My neighbor knocked, asked if I had a ladder he could borrow. They were locked out of their house.
I helped them out, and as I was walking away they asked if I liked Zuccini, not knowing any better I said yes.
They smiled and asked me to wait a second while they got something to repay my kindness. They came back with 4 nice sized Zuccinies, I was pleased and said thank you. I failed to notice the evil grin upon their faces.
Since then, I have had to make sure the doors on my truck are locked, I dont leave any windows open, the garage door is always secured and shades closed. I give no indication that I am home and never ever answer the door bell.
It appears that when folks get an over abundence of Zuccini they will do anything to give it away!
I'm sure it will end soon, breads will be made, slices will be fried, salads will be eaten.
Till then, I apprecate the recipie! Thanks BSS!