Author Topic: New York Strip...  (Read 13292 times)

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New York Strip...
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:58:21 PM »
New York Strip, slow bbq'd over stubbs charcoal, steak fries, and sweet corn.

We bought about 6 dozen ears of sweet sweet corn last year, blanched stripped and froze it for over the winter.


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Re: New York Strip...
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2016, 11:24:21 AM »
New York Strip, slow bbq'd over stubbs charcoal, steak fries, and sweet corn.

We bought about 6 dozen ears of sweet sweet corn last year, blanched stripped and froze it for over the winter.


I love corn on the cob.
I make a bacon wrapped corn with honey chipotle glaze.

4 ears sweet corn
4 smoked bacon slices
¼ cup chipotle peppers
¼ cup honey
¼ cup melted butter

Wrap bacon around each ear of corn and secure with toothpicks. Set aside.
In a food processor or blender, pulse chipotle peppers until smooth. In a bowl, combine peppers, honey and butter.
Spray grates of grill with cooking spray and set over medium hot coals. Liberally brush bacon-wrapped corn with chipotle-honey glaze and arrange on grill. Grill corn, turning every 2 to 3 minutes and basting regularly with glaze, for about 20 to 25 minutes or until corn is cooked and bacon is crisp.

I think you might like this.  Let me know if you try it.
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