Author Topic: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab  (Read 1183 times)

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Offline BamaMoose

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Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« on: September 19, 2024, 04:23:35 AM »
neohippie (1,157 posts)

Teamsters will not endorse for president, in blow to Democrats
Source: Washington Post

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters will not endorse a candidate in the presidential race, for the first time in nearly three decades, in a blow to the Democratic Party, which has reliably received the union’s approval for years, according to the union.

The Teamsters confirmed the decision not to endorse. The union’s executive board was meeting in Washington to consider an endorsement on Wednesday afternoon.

The non-endorsement comes two days after union leaders and members met privately with Vice President Kamala Harris and she laid out her case for an endorsement.

Read more:

The last time the teamsters decided not to endorse a presidential candidate was 1996 from what I understand

LauraInLA (956 posts)
8. Apparently 58% of members supported Trump in recent polling ;(.

Self Esteem (972 posts)
32. Teamsters leadership probably saved Democrats' butts here tbh

A strong majority of Teamsters support Trump according to their poll. So, if they're endorsing based on members, it would have gone to Trump.

So, the Teamsters are ignoring the members voting choice.  Seems like something similar happened recently with the Democratic Primary voting.

SunSeeker (53,146 posts)
39. Teamsters leadership should be educating their members to vote in their own best interests.

Instead, O'Brien is simply letting 58% of his membership continue along in ignorance. Leaders lead, they don't just follow along, especially with the crowd is going in the wrong direction. By speaking at the RNC and complimenting anti-union Republicans in that speech, O'Brien did just the opposite and in essence gave his endorsement to Trump in the eyes of his membership.

She repeats this same point 5 or 6 more times in this thread.  They would vote properly if only they were properly "educated".  Chairman Mao would approve.

Greybnk48 (10,324 posts)
46. Do we really need the Teamsters?

I really want to say "piss on them."

BeyondGeography (39,813 posts)
5. They spoke at Trump's convention, not ours

For the sake of the blow-by-blow record.

LauraInLA (956 posts)
10. I believe they asked to speak at the DNC but were turned down?

Yep, the DNC was upset by the Teamsters lack of fealty to the Democrat Party and didn't want them to put ideologically impure ideas in the heads of any of the other groups that they consider their voting blocs.

Tennessee Hillbilly (645 posts)
7. Many truck drivers are trumpers

They spend a lot of time on the road listening to conservative talk radio.

I've also read that most television sets at truck stop lounges and diners are usually tuned to Fox News.

Upthevibe (8,816 posts)
73. Tennessee Hillbilly.......

The damaging effect of a.m. radio can never be overstated.

neohippie (1,157 posts)
22. I agree with the post about the Truckers

I'm sure that there are a lot of progressive truck drivers, but not likely enough to counter the MAGA drivers who listen to talk radio all the time and Faux news

AM radio and Fox News.  The go to excuse for anyone not agreeing with them.

onandup (558 posts)
21. Then no ****ing seat at the table

Not an ally

cactusfractal (531 posts)
27. **** Trumpy Truckers

It will be a great day when the last of those rigs are automated and these RW radio-listening ****s are idled forever. They can stay home and beat their cousin wives and save their "NoThInG mOvEs WiThOuT tRuCkS hUrRdUrR

aeromanKC (3,434 posts)
47. I work with Teamsters. I'm surprised it was only 58%.

They are the most ignorant, low information, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, selfish co-workers I have ever worked with. Seems I am the companies token socialist commie fascist libtard. (I take that as a badge of honor)

My perspective is coming from disgusting ultra red state Missouri. So I guess any entity in Missouri that doesn't endorse Trump is a win. So there is that.

Kittycatkat (1,586 posts)
53. I will no longer support Teamsters.

Fu$@‘em! They can’t stand up for democracy, and no to a rapist? Fu&@‘em!

So much for their unquestioning support of unions, as well as their support of blue-collar workers.  Step off the plantation and that support disappears faster than a semi on I-10.  Since the Teamsters represent a large number of bus drivers and they are now under the bus, which one of these scabs is driving.

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2024, 05:50:44 AM »
aeromanKC (3,434 posts)
47. I work with Teamsters. I'm surprised it was only 58%.

They are the most ignorant, low information, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, selfish co-workers I have ever worked with. Seems I am the companies token socialist commie fascist libtard. (I take that as a badge of honor)

My perspective is coming from disgusting ultra red state Missouri. So I guess any entity in Missouri that doesn't endorse Trump is a win. So there is that.

