Thats why you either:
1. Buy your own propane tank
2. Take the label off the Blue Rhino and claim it as your own
Go to Tractor Supply, where they actually charge you by the gallon. You actually get what you pay for. I go there for my tanks. I have two 30 pound tanks. They are an unusual tank, but happily fill them up. Without issue. And I pay for how many gallons they actually put in there.
On deposits, I am old enough too remember going with my momma to turn in empty Coke/Pepsi bottles.
Off-topic? Hell, thats what sometimes turns the boring conversation into something fun. 
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying.
First of all, I never intended to "buy" a tank. I intended to put a "deposit" on a tank, fully expecting to get that deposit back when/if I no longer need the tank. And when I converted my grill from propane to NG, I arrived at that point.
Nope. The merchants - regardless who they are - don't look at it that way. In their minds, if you put a "deposit" on a tank, you just bought it. They will NOT take it back, unless you agree to buy a filled tank. And that's not what I want. I want to get rid of the empty tank.
This is not the first time I attempted to "turn in" a tank and get a deposit back. Did so successfully in Missouri, as I recall. Not any more, apparently.
So now I've got this propane tank that I have zero interest in sitting in my garage. It could be worse, I suppose. The damn thing could've blown up last night, creating another catastrophe that I don't need. But that hasn't happened.
But never one to tempt fate, I put the tank in my shed. If it blows up out there, the only thing it'll destroy is my $6,000 zero turn and various other Stihl lawn equipment that's also expensive.