There IS a God. Let's see this sumbitch crawl, citing "B..b...but I was too SICK to keep track of my campaign funds!" as a defense and watch the jury crumble and fall for that complete line of

But more to Karin's point, the electorate simply is more concerned about getting more free stuff from the government rather than pay attention to things like honor, ethics, and even ability.
JJJ has NOT represented his district since June. We're talking 5 months now.
At which point does the electorate figure out that the dood simply has to go? That he's too sick to do his job?
Answer - there is no point. As long as the dood has the name "Jackson" and is black, hey, there you go. Vote the guy in office, never mind whether or not he's been around.
I find it unbelievable that for a guy who hasn't been seen in public since June, he's been reelected. Who the hell did his campaigning for him? Daddy?