Author Topic: Random George Carlin appreciation thread  (Read 5240 times)

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Random George Carlin appreciation thread
« on: April 26, 2021, 12:46:50 PM »
I disagree with Carlin on many high level ideas (religion is a big one), but he was a brilliant observer and wordsmith, and still hilariously hits so many social nails on the head, even when I disagree with him, I'm usually still laughing.  Even the cursing, he's not just dropping random f-bombs, they are intentional and meaningful, as opposed to so many whose vocabulary is 95% four letter words.

This appreciation/discussion brought to you by tubitv, which has a bunch of Carlin specials and best of shows, and comes through the work firewall.  Looking at "You Are All Diseased" from 1999 right now.  Him talking about overcleanliness being unhealthy is great right now with the kung-flu paranoia.  Don't know if everything he's done is there, but there's plenty to chew on.  Comedy that makes you think is hard to find. 
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Re: Random George Carlin appreciation thread
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2021, 01:20:50 PM »
I disagree with Carlin on many high level ideas (religion is a big one), but he was a brilliant observer and wordsmith, and still hilariously hits so many social nails on the head, even when I disagree with him, I'm usually still laughing.  Even the cursing, he's not just dropping random f-bombs, they are intentional and meaningful, as opposed to so many whose vocabulary is 95% four letter words.

This appreciation/discussion brought to you by tubitv, which has a bunch of Carlin specials and best of shows, and comes through the work firewall.  Looking at "You Are All Diseased" from 1999 right now.  Him talking about overcleanliness being unhealthy is great right now with the kung-flu paranoia.  Don't know if everything he's done is there, but there's plenty to chew on.  Comedy that makes you think is hard to find.

Right up my alley.  The masterpiece from that performance:

Posted this video on CU and dared post it on Facebook last fall.  It is truly amazing that his routine was done in 1998/99, but damn near predicted the future.

And agreed on the point about some of his views, which I didn't agree with.  But he was one hell of an entertainer. :cheersmate:
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Re: Random George Carlin appreciation thread
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2021, 12:49:52 PM »
Completely agree about Carlin. Without a doubt my favorite comedian. I bought all his albums in the early 70s and kinda lost track of him till I bought one of his books in the mid-90s. I was struck by his "Foreword" -

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