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Offline Gina

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2011, 02:29:49 PM »
what??? no beans for you either IAssFartLots


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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2011, 02:34:43 PM »
bah then it aint chili, its just meat slop!

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2011, 02:39:22 PM »
Oh hell, now ya done did it!   :thatsright:

Well, he did qualify his post by saying it was the "easiest chili ever".

Only one problem -- it ain't chili.

When you open up that many cans to wind up with a batch of chili, you don't have chili. You have a bunch of cans of stuff mixed together and some meat thrown in.

When I went home for lunch, I took out the Crockpot, sliced up an onion and put in the bottom of the thing along with about 4 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped, added about 2 lbs. of chuck, cut in 1" cubes, then dumped in:

-a few dashes of Worcestershire
-about a tablespoon of A1 sauce
-a couple tablespoons of brown mustard
- about a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar
-a couple tablespoons of Spanish paprika (sweet)
-a tablespoon of hot Hungarian paprika
- a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper
- about 2 cups of beef broth
- salt & pepper to taste

Put that puppy on low and while I have NO freakin' clue what I'm gonna wind up with, it'll taste pretty damned good with maybe some basmati rice.
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Offline Gina

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2011, 02:41:19 PM »
I really want to learn to crockpot.  It brings back so many memories of growing up and coming home from school and coming into the house to smell pot roast cooking all day. 

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2011, 02:44:40 PM »
It ain't chili.

When you open up that many cans to wind up with a batch of chili, you don't have chili. You have a bunch of cans of stuff mixed together and some meat thrown in.
well eupher, YOU dont have chili either, you just have a bunch of spiced up chuck thrown in with an onion!!

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2011, 02:45:37 PM »
I really want to learn to crockpot.  It brings back so many memories of growing up and coming home from school and coming into the house to smell pot roast cooking all day. 

Pot roast?

An absolute no-brainer.

Start out by putting all your veggies -- onions, celery, carrots, garlic, and potatoes in the bottom. For some really weird reason, veggies take longer to cook in the Crockpot than meat does.

Sprinkle in a couple packages of Lipton French onion soup mix.

Sear your pot roast in a separate pot on high heat, to get the meat good and dark on all sides.

Deglaze the pot with a couple cups of a decent red wine (the kind you actually drink, not that shit they sell in the stores and call "cooking wine". Bastards oughta be jap-slapped for that shit.)

Add the liquor to the Crockpot, turn on low, and when you get home that aroma will be all over the house.

It don't get no easier than that.  :drool:
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Offline Gina

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2011, 02:48:02 PM »
what does deglaze mean?  and what if I don't drink wine and have no intention of buying any?

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2011, 02:50:51 PM »
what does deglaze mean?  and what if I don't drink wine and have no intention of buying any?

Bite the bullet and get yourself an $8 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon or even a nice Bordeaux. What you don't use in the recipe, you can give to your kids. They'll love you for it.  :rotf:
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2011, 03:14:14 PM »
Euph, your recipe sounds something like what I put together yesterday. 

1 lb tenderized beef chunks
1 chopped onion
1 winter squash (don't know the name, looked a little like a pumpkin) chopped
1 can golden mushroom soup
1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes
Bay leaves

I served mine over leftover horseradish mashed potatoes from Sunday.
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2011, 03:20:59 PM »
Euph, your recipe sounds something like what I put together yesterday. 

1 lb tenderized beef chunks
1 chopped onion
1 winter squash (don't know the name, looked a little like a pumpkin) chopped
1 can golden mushroom soup
1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes
Bay leaves

I served mine over leftover horseradish mashed potatoes from Sunday.

That'll work nicely, Tots.  :drool:

Gina, if you REALLY don't want to use wine to deglaze your pot, you can use beef broth or even water. The wine adds a flavor that you just don't get any other way (no alcohol, because it burns off). Beef broth runs in second place, and water in last place -- 'cause there ain't no flavor in water.
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2011, 03:24:52 PM »
What Euph said.  The key is to use a lot less liquid than you think you will need.  It doesn't evaporate.
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2011, 03:26:22 PM »
What Euph said.  The key is to use a lot less liquid than you think you will need.  It doesn't evaporate.

