I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry....but I'll play.
Last time I heard anyone play that irritating thing was on one of the very first survivor series. A woman prehaps late 40's came on the show and played that darn thing while everyone was trying to figure out how to build a hut or find food.
I liked that show at first, it was very close to the real deal. After a week or so the men were growing face hair, the woman were growing a rug on their legs and by week 4 the underarm hair was long enough to braid. And this nice woman was seranading them with her music.She actually was kicked off at the first tribal meeting, and the wild life on the island returned.
As one season went into another, the men were now mysteriously clean shaven, the woman were wearing makeup.
I could have put up with the music if the origional story line had been followed. In fact I may have learned to enjoy that darn instriment had it been used as a back drop of a honest to God all is real here program.
Arthur Godfrie had a knack as did Tiney Tim. Only problem with Tim was he only knew a very few songs by heart.
I got this first hand from a friend in Palm Springs Ca.----the gay comunity and actual photos sent.
Seems Tim was appearing in a gay club in the city, my friend had a good size home and a heated pool. He and his friends invited Tim back to the house after his Gig and Tim only agreed to go if someone could get him a free Hooker--female.
A book could be written about the problems these 8 or 10 gay men had finding a hetrosexual hooker for Tim.
I guess they got their moneys worth, all the Pix are of Tim at the pool, fully clothed playing that darn instrument.
I think most of us would go MAD to be stuck on an island where there is just one music other then that of nature to bombard us day and night.