Author Topic: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie (rsmith6612)  (Read 7559 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2013: #09 Top DUmmie (rsmith6612)
« on: December 25, 2013, 01:26:21 PM »
Congratulations to rsmith6621, #09 Top DUmmie of 2013!

This is rsmith6621’s first appearance in the Top DUmmies; he hadn’t even made it into the top twenty in 2012, when everybody and his uncle did.

rsmith6621 is on the other side of sixty, a little bit stout with man-tits, jowly, bushy eyebrows, and his big ears pasted too close to his head.

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rsmith6621 made his first appearance in the DUmpster, a modest one, in late January 2008, commenting upon a then-recent Democrat presidential debate:

rsmith6621 (1000+ posts) Tue Jan-22-08 09:14 AM
Original message

In a nutshell: Edwards stomped Obama and Hillary last night!

.....he exposed them for what they are.......DLCers.,1243.0

provoking this response from yours truly:

I dunno.

I didn't see the debates, but if Messalina Agrippina came out swinging with boxing gloves on, it must have been great. Messalina Agrippina's got to do more of that.

Now, I'm somewhat, uh, skeptical of the primitives, especially since they have Pedro Picasso as their media analyst.

Anybody watch this debate?

Did Edwards win it, or did someone else really win it?

eliciting this illumination from Wretched Excess:

I watched all of it until it turned into a therapy session. edwards got his ass handed to him. the BarackStar was rather good, and hillary was aggressive. edwards came off whiney and effeminate, which is probably why the DUmmies think he won.

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The #09 Top DUmmie of 2013 quickly established himself as a story-teller sans peer:

rsmith6621 (1000+ posts) Thu Feb-21-08 07:09 PM
Original message

I Just Exploded At My Local Gas Station

.....NOT REALLY BUT!!!!!!

I noticed as I pulled the nozzle back from the pump and looked at the price and blew up....the price has rose over .30 cents in the past ten days in my home city south of Seattle.

After I was through pumping and got my receipt I just could not restrain myself anymore and went inside and talked to the manager and ironically was asked if I would like to fill out a customer comment card on my service for the day, I said I'd be happy to.

The jist of my comments was to state that I am tired of being played with as far as gas prices go...there up .30 cents one week there down 20 cents the next while oil company executives and companies are making gross profits and bonuses. I stated why don't they just raise them 50 cents and get it over with.......then I handed it to the manager and said thanks and asked her to read it.

Her expression went from calm to baffled....she said WOW what a statement do you really mean this I said yes. I said if OPEC would just stop using supply and demand which they control as an excuse it wouldn't so bad..I'm tired of being bullshitted...I then continued by telling her I work in the Aviation industry in a very complex job where peoples lives and aircraft safety are directly are directly in my hands. I said I am directly the one who controls the fuel cost at my company and have had my salary devalued as a direct result of fuel prices and my industry's stubbornest to ask the consumer to pony up as well more $$$ for their fare.

She asked me if there was anything else she could help me with, I said yes be sure the customer comment card get to the person who has the most ability to respond to this issue and pass on my further comments as well.

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Famous for his malapropped letters to the editors and cover letters for his wife’s applications for jobs, he soared into greatness this past year.

rsmith6621 (6,401 posts) Wed Jan 2, 2013, 07:26 PM

Happy New Year.... You Have Been Laid Off

Just got a call from the HR idiot at a company that I have been at since last May.

Love the way they tell you. They tell you stuff you already know about why they are cutting you lose.

Had I been given a disclosure statement about the company's finances when I interviewed I would not have spent the 2K to relocate 200 miles or signed a 1 year lease on a pad.

The company has not been on time with payroll since October, they have had several property's repossessed, like Mitt Romney would not pay for traveling employees hotel stays when they were on the road because the credit card declined at check out.

Two months ago they hired three people who lived more than 1500 mile away and three days after their start they were let go.

Tonight I am considering my options. I am, hoping that Oregon Worksource has retraining programs for dislocated workers as I think it is time to change direction. I will be making phone calls tomorrow.

Thanks in advance for your concern.

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rsmith6621 (6,413 posts) Tue Jan 15, 2013, 01:33 PM

Two Weeks Since I Lost My Job.... An Interesting Revelation

Two weeks ago today I was laid off from a job that I was only at for 7 months. I had to use up much of my savings to relocate from Seattle to McMinnville Oregon in the process of which I will never get back as my company did not offer relocation monies.

My wife and I had to break a 1 year lease so we could relocate back to Seattle and yes it was not a cheap move back but had to be done as the Yamhill county/McMinnville area is depressed. Our landlord was gracious with us and allowed us out of the lease without any further expense, we left his rental in better shape than when we moved in and he gave us a statement stating he was vacating the lease due to the situation.

