Author Topic: A classic, rave reviews  (Read 14380 times)

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A classic, rave reviews
« on: June 16, 2017, 09:33:14 PM »
Chicken stuffed with boursin cheese, wrapped in prosciutto. 

Make it like it sounds.  I bought Perdue thin sliced chicken breast, because I didn't want to deal with the pounding out.  Spread about a tablespoon +  of boursin on open face of chicken.  Place a sheet that fits of the prosciutto under chicken.  Roll the whole thing up, and place seam side down on a baking sheet sprayed with Pam.  Repeat, for each individual roll.  Drizzle a little melted butter over all.  I ground some black pepper over it, it doesn't need any more salt or seasoning, since the boursin has garlic and herbs in it.  Bake at 400 for 30 minutes. 

Everyone loved it!  I found the boursin cheese and the prosciutto in the deli section of the store, as they're specialty items.