There is nothing in the Op that is true. Biden is not a good man. Anyone who is friends with former Klan members, lies at a drop of a hat and rakes in money from the worse people on planet Earth and blackmails someone into getting a prosecutor fired that is looking into his kids employer's business dealing is far from being a good man.
Think I responded to one of these slobbering DUmp threads this year describing the actual Joseph Robinette Biden Junior.
He's not a good man. He's not a smart man. He's not an honorable man. He's been a leach off the government teat for 50 years, and used his perceived influence as a "senior" Senator to make money on the sly. His name got Hunter Biden all those jobs with Amtrak and Burisma, among others.
I tend to never trust a politician, who ostensibly works for US who has never worked a day outside of the government or academia. If a politician can't comprehend or explain the components of a Balance Sheet or Income Statement, I have far less respect for you. Ditto to the media, who opine on tons of crap they don't even understand.