During the closing out of our affairs I found out some interesting revelations about my company and the owner. McMinville/Yamhill county has a population of about 200k people. The company failed to pay the employees on time for 3 months until the local paper did a SHAME piece of their state of financial affairs, it painted a dismal picture of the company. But their bleak financial affairs are not limited to just the domestic and international theater, they are the same locally adding to the local areas depression. The company is severely in debt from a limited amount of research I did in the neighborhood of a million $$ this is to hotels,public storage, utility company's, print shops,office supply, and contractors, there are more. A MILLION $$$ in a community of 30K is a hell of a lot of money.

The revelation

The owner during the elections had the front lawn decorated with local and national republican candidates signs. It was then I realized just what kind of a company I worked for. The way this company handles its affairs is much like the republicans handle affairs nationally,they just kick it down the road and force someone else to pay for it,namely the little guy

Again I used up most of my savings in the relocation. One month into my employment I saw the first signs of financial distress when the company was being denied credit for large amounts of fuel because of failure to pay,shortly there after finding out the company's financial affairs were very deep.This has led me to think that since the company wants to know how I handle my affairs shouldn't we have a level playing field and be able to see how the prospective employer handles theirs?? I am planning meeting with my local state lawmakers and Rep. Adam Smith and begin pushing for two way disclosure. Had I known the company was in the crapper financially I likely would have not taken the position. I think this is only fair.

I would encourage each member of DU to consider pushing your local and national elected leaders to do the same thing. This is one way we can take back our power and end needless irrelevant intrusiveness into our lives.

I am actually relieved to have been laid off,it was like the Titanic being lifted off my shoulders and a breathe of fresh air.

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rsmith6621 (6,473 posts)   Fri Feb 8, 2013, 04:12 PM

The Truth Was Deliverd This Morning at Home Depot

Went to HD this morning to pick up some batterys for the flashlight and a belt/filter for the vacuum cleaner.

While I was there I took time to walk around and see some of the new items in stock. I stepped into the flooring department to look at a box of carpet scraps I though would work good for car floor matts and at $2 bucks for a 18x18 inch sqaure that is very cheap for something that will get dirty anyhow.

Went up to the sales clerk who was helping a couple to see if they could square a corner and WAHLA the couple is one of the community's wealthiest residents. They were looking at some tile that was $15 a square. While the clerk was squaring up my carpet the rich man made a comment to the sames clerk that if it wasn't for the fact he was going to pay more tax this year Home Depot wouldn't get their BIZ.

He basically made the statement that he works hard for his money and should be rewarded with a larger tax cut and told the clerk if he worked hard he to should not have to pay higher tax.

I lost it and said "SIR can you tell me in the IRS TAX CODE where it says you should be rewarded based on the amount of work you do?... I said I dont believe there is a paragraph that say work hard pay less..RIGHT.

He said he was going to leave the store when I said DONT..why are you going to punish the clerk for our disagreement and after all you wont find that tile any cheaper elsewhere and I walked.

Dreamer Tatum (6,710 posts)   Fri Feb 8, 2013, 04:16 PM

1. What's it like, getting into a political argument every time you go anywhere?

Seems like every time you go anywhere, you run into conservatives who spout their every thought just as you arrive, and you have to slap them down. Every time.

That must be exhausting.

rsmith6621 (6,473 posts)   Fri Feb 8, 2013, 09:57 PM

2nd Encounter of the Day.... Over guns this time

Earlier today I called out a millionaire over a comment made about taxes and how he was bitching that he could only afford marble tile that is $15 a square.

Well tonight I grabbed my jingle bells and and called out a person who exposed his 9mm that he was concealing, he did have a permit.We were in line at the grocery store He reached for his wallet and the gun in the holster was exposed to me so I said can you wait for a moment I have a question to ask you.

I got checked out and towards the entrance I asked him " Do you carry liability insurance on that gun" no he said. I asked why not, he said there was no need for it. I then asked what if it was stolen and the criminal injured an innocent victim who will pay for their medical care, he said I guess the victim would. I said is that fair and his response was well I didnt shoot them. I then asked if he carry's liability and theft on his car to which he answered yes I do I said why. To protect myself against financial liability if my car is involved in a car accident.

I said again why shouldn't you also carry liability insurance on your gun... THE BELLS AND WHISTLES WENT OFF and then he understood my question. I said thanks for the minute of your time and told him I only owned a 22 rifle for a few months and sold back to the store I bought it from a few years ago.

I told him I have no issue with people owning guns but I do when they are obsessed with assault rifles and large clips and will not accept any changes for background checks,training and metal evaluation and a longer waiting period. I closed by saying thanks for the time and I hope you understand that the other side of the argument aren't that irrational as well. He said thanks for making a point he had never considered and left.

I watched him get in his truck and leave the p-lot and then went to my car...just to make sure.

We should be asking for our state legislatures to consider gun liability insurance and making hunting licenses applicable to certain types of guns.... Thats a start.

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rsmith6621 (6,518 posts) Sat Mar 2, 2013, 01:06 PM

8. Took My 29 YO Daughter To The ER

...last week for tooth pain. After the Dr told her "you know we don't staff Dentist in the ER don't you" he wrote her perscipts of antibiotics, aspirin and Vicodin and we didn't see from him again.

