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Woke Hollywood Can't make good movies.


Mr Mannn:
They cannot stand the classics for their 'whiteness.'
will it come to this: The classics remastered with People of Color replacing original actors and inserted with computer graphics?

Drafe Hoblin:

--- Quote from: Mr Mannn on February 19, 2022, 09:32:03 PM ---They cannot stand the classics for their 'whiteness.'
will it come to this: The classics remastered with People of Color replacing original actors and inserted with computer graphics?

--- End quote ---

All we can do is not watch and let the current-craze die-off.  It will. 

You hit on computer graphics (computer-graphic imaging).  That's an equally undigestible component to modern movie-making when it's overused.   

Drafe Hoblin:
It looks like IMDB deleted it, but there's a Sammy Davis Jr. World War 2 movie from around 1970, where he plays an infrantryman caught-up in a German espionage-plot.  Davis' unit is infiltrated with a spy, who's systematically murdering the team.

Davis isn't sure who it is, but he accidentally pisses-off a teammate who reacts by calling him a 'Niger', like the River (or German-pronunciation of the 'N-word'). 

Davis machineguns the guy, yelling:  " Nyjer?!!  It's Ni*************er!!!!! "  And the movie ends. 

It's a pretty powerful scene, that sort of trumps Jim Brown in Dirty Dozen and Carl Weathers in Force 10 From Navarone.


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