Author Topic: Who's To Blame For The Elite Extreme Left?  (Read 208 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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Who's To Blame For The Elite Extreme Left?
« on: February 10, 2024, 01:55:33 PM »
Who's To Blame For The Elite Extreme Left?

Many writers decry the American political scene as “too divisive.” But I don’t think this goes to the root of our political problems. A much more serious concern is that a very powerful minority of Americans reject the core principles upon which our Constitution and our society rest: principles of Western Civilization, republican government, and the Judeo-Christian heritage.

In the view of this minority, the American Founding was a crime, people should be judged largely on race and gender, elections should be manipulated (to protect “our democracy”), the traditional family structure should be abandoned, sexual mores should be perverted, and government should be nearly omnipotent.

These ideas resemble a variant of fascism in which everyone serves the state and individual rights—economic and political—are exercised only by the elite’s permission. This minority not only believe these things themselves, but they want to force you to accept them also. They’re authoritarian, even totalitarian.

When the rest of us push back against their agenda, it isn’t “divisiveness.” It’s self-defense.

The elites. The enemy within. Who are they?

Scott Rasmussen, the national pollster, set out to learn who these agenda-setters are. His polling results—some of which were publicized in The Epoch Times by Newt Gingrich—provide some answers. Mr. Rasmussen’s results also point toward the culprits who created this dangerous class of people.

When conducting general surveys, Mr. Rasmussen noticed that most people expressing extreme leftist views share three characteristics: (1) they are very urban; (2) they hold postgraduate university degrees; and (3) they are relatively wealthy. People meeting all these criteria make up about 1 percent of the general population.

I would have guessed our agenda-setters comprise more than 1 percent, but as it turns out, they amount to even less than that.

Anyway, Mr. Rasmussen decided to poll a national sample of these people: urbanites with post-grad degrees who had an income of more than $150,000 per year.

He found that their economic situations and political views are remote from those of most Americans. While most Americans have been suffering hardship during the Biden years, the 1 percent has been prospering. While most Americans are concerned about inflation, illegal immigration, and border security, the 1 percent couldn’t care less.

The elites are out of touch.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 02:12:22 PM by Ptarmigan »
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