The financial counselor came in and took information down and then asked her for her insurance card,she is unemployed and no insurance. So the worker said the total for a 7 minute visit was $601 BUT if she paid NOW it would only be $325,she has no income.

I spoke up and asked the worker if they had any grant apps she could fill out and she gave her the standard hospital charity poverty form. So then I said to her if you will accept $325 now why wont you accept it in 2 weeks when she gets her tax return back. She was unable to answer.

I said that $325 is what the visit really cost right and $601 is what you would charge an insurance company right she agreed. So basically I said you use this discount in fact to further hammer down those with nothing and exploit peoples insurance? She said those are the options have a good day.

My wife and I took the charity form from our daughter to fill out, one of those corporate hospital donors can pay the bill.

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« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 06:13:03 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2013, 01:27:35 PM »
rsmith6621 (6,529 posts)   Wed Mar 6, 2013, 12:31 PM

Got in a PISSER With The Landlord

..Went down to get a new switch plate for the light switch this morning. The landlord ask me how I was doing with my job search, I said WELL I just got approved for another 26 weeks of unemployment benefits so I can start and finish out my training program.I am working towards my Class A CDL.

She asked who is paying for the training program I said the state and WIA. She said why should the state pay for you to retrain for a new job. I said so I can get back to work and get off of UE. She said WELL!!! the state shouldnt have to pay for every unfortunate circumstance in your life. I replied and reminded her that 25% of her rents were being paid by UE benefits currently and that those benefits are saving her property management company thousands in legal cost not having to evict people and adding to the bottom line.

I closed by saying if the state shouldn't be paying for this then how about we make corporations pay, they are the ones laying people off not the state. Perhaps they took a risk in hiring me so why shouldn't the risk include retraining me if they fall on hard times, that is not my fault.

Her eyes just rolled to the back of her head.

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rsmith6621 (6,554 posts) Sun Mar 17, 2013, 04:55 PM

What A Busy Day Yesterday Was...... 9 Meetings.

I beat my all time daily record for meeting with political leaders that serve my area.

I had breakfast of green pancakes with Congressman Jim McDermott in the morning we talked about being over 50 and unemployed and social security cuts that Obama is talking about while pouring maple syrup. He was receptive about my experience of being unemployed and my age, he said to keep him up to date of my experiences. He also indicated that Obama has been a disappointment and unwilling to draw a line in the sand

The remainder of the day I met with 4 city council members from two citys 3 State Reps and a State Senator and the discussions ranged from the building of an entertainment facility in my city to education. All of these were individual meetings.

I was asked if I have ever considered a run for school board. Currently our schools are scoring a D- in national scores and currently all because of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. Our children are spending valuable time setting goals and preparing for test that could be used actually learning something. Our district is hesitant about developing a career training institute to prepare the kids for employment after graduation and we only have STEM in one school out of 10 that it could be in.

Our city wonders why manufacturing and corporation overlook us when considering a place to establish their business.

I cant do anything currently until my wife and I get out of the temporary housing we are in and will be in until I finish my current training.

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rsmith6621 (6,603 posts)   Sun Apr 7, 2013, 05:47 PM

So the Nurse at The Coffee Shop....

...said to an employee the hospital she works at passed an E-memo waring employees that they will no longer be getting their healthcare at no charge stating Jan 1 2014. She said she will now have to pay about $100 a month for her and her family of 3.

She was complaining that she felt it unfair that she was now going to have to start paying for those who wont work or wont pay.

So I addressed her grievance with in a short fashion.... I said currently when someone comes in to the hospital emergency room and then declares they are insolvent let say because of a job loss who pays the bill then?

She said it is written off as a loss, I said how can a hospital write these off as losses without going out of business,by overcharging for current services and hospital medication right? She said likely. I said then how much do you think think these write offs add to the cost of procedures and ultimately health insurance cost?.... Her reply was I DONT KNOW.

I encouraged her to do some research to see how much she would have to pay if the hospital did as many employers do and split the premium cost with the employee and the fact she has been getting it for free could simply be revoked because of other cost like to pay the executive staff.

She said she just thinks it is unfair that she has to pay something just to level the field. I said do your research and you will see you are likely already paying to level the field and getting less for it. And reminded he that Bush handed PHARM companys many billions a year so Grandma could get her meds at a price closer to the real cost they are and I said you are paying for that everyday you work in income taxes...

I closed by saying your employer is likely trying to impose a political point of view on you and they hope you don't notice.

Also... She kept calling healthcare a PRIVILEGE..I said healthcare shouldn't be a privilege or a should be a RIGHT

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rsmith6621 (6,612 posts) Sun Apr 14, 2013, 12:24 AM

So Ted Kennedy Was Behind No Child Left Behind???

I was not aware of that until tonight watching the DVD Waiting For Superman.

The movie has changed a few of my core beliefs about education.....

Provoking this response from JohnnyReb:

The smartest people alive get there information from movies????????????????????????

