Those are all good ideas for stuffed mushrooms, except for Sparky's. Isn't bread crumbs and parmesan cheese a little boring to go with an already bland mushroom? Live a little. 
debk mentioned refrigerator pickles up there. Anybody have a good recipe for those?
This is a very old family recipe and I don't usually give them out. It's a pretty common recipe though for refrigerator pickles.
Ice Box Pickles
6 c. thin sliced cucumbers
1 c. thin sliced onions
1 c. thin sliced green peppers
Dump the above into a bowl and sprinkle with 1tbsp. salt. Let sit in refrigerator for 2 hours.
Mix in saucepan:
1c. vinegar
2c. sugar
1/2 tsp celery seed
Cook over low heat just until sugar is completely dissolved. Stirring frequently.
Drain the cuke/onion/gp mix and pack into clean jars. Pour the sugar syrup over them - make sure they are completely covered. Put the lids on right away.
Will keep in refrigerator at least 3 months.
My tips:
I use a mandolin for slicing, it's easier than a food processor.
I use regular cucumbers rather than pickling ones, as the regular ones if not too big, have more taste to them. I "score" the skins just a bit with a fork, in case it's kind of thick, rather than peel the cucumbers.
I use less green pepper and more onion (Vidalia, Maui Sweets, or some other type of sweet onion)
I use Kosher salt and don't measure, just liberally sprinkle it all over, tasting as I go. Too little leaves them sort of flat tasting, too much is gross. And I toss them up a bit a couple of times in the 2 hrs.
I prefer basic white vinegar, but have thought about using a mix of cider/white or garlic red wine/white. I would not recommend using balsamic, much as I love it, because it will discolor the vegetables to a nasty brown color.
Don't boil the vinegar/sugar mix, just heat enough to make sure the sugar is all dissolved. Pouring hot - even warm - sugar mix onto the cucumbers kind of cooks them (I learned the hard way) and will make them lose all color.
I save those heavy spaghetti sauce jars (the ones that looks like Mason jars) and rewash them ( lids, too) in the dishwasher right before using.
This recipe only fills about 3 of the spaghetti jars, I usually do about a dozen cucumbers at a time.