Excellent point.  :bow:  Besides, the meat will release liquid too.
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Offline Wineslob

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2011, 04:39:05 PM »
what does deglaze mean?  and what if I don't drink wine and have no intention of buying any?

You can use Dry Sherry (it's not for drinking, but around here, who knows), but it does add it's own flavor. Adding red wine REALLY ups the flavor. It'll make it very rich.    :drool:
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2011, 06:51:57 PM »
These Yankee recipes in this thread look like dogshit.

Here is my Texas chili recipe passed down from my grandpappy.

3 lbs. ground beef
23 oz. tomato sauce
1 1/2 cup water
1 tsp Tabasco sauce
3 heaping Tbsps ground chili powder
1 heaping Tbsp mexican oregano
1 heaping Tbsp cumin
2 medium-sized onions, diced
1 tsp of garlic powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cayenne powder
1 tsp paprika
2 cloves of minced garlic
3 heaping Tbsps flour

Optional: roasted serrano, jalapeno and habanero peppers minced. I put at least one of each in for 3 lbs. of beef

Sear meat until brown. Add tomato sauce and water, stirring until well blended. Add Tabasco sauce, chili powder, oregano, cumin, onions, garlic, salt, cayenne, paprika, and roasted peppers. Simmer one hour and fifteen minutes. Add thickening flour and mix. Simmer another 30 minutes, stirring often. I let mine chili set overnight for maximum marination.
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Offline Gina

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2011, 08:25:05 AM »

well my chili tastes great but is a little soupy, added too much water I guess.  But it's good  :hyper:

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2011, 12:00:29 PM »
These Yankee recipes in this thread look like dogshit.

Here is my Texas chili recipe passed down from my grandpappy.

3 lbs. ground beef
23 oz. tomato sauce
1 1/2 cup water
1 tsp Tabasco sauce
3 heaping Tbsps ground chili powder
1 heaping Tbsp mexican oregano
1 heaping Tbsp cumin
2 medium-sized onions, diced
1 tsp of garlic powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cayenne powder
1 tsp paprika
2 cloves of minced garlic
3 heaping Tbsps flour

Optional: roasted serrano, jalapeno and habanero peppers minced. I put at least one of each in for 3 lbs. of beef

Sear meat until brown. Add tomato sauce and water, stirring until well blended. Add Tabasco sauce, chili powder, oregano, cumin, onions, garlic, salt, cayenne, paprika, and roasted peppers. Simmer one hour and fifteen minutes. Add thickening flour and mix. Simmer another 30 minutes, stirring often. I let mine chili set overnight for maximum marination.

You add flour directly to your mix? If so, that's a great way to get lumps....

Just sayin'.....
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2011, 01:24:20 PM »
You add flour directly to your mix? If so, that's a great way to get lumps....

Just sayin'.....

Most of the time. I usually just smash 'em out while stirring the chili anyway. You can make a slurry with water out of it, too. Just have to evaporate it off longer.
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2011, 03:25:39 PM »
Most of the time. I usually just smash 'em out while stirring the chili anyway. You can make a slurry with water out of it, too. Just have to evaporate it off longer.

For the record, here's my Yankee chili:

2 lbs. of cubed chuck roast (about 1" cubes)
4 charred, peeled, and chopped serrano chilis
2 charred, peeled, and chopped poblano chilis
2 charred, peeled, and chopped jalapeno chilis
1 large yellow onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon Mexican oregano
2 tablespoons Spanish paprika
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
2 cups (roughly) beef broth
Salt and pepper to taste
3-4 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley (flat-style)

Over high heat in a dutch oven, add some vegetable oil to cover the bottom and sear the chuck. Don't add too much at once, or else the beef won't brown properly. Transfer to a bowl as the beef browns.

Turn the heat down to medium low and sweat the onions until softened. Add garlic, the peppers (including seeds) and all the spices. Continue to cook, making sure not to burn the garlic for 5 minutes or so.

Add the beef broth, the beef, and turn the heat up to a simmer.

Let simmer with the lid off until the beef is fork tender, about an hour or so. Allow the beef stock to reduce till the stock is thick and rich, but don't allow the pot to get dry. Adjust seasonings.