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rsmith6621 (6,647 posts)   Wed May 8, 2013, 09:51 PM

I Recieved My First Political Appointment

I have live in my city for over 40 years. I have always had interest in political matter,I have worked on several campaigns.

In 2011 during the OWS movement my political spirit rose to a new level of engagement when I organized a OWS group in my community. We later discovered that our group was more of local activism then an national protest group and we began to develop relationships with our city leaders without being friends.

We addressed low grades and a high drop rates in our schools, forced our city council to have to actually explain issues then just rush them to a vote and continued to expand our circle of influence to our state and national leaders which included our State Superintendent of Public Instruction and two Congressional Reps.

I had to move last June for a new job in Oregon and missed my group. In the mean time the other leader fell ill and had to drop the regular meetings due to no one stepping up. I lost that job in January and was back home in less than a week and picked up like I never left. My local chair asked me to assume two high profile positions after I just felt like our group had lost it steam.

I was asked to consider a run for local office and due to my current housing situation it makes it a difficult task to due so, most of you know what I am saying. I have made intention for 2015 unless some positions come up for appointments which may happen.

A month ago the city was looking to fill some commission vacancy's so I went ahead and applied,two weeks ago I got a call from the city clerk scheduling me an interview with the full council. That interview was last night and lasted 15 minutes and there were three of us.

The recessed to their boardroom behind council chambers for deliberations. I naturally stayed for the regular council meeting and waited for the decision. Halfway through the item came up and myself and one other were nominated and voted unanimously in as commissioners of Parks and Rec. What was interesting a few of the council members took a few minutes after the meeting to speak with me in private. They said they have appreciated the respect that I have always addressed them in person and in some of my guest editorials in the local paper.They have appreciated my thoughtful creative solutions I have offered up. I was told by one council member of the opposite party that they believe one day I will have a seat at the big table.

I am humbled by this opportunity, times like this I wished my parents were both alive to share this accomplishment with.

Even though it is easy to send nasty grams to our elected officials I think respectful, thoughtful conversation with a recommendation for a solution is a better way to go.

BTW... I have a meeting with my Congressman next month to discuss an issue related to call centers, I let you know how that works.

Provoking this response from GOBUCKS:

What an opportunity for DUmmy rsmithnumbers!

If he does a great job, after a few years he may move up to reporting grassfires without pay for the local pennysaver.

Way to go, DUmmy rsmithnumbers!

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rsmith6621 (6,650 posts)   Sat May 11, 2013, 10:36 PM

So I Saw an Old Acquaintance at the Farmers Market Today...Jeez Louise

Went to opening day of the community's Farmers Market and yes ELVIS was their[sic]

Anyhow ran across an old member of a church my wife and I once belong to. We visited for a bit then he asked me if I was the same RSmith that was writing for the local paper in which I said, yes it is, do you like what I say. Anyhow that led into a discussion about the affairs of the city in which we agreed on most issues.

He went on and on and bitched up a storm equal to Katrina about how bad the leaders of the community are. I said, WELL, nothing gets done sitting on your couch at home reading the local paper, you have to get in their face.

Then he said something that just delighted me with glee... He said if we had more conservative republicans on the council we would be doing much better. I then responded by saying The Mayor and six of the seven members are conservative republicans, just how much better would one more conservative make it and then said everyone of them are the problem...

It was like Mastercard. A PRICELESS moment just watching him stammer for words to say clearly.

Slam Dunk on the uninformed.

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rsmith6621 (6,652 posts)  Mon May 20, 2013, 11:53 PM

Blew A Family Values Pastor Away Today..

He was talking to someone about the sacredness of family values to someone while waiting for the oil change on his car.

So I asked him "how did the first daughter come to be" he said she was born of Eve in which I said but the Bible says nothing of any other children except for Cain and Abel. I then said wouldnt it have had to been incest between the sons and Eve.

That is when the needle in his head started to skip and he couldnt speak a coherent thought. I then said you have to admit the bible doesn't tell the whole story and is fatally flawed.

He just told me to pray on it,I recommended he pray more.

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rsmith6621 (6,663 posts)   Fri Jun 14, 2013, 11:20 PM

The Man of God Got It Handed Back To Him.

Today at my Class A CDL driving class while on a drive during a switch of drivers the new driver was taking his dear sweet time to get the truck on the road. The instructor said to him that he did not want to die an old man in the truck which by coincidence was parked by a cemetery. The instructor after he missed a more than safe chance to get on the road then said he only has this one opportunity to live cause this was it.

The guy looked at him and said "dont you believe in the after life" the instructor said yes I believe afterlife I believe after my family spreads my ashes they will either become a part of the weeds which the birds will crap out and then I will live another life as fertilizer until my nutrients convert into something else... then he said " you will either go to heaven or hell and not become a weed. The instructor getting tired of it all said I believe in the after life like Santa Clause does, and said get the truck on the road.

Meanwhile the other three of us who were sitting in the back were wondering if this guy was going to whip out an assault rifle and shoot us. Then he said sometimes God takes things away from us because He is disappointed in our choices.

