Author Topic: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!  (Read 2610 times)

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Offline USA4ME

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This isn't the whole rambling non-sense, I just hit the highlights.

Quote from:

Note to lurking TeaHadists: I am NOT a Communist. I am an American Citizen.

For someone who claims to not be a communist, you sure are intent on having gov't control as much of its citizens daily lives as possible.
Quote from:
I am an American citizen who supports and speaks for the rights of the poor/middle/working classes of this country, while for the past 30 years you and the party you supported and voted for told them "I got mine, screw yourselves."

Nice try, son, but the only things the policies of the left have done is keep the poor in need of gov't assistance and the "undesirables" (as you view them) in the ghetto.  And you wouldn't have it any other way, otherwise you would have made sure that there were no more poor or ghettos and nothing could have stood in your way.  Face it, you need people to be poor and destitute so they'll turn to your god; the gov't.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who doesn't cheerlead wasteful occupations for a bloodlust nationalist desire to see families getting shot like Swiss cheese in their streets.

No, you'd rather have us apologize to the world for existing on the planet and try to "understand" terrorists.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who wants the fairer tax structures of the Eisenhower and Nixon eras to return. Not that either one of these men were saints; Nixon far from it.

When the Dem party starts acting like they did back in the 50's, then we can.  Back then, it was economically and socially reasonable.  Today, it's a bunch of godless kooks who only care about themselves.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who understands that financial hardships, layoffs, accidents, grave illnesses and bad luck DO happen.

Yeah, but you don't personally want to do anything about it.  You want all authority to see after these situations to be handed over to some gov't bureaucracy rather than getting your hands dirty with actually having to help people one-on-one.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who believes health care and education are human rights, not privileges.

I'm pretty sure that's the 1st Amendment.  Wait..... maybe not.

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" doesn't mean you have the right to demand the gov't provide for you what you as a free individual can provide for yourself.  If you're going to travel down that road, then food, shelter and clothing are much more essential "rights."  And we already know that's where you want to go, commie.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who believes a truly strong economy has the ability to employ EVERYONE, not just the heavily degreed and privileged.

As long as "redistribution of wealth" is in the picture, you can kiss the hope of a strong economy good-bye.  Funny, you want certain things, but then support an ideology that automatically flows the opposite direction of what you claim you desire.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen who realizes that employing short-sighted, quick-fix solutions to solve complex and long-standing economic problems is a sure-fire route to long term failure.

You sure don't support it by what you endore as solutions.  Until you figure out this party you support needs a permanent underclass in order to manipulate power, you'll forever be lost.

Quote from:
Here's what I will never, ever, EVER take seriously from you people: the association of anything having to do with the American Democratic party, progressives, liberals and Greens to everything old Soviet, U.S.S.R., Marx, Lenin, Stalin, etc.

PLEASE. Just STOP it. For ALL of us, pal.

No, I'm going to keep pointing out that you and your ilk are Marxists, and whether you fall under one of its subsets (socialist, communist, fascist, etc...) is immaterial.  You and your ilk on Skin's island have repeatedly expressed your desire that all industry be nationalized and the day to day functions of its citizens be directed from DC.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend you give a flip about freedom.  I know fully well you hope one day that anyone who disagrees with you will be led away to the gulags.  Too many of you over there have come right out and said it, and those who haven't cheer it on.

Quote from:
I am an American citizen, JUST like you are.

You're an American citizen by birth only.  But if the modern-day liberal were suddenly transported back to the mid 1770's, none of you have the backbone to fight for your freedom, and if handed to you wouldn't have the intelligence to keep it.  Given the opportunity to hand over what freedom makes your responsibility, you stand in line to give it away for what you consider to be security.  We're being nice to you; George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have already placed a noose around your neck and hung you from the nearest tree.

You're no American.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 05:42:48 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.


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This DUmmy went on and on and on, and when he was finished all he had done was to describe a communist. Which is what he and most modern day democrats are.

Offline miskie

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This DUmmy went on and on and on, and when he was finished all he had done was to describe a communist. Which is what he and most modern day democrats are.

Pretty much - The dumbass seems to not realize one can be an American and a commie, - however, one can't be a model commie and a model American at the same time.

Offline Karin

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PLEASE. Just STOP it. For ALL of us, pal.
No, I'm going to keep pointing out that you and your ilk are Marxists

Amen to that, and I'm right with you. 

BTW, Mr. Cleaver:  I'm not your pal.  I'm not your provider, either. 

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Meh.  The Rosenbergs were 'American' like that too.
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Offline Airwolf

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The last thing America needs is more "Americans" like Hugh there

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Offline PatriotGame

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Meh.  The Rosenbergs were 'American' like that too.

True but UNFORTUNATELY, the democrats and their little Eichmann followers of today are not dealt with as the Rosenbergs were.

Like I said, too bad...
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Offline blitzkrieg_17

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Here's what I will never, ever, EVER take seriously from you people: the association of anything having to do with the American Democratic party, progressives, liberals and Greens to everything old Soviet, U.S.S.R., Marx, Lenin, Stalin, etc.

Well, asshole, if DU wasn't on record as strongly supporting all of the above for 5 years, then I wouldn't. But they are, and so are you. So **** you.
Caught somewhere in time

Offline AllosaursRus

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About as American as a Kalashnikov!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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PLEASE. Just STOP it. For ALL of us, pal.

No. Go **** yourself. I won't leave my children to have their lives run by the likes of you and the shitbags that run with you.

The only bipartisan effort I'll accept is you hanging yourself and me buying the rope for you.
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Offline njpines

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2010, 10:49:50 AM »
No. Go **** yourself. I won't leave my children to have their lives run by the likes of you and the shitbags that run with you.

The only bipartisan effort I'll accept is you hanging yourself and me buying the rope for you.

 :clap: :clap: :clap:
Piney Power!!

Grow your own dope -- plant a Democrat!

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"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." -- Quest for the Holy Grail

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2010, 10:51:27 AM »
No. Go **** yourself. I won't leave my children to have their lives run by the likes of you and the shitbags that run with you.

The only bipartisan effort I'll accept is you hanging yourself and me buying the rope for you.

Would you at least knock the stool out from under him?  (I would.)
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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2010, 11:09:32 AM »
Would you at least knock the stool out from under him?  (I would.)
Just to make sure they don't **** it up like everything else in their misbegotten, meaningless lives?

According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2010, 11:18:25 AM »
Just to make sure they don't **** it up like everything else in their misbegotten, meaningless lives?


I was thinkin' I'd light it on fire, just to make it a little more entertaining.
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Offline Peter3_1

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2010, 03:30:47 PM »
The sort of governmebt they support ALWAYS brings suffering, deprivation and death. Yet they see it as a Nirvana. Their position qualifies as insanity, yet many in the press ans "mainstream" commuincations just can't wait for it! 

Their thinking is alien to me.

Offline miskie

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Re: primitive claims he's an American like everyone else ............. HA!
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2010, 04:34:37 PM »
I was thinkin' I'd light it on fire, just to make it a little more entertaining.

Will the stool be wrapped in chckenwire first ? - cuz, thats like, important and junk..