Author Topic: Poland says Belarus border migrant crisis may be prelude to ‘something worse’  (Read 3559 times)

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Poland says Belarus border migrant crisis may be prelude to ‘something worse’

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki warned on Sunday that the migrant crisis on the Belarus border may be a prelude to “something much worse”, and Poland’s border guard said Belarusian forces were still ferrying migrants to the frontier.

The European Union accuses Belarus of flying in thousands of people from the Middle East and pushing them to cross into EU and Nato members Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, in response to European sanctions.

Minsk, which denies fomenting the crisis, cleared a migrant camp near the border on Thursday and started to repatriate some people to Iraq, while Poland and Lithuania reported lower numbers of attempts to cross their borders in recent days.

Poland and Belarus have their own border crisis. Belarus is sending them to Lithuania, Poland and Latvia.
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