Well this guy is homeless, living in a van and dresses like a dirty hobo is paying for school on Goodwill scholarship. Well when we got back to school one of the Korean student popped his cork and said what did you do to piss your God off. He went ballistic on the kid and said "what do you mean" in the kids Korean dialect said "did you have a home before you lived in your van" Yes he said. So what did you do to piss your God off that caused you to live in a van now, what did you do"

Silence occurred and he walked off the school property. Dont know if he will be back.

So either he realized what he was preaching has no substance or realized his preaching style was not appropriate.

edit: If I see him again as a former associate pastor I am going to council him on when you stop ministering and where it is appropriate cause obviously he hasn't been mentored properly. His antics today cost us 10 minutes of learning time.

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rsmith6621 (6,665 posts) Sat Jun 15, 2013, 10:22 PM

Looking For A Job Today AND....... WTF

I am testing next week for a Class A CDL and am being proactive in my job search.

Well I found an ad for a local distribution company that supply's restaurants and stores with food related products.

Now remember this is a job to just drive a truck with a 53ft trailer around the region in various types of traffic situations.

Besides the normal ladadadah...must have 2 years experience blah blah blah, it also said...wait for it...wait for it...MUST HAVE A BACHELORS IN TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT...yes to drive a truck. This is the first time I have seen this requirement and the position only pays $18.00 an hour.

My wife and I talked it out a bit to find the rational and the only thing that was reasonable was they want someone who has debt they need to pay off so there is a stronger commitment to the job and nothing else.

I am beginning to believe more and more that collusion is taking place with employers,higher education and financial institutions to see that we are in debt thus making us slaves to the system.

A 4 year degree to drive a TRUCK...kidding me?

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rsmith6621 (6,690 posts)   Fri Jun 28, 2013, 12:56 AM

So Anyhow I Took My CLASS A CDL Skills Test ...

....and failed the second step(AKA BACKING)

My pre-trip presentation was almost spotless. Apparently on one of my backing exercises I stopped short of the docking boundary, basically I stopped on the front side of the cones. That cost me ten points and along with a couple other pullups that I got charged for. I exceeded the max points allowed.

The examiner explained to me that I would have been better off to have backed the truck and trailer through the rear set of cones which represent the wall of the loading dock, i would have only been charged 2 points. I thought about that remark all the way home and just said WTF, they would rather see me do damage to the truck and trailer and the building in effect and not to mention potential harm to humans than stop short?

Somethings just don't make sense. Anyhow they made 100 bucks and know I will return next week.

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rsmith6621 (6,695 posts)   Wed Jul 3, 2013, 01:05 PM

Unrealistic Expectation of Hospital Finance Personal

In May while I was at a city council meeting my phone text buzzer went off. It was a message from my wife telling me I must leave now as she quickly broke out with a rash and some major swelling of her face,throat and limbs.

I got home and yes she was in horrible shape and in 5 minutes we were in the hospital emergency room. They took her back to a room, did all the vitals and then she laid there for 20 minutes waiting for the Doctor.

When the Doctor came in she looked her over and went to a medicine cabinet and had her take two bynadryls(something like that) and she left the room for about 20 more minutes. In the mean time the swelling started to go down and the rash subsided. The Doctor returned and spent 10 minutes writing a script and advising her on how to handle the issue for the next few days.

The next day she was fine.

So we are not currently covered by insurance and the bill for 1 hour plus 2 pills was $2500. While there the financial person came in the room and told us if we paid that night in full it would be what the insurance company would be billed of $500. I don't have the money right now can I pay $50 tonight and qualify for the discount. Yes the women said.

So last month we got the bill and it was for $2450 so I called the billing department and reminded them of the $50 I paid and the discount they said I would get for the partial payment. I reminded them we were not covered and a 1 income family so they sent me some charity paperwork that I filled out and sent in that day.

Yesterday they called demanding full payment NOW or else our credit would be damaged. I reminded them about my request for assistance and reminded them of the charity application. The agent said well we need your full payment now and if charity pays we will refund you. I said to her I don't have a spare $2450 to pay you, I can sent you $50 more dollars.

She got demanding and I asked her if she could pay up $2450 today on any bill TODAY... NO she said, I said then why do you expect me to, I am unemployed looking for work and my wife works a min wage job. And then I said why is it you will take $500 the day of the visit and that is the only time, could you pay even $500 today, she said no again. I said I guess your rep was lying right?

I said to her then then don't expect me to either. If you want to set up payments of $50 a month I can do that otherwise this conversation is over until the charity group finishes up their review. She then said if you accept a payment plan the charity offer is off.

You cant win, It is just great how some business can exploit you in a time of need

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rsmith6621 (6,716 posts)  Tue Jul 23, 2013, 12:39 AM

So Anyhow... More on The Affordable Healthcare Act

I started a new job today. During the 1st module of training we talked about company, culture,history, filled out some papaerwork and talked about sexual harassment... We also talked about the company healthcare plan and cost.

Its a great healthcare plan and has very low deductible and O O P expenses with the office co-pay waived so basically our cost to use it is very little, VERY NICE.

