Author Topic: NFL Approves Rule For Ejections On Head Hits, Ban On Leaping Line To Block Kicks  (Read 25220 times)

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Offline BlueStateSaint

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Just saw this on Drudge.

NFL Approves Rule For Ejections On Head Hits, Ban On Leaping Line To Block Kicks

March 28, 2017 2:22 PM

By Michael Hurley, CBS Boston

BOSTON (CBS) — If an NFL player makes an “egregious” hit to an opponent next year, he’s going to be sent to the showers early.

That’s the new law of the land in the NFL, as the owners voted on Tuesday to approve a rule change which results in automatic ejections for “egregious” hits to the head.

The NFL rule on automatic ejections for egregious hits to the head was approved. Sounds like the competition committee expected this

— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) March 28, 2017

The rule is sure to cause controversy whenever it comes in to play, as certain hits to the head tend to get officiated differently than others. Like, for example, numerous hits to the head of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton.

You're typically not allowed to do this to the quarterback's face.

— Michael Hurley (@michaelFhurley) September 9, 2016

Now I don't personally like when this gets called, but normally any head contact = flag.

— Michael Hurley (@michaelFhurley) September 9, 2016

You have to go to the link for the rest.
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Here's the player's mindset...  Game time.  I'm going to bash some opposing player on the head like I always do.  And hope that the refs don't see it, like I always do. 

I did what I had to do... break-up the play.

Untold millions of dollars rest on the outcome of every game.  And we already have part-time refs deciding outcomes on nebulous rule-interpretations, as it is. 

Offline FlaGator

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I agree with the head hit rule but the ban on leaping the line to block a kick is just stupid. As long as you're not using another player as a spring board then I don't see the problem.
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Offline Fourwinds

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The ban rule seems pretty excessive. It's a full contact sport, it's inevitably going to happen. As for the kick blocking rule that's just ludicrous. The odds of blocking a kick were small to begin with, now why even bother having an opposong line out there?

Offline FunkyZero

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Just saw this on Drudge.

The rule is sure to cause controversy whenever it comes in to play, as certain hits to the head tend to get officiated differently than others. Like, for example, numerous hits to the head of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton.

You have to go to the link for the rest.

Have any of these tools every tried to play football without bashing helmets together?
We are approaching sarcasiball levels here.
Not that I give a damn... I stopped watching a few years back.

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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It's to be expected from a commish who  " is worried he might not be able to prevent his daughters from Trump's scary rhetoric ", or whatever the hell he was attempting to say about 6-weeks ago.

The NFL Rules-Committee is mirroring NASCAR's...  Let's have meaningless conventions every year and invent stupid rules as a pretext for partying in luxurious hotel-suites all weekend.

Offline Fourwinds

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Have any of these tools every tried to play football without bashing helmets together?
We are approaching sarcasiball levels here.
Not that I give a damn... I stopped watching a few years back.

I'm getting to that point and it's a shame because I love my Broncos but damn. I remember playing football in school back in the 90s. It was drilled into us to avoid helmet to helmet contact because it was just as dangerous for us as it was for who we tackled. The fact of it is though sometimes it's going to happen no matter what. It's just a fact of the game.