it:'
notice the "enviornmentalists" are against it, shore birds feeding being far more important than us freezing and starving in the dark.

Interesting article Peter, I wonder how many migrating birds get ground up in those miles of wind turbines in the west ?

All the fear that the Alaska pipe line would destroy the migrating herds of the ELK has been shown to be a non problem, matter of fact the female give birth near the pipe line for the heat----or so I was told.

I agree that nature will need to correct itself as it does in a natural disaster, humans will have to fish out of the bay, adjust their methods to big changes.

There is so much that the brain of man can come up with, imagine if the buggy whip lobby had haulted the manufacture of the machine driven transport due to worry about what would be the impact on the ecology.  Natural power ,the horse , no carbon emission.

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2009, 09:08:13 AM »
Interesting article Peter, I wonder how many migrating birds get ground up in those miles of wind turbines in the west ?
There is so much that the brain of man can come up with, imagine if the buggy whip lobby had haulted the manufacture of the machine driven transport due to worry about what would be the impact on the ecology.  Natural power ,the horse , no carbon emission.

Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands per year, vesta.  Granted, nowhere near the MILLIONS killed by other animals, power lines, or struck by vehicles, but you get the idea.

And bring back the horse and buggy?  Yeah, running hot and cold dysentery, yay!
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Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2009, 01:15:29 PM »