The only problem is it cost about 1/3 of the monthly salary for an employee and spouse, I cant afford that as my spouse is not working.

During the next break the class was outside and talking about that. So of course with my political knowledge I told the group to hold off enrolling in it until Washington State starts its Medicaid enrollment in October and see what the cost will be. We don't need to have the paperwork in to HR until Oct 31st.

I have come to the conclusion the company has the cost high so that many employees decline coverage,am I wrong to think that?

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rsmith6621 (6,717 posts)   Thu Jul 25, 2013, 09:56 PM

i Think I May Like My New CEO.

Started a new job this past Monday. Yesterday the CEO cam and spoke to us new hires in training.

My new boss(CEO) may actually be leaning liberal. He talks of environmental responsibility in liberal speak. Talks about how the company is on target to have the entire fleet on natural gas. Provides employees a means to make additional income without working more than the scheduled 40 hours, and is working towards reducing the amount of paper through implementation in to technology.

He is a proponent of public transportation, loves the idea of high speed rail and the expansion of electric power cars. He is for wind and solar energy and has plans to convert the HQ over to that in the next 3 years.

Encourages employees to be involved in picking trash up in their community's.

Also said that anyone who listens to Foxnews should have their heads examine if you really believe that is informative.

Best of all he provides an opportunity for employees to pay THEMSELVES more $$$ without working more than 40 hours.

Yep I think this guy and some employees are speaking my favorite language.

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rsmith6621 (6,751 posts)   Fri Sep 27, 2013, 08:58 PM

So Anyhow..... I Passed The Test

Yesterday morning I finally brought to an end a summer of struggle and passed the Washington State Class A CDL road test and got my license to drive the big trucks.

I was having issues with the required 90 degree backing turn in the past two test and like magic yesterday morning it all came together.

Now on to hopefully find a job that will keep me home at night so I can continue to be politically active in my community.

So If you live in the Seattle area ya better watch out cause you never know who will be in that big rig.

- - - - - - - - - -

rsmith6621 (6,752 posts)   Tue Oct 1, 2013, 06:36 PM


a customer of mine who claims she has done extensive analysis for company's of less than 400 employees on the cost of the ACA.

She said it will cost these corporation around 350K to implement the ACA which will put many in a financial tailspin. So I asked her if those same company's have ever received a subsidy or significant tax break from the government. She said YES quite a few.

I asked her what would have happened if they didn't get the credits to start the business. OH most would have never got of the ground.

So I closed by saying they took subsidy's to help them out but the wont cooperate in something that will help their bottomline by reducing workplace illness and giving their employees a peace of mind. I said perhaps if a company can not get off the ground on their own they should not start a business to begin with. I said in most cases 350K is less than 1% of the total profit revenue.

BTW she lives in a 750K home... can you say selfish.

- - - - - - - - - -

rsmith6621 (6,756 posts)   Sat Oct 26, 2013, 08:30 PM

Got A Job Offer...

Got my CDL-A last month. Got a job offer to drive a oil fracking truck today in North Dakota. The pay is nearly 100K annually plus med-benefits are 100%.

This is three times my current salary.

What would you do a a democrat? take it or walk away?

- - - - - - - - - -

rsmith6621 (6,767 posts)    Thu Nov 28, 2013, 03:34 PM

Gave Them Hell At Best Buy This Morning

I went out to fetch my wife and I some espresso at a ma and pa coffee shop. So on the way back I drove by the Best Buy in town.

There were 10-12 people camped out on the sidewalk shivering away on their cell phones not really looking like they were enjoying themselves or the wait. I rolled down my window and said why dont you go home and enjoy your family or friends and some hot dinner and STOP GIVING CORPORATIONS PERMISSION TO LOWER THE BAR ON ITS WORKERS AND YOURSELVES.

I told them their BLACK FRIDAY purchases could be done cheaper online and the sale price really isnt a sale at all.

I got the dead stare look like I was talking to zombies.

^^^later self-deleted.

- - - - - - - - -

rsmith6621 (6,772 posts) Sun Dec 8, 2013, 05:51 PM

Anyone know how to have info on a tenant background check removed

Just found out I am a FELON in 5 different states(SURPRISE TO ME) while a prospective landlord ran a background report. How do I get this removed.

I hope my truthful denial of this received as a profile mistake and the landlord didn't choose another tenant before my explanation.

If not do I have grounds for a lawsuit against the reporting agency?

- - - - - - - - - -

So help me, no comment.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2013, 01:51:54 PM »
What a tangled web we weave...

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2013, 04:11:53 PM »
Interesting timeline:

rsmith6621 (6,665 posts) Sat Jun 15, 2013, 10:22 PM

Looking For A Job Today AND....... WTF

I am testing next week for a Class A CDL

rsmith6621 (6,690 posts)   Fri Jun 28, 2013, 12:56 AM

So Anyhow I Took My CLASS A CDL Skills Test ...

....and failed the second step(AKA BACKING)

rsmith6621 (6,717 posts)   Thu Jul 25, 2013, 09:56 PM

i Think I May Like My New CEO.

