Author Topic: Paul Ryan Helps Rapists By Opening Borders, But Only Targets Trump  (Read 13484 times)

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Paul Ryan and his open-borders sanctuary program have created countless repercussions, however, the Speaker of the House only wishes to target Trump and his supposed negligence, rather than take responsibility for his own.

64-year-old Air Force Veteran Marilyn Pharis had her house broken into by an illegal alien who was offered sanctuary by one of Ryan’s programs. The immigrant beat the veteran with a hammer, damaging her eye sockets, breaking her neck bones, raping her, and finally leaving her for dead.

Pharis was rushed to the hospital after she was found, but died days later.

Though Ryan has not commented on the death of  Pharis, nor on any of the other devastating victimizations of women and children by illegal immigrants, he is openly attacking Donald Trump’s comments concerning women.

When an audio tape of Donald Trump discussing a woman in crass terms was released, Paul Ryan came out and described how “disgusted” and “sickened” he was by the comments.

Breitbart News reports:

    “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified,” he declared. “I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests.”

While Ryan is “sickened” by Trump’s decade-old words, a six-year-old girl was kidnapped from her family’s home in Texas, taken to a park, and raped by an El Salvadorian illegal alien. Ryan has made no comment on the little girl’s behalf, either.

Ryan has openly admitted to not supporting Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate, but Ryan is the one who needs to change his personal agenda.

It seems irresponsible — even criminal — of Ryan to allow sanctuary policies to remain in place while harming American citizens.