Garnish wish parsley and serve with basmati rice, or noodles, or just plain by itself.
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2011, 08:30:49 PM »
Has anyone ever added shredded beef to their chili?  I have a recipe for Ropa Vieja, which is shredded beef and vegetables.  It also makes a decent chili recipe if you substitute the roast for ground beef (it's the recipe I use now).
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2011, 08:37:47 PM »
Has anyone ever added shredded beef to their chili?  I have a recipe for Ropa Vieja, which is shredded beef and vegetables.  It also makes a decent chili recipe if you substitute the roast for ground beef (it's the recipe I use now).

I haven't, but I may try it.  I cook a chuck roast in the crockpot with green chilis, chipotles and beer, shred it and make it into tacos. 
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2011, 07:47:57 AM »
Has anyone ever added shredded beef to their chili?  I have a recipe for Ropa Vieja, which is shredded beef and vegetables.  It also makes a decent chili recipe if you substitute the roast for ground beef (it's the recipe I use now).

That sounds good.

I ate all of my chili I made........whoa, don't go into a room if you see me leave it  :panic: 

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2011, 12:38:38 PM »
I haven't, but I may try it.  I cook a chuck roast in the crockpot with green chilis, chipotles and beer, shred it and make it into tacos.  

Now I want Machaca.    :banghead:

(I've probably listed this before, but  :tongue:)

From Big Dave's:

Big Dave's Beef Machaca
This is a basic machaca recipe. You can add to it or take away from it. Spice it up a little by adding chili powder or chili paste. Finish with some diced potatoes for Machaca con papas. You could also make a version of this recipe with leftover roasts or fajitas. Skip the marinade step and the searing step. Simply simmer the meat with the other ingredients until it is falling apart then shred it.

¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
Juice of two limes
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
½ cup vegetable oil or olive oil
2-3 lb Chuck Roast or Skirt Steak, trimmed and cut into lb portions.
1 Large Texas Sweet Onion (yellow onion) diced
½ green bell pepper diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced or pressed
1 Fresh Jalapeno Pepper, minced
1 14oz can diced tomatoes or tomatoes with green chilies
¼ cup beef broth
1 Tb dried oregano
1 Tb ground cumin
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce such as Tabasco
salt and pepper to taste
Vegetable oil for searing the beef
For the marinade, combine all the ingredients in a bowl then whisk them to form an emulsion. Add the beef making sure every piece is evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate.
Marinate the beef overnight in a bowl in the refrigerator. Before preparing, drain thoroughly and allow meat to come up to room temperature for about 30 minutes.

In a large soup pot, heat a few tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat until very hot. Sear the beef a few pieces at a time to develop a rich brown color on all sides as well as on the bottom of the pan. Do this in several batches if the pot is too crowded.

When all the beef is browned nicely and removed from the pan, add the onions, peppers, and garlic to the hot pan. Saut for a few minutes then add the remaining ingredients to the pan along with the beef. Bring to a boil, scraping the browned bits off the bottom of the pan. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer slowly for about 2 hours. The meat should be very tender and should easily fall apart when pricked with a fork.

Remove from heat, remove meat to a cutting board and shred with a pair of forks. Return to the pot and bring to a simmer, uncovered. Reduce the liquid until very thick, almost dry. At this point, adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper, and whatever additional heat you want to add if any.

Serve with tortillas, cheese, salsa, lettuce and guacamole for a great beef taco. Portion and freeze the remaining machaca in zip lock bags for later use.


I've made this several times, it's........ :drool:

One other thing, I usually double up the marinade and let it soak for 48 hours.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 12:40:44 PM by Wineslob »
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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2011, 07:24:03 AM »

Now I want Machaca.    :banghead:

(I've probably listed this before, but  :tongue:)

From Big Dave's:

I've made this several times, it's........ :drool:

One other thing, I usually double up the marinade and let it soak for 48 hours.

I think you need to make me some.

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #48 on: November 09, 2011, 10:22:57 AM »
I think you need to make me some.

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Re: Need a recipe
« Reply #49 on: November 09, 2011, 11:36:51 AM »
  Oh kay  :rofl:

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.