Started a new job this past Monday. Yesterday the CEO cam and spoke to us new hires in training.

My new boss(CEO) may actually be leaning liberal. He talks of environmental responsibility in liberal speak. Talks about how the company is on target to have the entire fleet on natural gas.

rsmith6621 (6,751 posts)   Fri Sep 27, 2013, 08:58 PM

So Anyhow..... I Passed The Test

rsmith6621 (6,756 posts)   Sat Oct 26, 2013, 08:30 PM

Got A Job Offer...

What happened to the job he got driving in July, before he passed the test?

Anywho, another one that I didn't vote for.

Is my vote in the ballot bag in the trunk of the car that will only get found if the desired results are not achieved?  :tongue:

Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 04:34:46 PM »
The primitive certainly has an active imagination.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2013, 05:12:56 PM »
I'd have to look, but, I might have included the self important twit on my list.

I work in the Aviation industry in a very complex job where peoples lives and aircraft safety are directly are directly in my hands.
Tool crib attendant.  :lmao:
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2013, 05:19:57 PM »
rsmith6621 (6,767 posts)    Thu Nov 28, 2013, 03:34 PM

Gave Them Hell At Best Buy This Morning

I went out to fetch my wife and I some espresso at a ma and pa coffee shop. So on the way back I drove by the Best Buy in town.

There were 10-12 people camped out on the sidewalk shivering away on their cell phones not really looking like they were enjoying themselves or the wait. I rolled down my window and said why dont you go home and enjoy your family or friends and some hot dinner and STOP GIVING CORPORATIONS PERMISSION TO LOWER THE BAR ON ITS WORKERS AND YOURSELVES.

I told them their BLACK FRIDAY purchases could be done cheaper online and the sale price really isnt a sale at all.

I got the dead stare look like I was talking to zombies.

^^^later self-deleted.

Well, I remember this thread being a good doosey!
rsmithnumbers lambasting all comers about the plight of the poor working stiffs held captive inside the big box stores.
Until someone mentioned the "ma and pa" coffeeshop he had stopped at earlier, what about those poor captives forced to work their holiday in order to satisfy rsmithnumbrs his EXSPESSO.

rsmithnumbers tried valiantly to hold off the villagers that had the torches and the pitchforks. For a little while, then he pulled his OP out by the roots and went home to sauk and give his poor, long suffering wife her cold coffee.


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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2013, 06:00:11 PM »
rsmith6621 (6,772 posts) Sun Dec 8, 2013, 05:51 PM

Anyone know how to have info on a tenant background check removed

Just found out I am a FELON in 5 different states

With a name like rsmith, you have to be good.

Seriously, though, while poor stupid rsmithnumbers may be the DUmbest person in the entire DUmp, he has a unique talent for comical bouncy tales.

It's like he's an idiot savant, one of those guys who can't feed themselves or tie their shoes but can do complex mathematics.

Poor stupid rsmithnumbers can't learn to back up a truck, or spell, or use proper grammar, but nearly every day he posts an imaginary argument in minute detail.

The dialog is absurd, but rsmithnumbers always makes what he considers to be a brilliant argument shutting up an evil rich repuke or other conservative villain.

Outside of nadin, there are few DUmmies as consistently funny as poor stupid rsmithnumbers.


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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2013, 07:00:57 PM »
Are you sure this isn't The Screwtape Letters?
Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an ax

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2013, 07:03:45 PM »
With a name like rsmith, you have to be good.

Seriously, though, while poor stupid rsmithnumbers may be the DUmbest person in the entire DUmp, he has a unique talent for comical bouncy tales.

It's like he's an idiot savant, one of those guys who can't feed themselves or tie their shoes but can do complex mathematics.

Poor stupid rsmithnumbers can't learn to back up a truck, or spell, or use proper grammar, but nearly every day he posts an imaginary argument in minute detail.

The dialog is absurd, but rsmithnumbers always makes what he considers to be a brilliant argument shutting up an evil rich repuke or other conservative villain.

Outside of nadin, there are few DUmmies as consistently funny as poor stupid rsmithnumbers.

I didn't vote for him--in fact, I'd never paid attention to him, being rather more preoccupied with PoP (primitives of prominence) and PoI (primitives of interest)--but I will admit this was a good choice for the Top DUmmies.

<<<sometimes misses things, and obviously missed this one.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2013, 11:00:32 PM »
Interesting...a nobody IMHO. But that's what makes this country so greyt!!!

Congrats to a...what were we talking about again???  :-)
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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2013, 12:27:17 AM »
I shamlessly nominated rsmith, and then I voted for him.

I have no regrets.  The sheer idiocy of his bouncies and "work" history are pillars enough to hold up his finish at #9.  

Sometimes, the picture one paints in their head of a primitive is funnier than how they turn out to look in real life.

