So, I had no clue what the hell a chode juggler is. After consulting the Urban Dictionary, all I can say is, the hater must hate his dick....and fyi, hater, having a 2 inch long weenie does NOT mean you are attached to a chode. You've got a CHIDE! Hello, my grandson's worn down pencil stub from 2nd grade is more impressive than your dangling skin tag below your navel.
Everyone who hates Trump and his voters, WE ARE NOT TIRED OF WINNING.
Or of stomping your assets.
As for me, spent Christmas in Las Vegas, wished everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS (you could tell the libtards by their scrunched nose, pursed lip response of happy holidays), and making a pilgrimage to TRUMP TOWER and purchasing a bottle of TRUMP Champagne to savor on Inauguration Day!!😁😁😁😁😂😂😂😂😂