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Hugo ChavezJohn GoodmanBree OlsenFrank LautenbergLindsay LohanGary Busey
soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.
I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.
Going to put Bobby Brown on the list now. Just kind of crossing my fingers here.
Joe Pa. How did we miss that?We so suck at dead pool.
It was called on page one.
So looks like Robin Gibb will leave us soon.
I know. Sad.
Maybe some of his work was prophetic...Bee GeesAnd Harder To Climb...
I love the BeeGees.
Staying alive i i i i staying alive! staying alive
When are you gonna' stop all of your "jive talkin' " ?
It's a "Tragedy."
Hey--I've got "Night Fever."