Not so with the rsmith primitive.  I couldn't believe how gutter stupid he looked.  It was, and still is, amazing to me.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 12:30:33 AM by BattleHymn »

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2013, 12:52:49 AM »
I said that $325 is what the visit really cost right and $601 is what you would charge an insurance company right she agreed. So basically I said you use this discount in fact to further hammer down those with nothing and exploit peoples insurance? She said those are the options have a good day.

My wife and I took the charity form from our daughter to fill out, one of those corporate hospital donors can pay the bill.

Contracted insurance companies (PPO) usually pay a lot less then cash customers.

I'm glad one of the evil corporations paid for his daughter's medical care.

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2013, 01:00:08 AM »
I shamlessly nominated rsmith, and then I voted for him.

I have no regrets.  The sheer idiocy of his bouncies and "work" history are pillars enough to hold up his finish at #9.  

Sometimes, the picture one paints in their head of a primitive is funnier than how they turn out to look in real life.

Not so with the rsmith primitive.  I couldn't believe how gutter stupid he looked.  It was, and still is, amazing to me.
I had placed him a couple slots above tavernturd.
His bombastic statement..
I work in the Aviation industry in a very complex job where peoples lives and aircraft safety are directly are directly in my hands.
, placed him there.
Then he popped up with this....
I said I am directly the one who controls the fuel cost at my company and have had my salary devalued as a direct result of fuel prices and my industry's stubbornest to ask the consumer to pony up as well more $$$ for their fare.
Now, I know exactly who flies out of McMinnville, Oregon. It is not a passenger oriented company. They fly cargo.
Cargo does not pay a fare, it pays a negotiable rate.
He is ignorant of most all aspects of aviation, which no doubt led to his dismissal.
Buying kerosene from the lowest bidder, is hardly a complex job directly affecting lives and safety. The suppliers product must first meet guide lines.

That company used to be the apex, the top of the line. Lately, it's fallen on hard times.
I'm sure rsmithnumbers contributed to that decline.

His lack of aviation knowledge is only surpassed by aviationPro, the right seat rider on a turd hearse.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2013, 01:11:49 AM »
Cargo does not pay a fare, it pays a negotiable rate.

Yes, but can't you see rsmith having an argument with a piece of cargo about how much it's paying in fare?   I know I can.  :-):popcorn:

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2013, 01:14:56 AM »
Yes, but can't you see rsmith having an argument with a piece of cargo about how much it's paying in fare?   I know I can.  :-):popcorn:
Gimme a buck, box!!
That went over well with the boss.  :lmao:
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2013, 01:19:56 AM »
Gimme a buck, box!!
That went over well with the boss.  :lmao:

Poor rsmith.  

I wonder if he's not grumpy because his man tits have started to bother his back after all these years.  

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2013, 01:26:08 AM »
Poor rsmith.  

I wonder if he's not grumpy because his man tits have started to bother his back after all these years.  
He takes Midol for it. Helps with the pain.
He just has to put up with a nose-bleed every 28 days.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2013, 02:42:45 AM »
I had placed him a couple slots above tavernturd.
His bombastic statement.., placed him there.
Then he popped up with this....Now, I know exactly who flies out of McMinnville, Oregon. It is not a passenger oriented company. They fly cargo.
Cargo does not pay a fare, it pays a negotiable rate.
He is ignorant of most all aspects of aviation, which no doubt led to his dismissal.
Buying kerosene from the lowest bidder, is hardly a complex job directly affecting lives and safety. The suppliers product must first meet guide lines.

That company used to be the apex, the top of the line. Lately, it's fallen on hard times.
I'm sure rsmithnumbers contributed to that decline.

His lack of aviation knowledge is only surpassed by aviationPro, the right seat rider on a turd hearse.

I thought he was back in Washington state. Or driving a truck. Or something.

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2013, 03:00:30 AM »
Yes, but can't you see rsmith having an argument with a piece of cargo about how much it's paying in fare?   I know I can.  :-):popcorn:

Having the argument? Sure. Winning? Not so much.

"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2013, 05:02:07 AM »
I thought he was back in Washington state. Or driving a truck. Or something.


He got hired, then he didn't.

Make sense now?
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2013, 05:45:17 AM »
He got hired, then he didn't.

Make sense now?

Drug tests came back.

I didn't have this guy on my list. :rant:
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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2013, 07:55:06 AM »
I have been a loyal RSmith voter from the very start, and I'm happy he at least made it into the top 10 this year.  I never fail to read his work, which I find immensely entertaining. 

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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2013, 11:35:46 AM »
Yes, but can't you see rsmith having an argument with a piece of cargo about how much it's paying in fare?   I know I can.  :-):popcorn:

I can see the cargo winning and rsmithnumbers going to the DUmp and complaining about being put down by a big expensive customer.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.


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Re: 2013: #09 Top DUmmie
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2013, 01:19:15 PM »
I have been a loyal RSmith voter from the very start, and I'm happy he at least made it into the top 10 this year.  I never fail to read his work, which I find immensely entertaining. 

Karin and rsmithnumbers have been a number for a long time.

She campaigned for him way back in the days before his wife's famous cover letter.

Vindication must be sweet!