Author Topic: The Talk Like a DUmmy Game.  (Read 14158 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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The Talk Like a DUmmy Game.
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:32:33 PM »
OK, heres the rules. I give a topic, and you have to say something about it, just like a DUmmy.
Then you drop a new topic, and the next guy has to say something about it, just like a DUmmy.

Got it? Here's an example:
Topic: terrorism.
DUmmy Response:
F :censored: Bush! 1000+ posts
There IS no terror! Never was!  :censored:Bush LIHOP to justify war.:drool:
(works self into a frothing lather)  :censored: Bush! Bush :censored:ing Crime syndicate!  :censored:Laura Bush drinks too much!
(breaks keyboard) If we just leave they'll love us! Christians did this! Curse you Fundies! and your :censored: little dog too!
Obama! Obama! (falls on floor, does things even Mia would be shocked at) Save us Obama!
Next topic: Tea Parties