Someone should share that thread with the Teamsters. 

The Teamster president spoke at the RNC and he wasn't at all friendly to those who were listening.  I had no problem with the RNC letting him speak.  It's the right thing to do especially in our political climate of division.  He pulled no punches when he gave his speech.  You knew where he stood on issues when he was done.  I disagreed with about 70% of what he said, but I didn't mind him getting up there and showing everyone who HE was, whether the rest of his 'brotherhood' was behind him or not!

It was obvious from listening to him he was a democrat and now his brothers are telling him who THEY are and he doesn't like it so won't use their money to actually help fund who the brotherhood would like to fund.  By a landslide!  59% Trump - 37% Harris, last Teamster poll I saw.

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2024, 07:36:06 AM »
The leaders are out of touch with reality. I guess they don’t mind the state of the country. But on the bright side the members do.
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Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2024, 08:04:07 AM »
Greybnk48 (10,324 posts)
46. Do we really need the Teamsters?

I really want to say "piss on them."

I'm sure the Teamsters rank and file are just crying in their white, male privilege over your sentiments, DUmp'Rat.  :whatever:

Make sure you remember those sentiments when X-mas comes around and your Amazon package to yourself (because your family were ecstatic when you said you didn't want to celebrate a X-tian holiday any more) is 3 weeks late because winter set in early and shut down the Interstates. :bigbird:
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Offline FlippyDoo

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2024, 10:26:55 AM »
SunSeeker (53,146 posts)
39. Teamsters leadership should be educating their members to vote in their own best interests.

It looks like over half of the members are indeed looking out for their own best interests. They realize that it doesn't matter how pro-union the President of the country is if all of the jobs move over seas and the country's citizens are too poor due to taxes and unemployment to buy anything.
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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2024, 11:39:00 AM »
aeromanKC (3,434 posts)
47. I work with Teamsters. I'm surprised it was only 58%.

They are the most ignorant, low information, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, selfish (Translation: they disagree with me politically) co-workers I have ever worked with. Seems I am the companies token socialist commie fascist libtard. (I take that as a badge of honor)

My perspective is coming from disgusting ultra red state Missouri. So I guess any entity in Missouri that doesn't endorse Trump is a win. So there is that.

Geez, dude(tte)! Move to some socialist paradise like Cuba, Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, where your ... ummmm ... something-or-other ... would be useful-ish. Though if you're white, Zimbabwe might not be a safe choice.

Sounds like aeromanKC has been less than well accepted socially at his/her employer and is much embittered thereby.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2024, 03:38:42 PM »
Head of the Teamsters: "I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing"

Teamsters : "Go F**k yourself."

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Offline FlippyDoo

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2024, 05:43:48 PM »
Geez, dude(tte)! Move to some socialist paradise like Cuba, Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, where your ... ummmm ... something-or-other ... would be useful-ish. Though if you're white, Zimbabwe might not be a safe choice.

Sounds like aeromanKC has been less than well accepted socially at his/her employer and is much embittered thereby.

No. If he's white, Zimbabwe is where he should go to spread his wisdom. They'd probably welcome him as some sort of great white savior and would be eager for him to instruct them in the ways that they should live.
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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2024, 05:52:50 AM »
"cactusfractal (531 posts)
27. **** Trumpy Truckers

It will be a great day when the last of those rigs are automated and these RW radio-listening ****s are idled forever. They can stay home and beat their cousin wives and save their "NoThInG mOvEs WiThOuT tRuCkS hUrRdUrR"

What a nice fellow!
Yet, I bet he is absolutely mystified as to why so much of the Left are seen by the majority of the country as a bunch of cruel, arrogant, pretentious, stuck- up, hypocritical, condescending elitist pricks who look down their noses at everyone else, ESPECIALLY the working class and/ or people from what they call "Flyover country."

Someone should share that thread with the Teamsters. 

YES! Give them a crystal- clear picture of what Kamala's primary supporters, those supposed "Champions of the workers," are REALLY like!

Offline USA4ME

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2024, 07:03:16 AM »
59% Trump - 37% Harris, last Teamster poll I saw.


I'd like to know who the 37% sissies are who wanted the commie.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2024, 01:06:07 PM »
I'd like to know who the 37% sissies are who wanted the commie.


The ones who were too hopped up on meth to understand the question.
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