Author Topic: The People's 16th... Caught Chanting: Let's Go Brandon  (Read 6741 times)

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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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The People's 16th... Caught Chanting: Let's Go Brandon
« on: February 10, 2022, 10:06:53 PM »
Oops.  NBC accidentally broadcast the FJB-chant a few times, after players teed-off and were walking toward the green... surrounded by 22,000 fans at TPC Scottsdale.

The 16th-hole became famous during the Obama-years when fans began singing The National Anthem unprompted, following a network dustup about crowd-noise.

Loudest cheer of the day:  Harry Higgs flipping his putter up in the air and catching it before his birdie-putt reached the hole.   

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: The People's 16th... Caught Chanting: Let's Go Brandon
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2022, 07:25:00 PM »
Beer-rain.  Incredible scene as thousands of drinks and open beer-cans were thrown in the air after journeyman Sam Ryder logged a-hole-in-one on the 16th.  The first since 2015. 

Everybody was doused, including the announcers.  It looked like a blizzard.  Ironically, the tournament is sponsored by Waste Management, who've been jamming woke green commercials at us for the last three days.

And oh yeah...  The crowd was singing 'O, Canada' at some point.  An announcer on the other side of the course said it was probably because a Canadian player had arrived at the 16th.

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: The People's 16th... Caught Chanting: Let's Go Brandon
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2022, 04:05:03 PM »
Beer-rain.  Incredible scene as thousands of drinks and open beer-cans were thrown in the air after journeyman Sam Ryder logged a-hole-in-one on the 16th.  The first since 2015. 

Everybody was doused, including the announcers.  It looked like a blizzard.  Ironically, the tournament is sponsored by Waste Management, who've been jamming woke green commercials at us for the last three days.

And oh yeah...  The crowd was singing 'O, Canada' at some point.  An announcer on the other side of the course said it was probably because a Canadian player had arrived at the 16th.

There was another one today (Carlos Ortiz).  Although I'm not scared of crowds, that one at the 16th in Scottsdale looks almost to raucous for my taste.  And I've been to a lot of Bears/Packers and Cubs/Cardinals games.

Let's Go Brandon!
Voted hottest "chick" at CU - My hotness transcends gender

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: The People's 16th... Caught Chanting: Let's Go Brandon
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2024, 06:11:48 AM »
Although I'm not scared of crowds, that one at the 16th in Scottsdale looks almost to raucous for my taste.  And I've been to a lot of Bears/Packers and Cubs/Cardinals games.

Let's Go Brandon!

Wow, Ralph!  Were you ever prophetic.

The people essentially destroyed the tradition of The Peoples' Open yesterday.  I don't know what's going to happen today, starting with the unthinkable... banning beer-sales.

NBC looked ridiculous.  Waste Management looked out of their corporate league.  The PGA looked amateurish. 

And I looked like a woefully-unenlightened fanboy, ever-ignorant about the ramifications of alcohol's effect on massive crowds.