Author Topic: Boston Democrat City Council Member Julia Mejia Wants Suburbanites to House Ille  (Read 3322 times)

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Boston Democrat City Council Member Julia Mejia Wants Suburbanites to House Illegals in Their Homes

Boston City Council member Julia Mejia told WBTS Boston on Thursday that suburban residents need to step up and begin offering their homes as migrant shelters.

The at-large city councilor insisted that the suburbs have more resources available than the city, and she thinks it is time for suburbanites to chip in on the border crisis.

“Dedham, Wellesley, Brookline — cities and towns that have so much more resources than the city of Boston. People who actually have more financial support,” Mejia told the station. “We need to do everything in our power to make sure that we are setting them up for success or whatever success looks like.”

“I think everybody should be opening up their doors because this is a shared responsibility,” she insisted.

Let the politicians house the illegals in their own house.
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