It took years for my nose to recover from being almost crushed while voting against OhBummer! McCain's envy and bitterness got fully displayed when non-pol Trump won what he, McCain, had worked for for decades and believed he was owed.
As I've acknowledged here or at CU before, I'm one of the few who had the pleasure of voting AGAINST Obama three times rather than for the Republican.
2004 U.S. Senate in Illinois: Voted for Alan Keyes, who got whipped
2008 Presidential election: Voted for John McCain, who lost
2012 Presidential election: Voted for Mitt Romney, who also lost
Based on the scuttlebutt in Illinois in the early 2000's by the lone conservative voices there, I knew he was absolutely awful.
As our current President called him, he was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. Completely terrible policy-wise, but his back story made him palatable to the large group of leftists who still desperately need to keep Black folks on the Democrat plantation.