Let's diagnose these assertions:
Seriously, we have a bonified felonName the victim and the crime.
Who is going to get pasted by the releases from the Epstein filesPresident Trump has been in the public eye and pictured with lots of slimeballs. If I were a lib-turd, I'd be a bit more worried about what the Lolita Island files might reveal about high fallutin' Dems.
Who pals around with dictatorsEvidence? President 45/47 occasionally has said he respects the leaders of NoKo, Russia, etc., but that doesn't mean he supports them. Sharter Joe is placating corrupt world leaders, including Iran and Ukraine.
Threatens to jail his opponentsApparently you don't comprehend sarcasm. Similarly DJT's joking assertion that he'd be a dictator on day 1. Perhaps you should examine the dictator in name supposedly running the country now who wants to end fossil fuels, take away natural gas, gas stoves, et al.
And is running in opposition to Pres. Biden.. and the media types are jumping up and down about Joe Bidens debate style being so poor. Not about the content but the delivery..
Joey had content in that debacle of a week ago tonight? Watched the whole thing and he didn't utter a coherent word, nor anything accurate. He beat Medicare?
God give me a break alreadyJust go pray to Satan, Peacetrain.