Author Topic: Joe Klein: Genius  (Read 1173 times)

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Joe Klein: Genius
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:12:37 PM »
Apparently, Joe Klein at Time('s up) Magazine has been hitting the Obamasauce pretty hard; he's now come out with the howler that it's hard to run a country as a democracy when the voters don't understand the genius of Mr. Obama.  I guess that must be the Obamaspeak/Newspeak stuff coming out, because as far as I can tell, when someone tells you that all of the experts who have PhDs out the whazoo have assured him that, if we only let him blow $787 billion of our children's and grandchildren's money, unemployment will go down, and that if we force him to do nothing, unemployment will peak at 8.9% - and employment then hits 10.2%, the word for that person is "incompetent" not "genius" - but what do I know, I don't have a nobel prize in economics like Joe Klein does. :thatsright:

You better stop hittin' the Obamasauce quite so hard, Klein, and come back to reality for a breather, at least.