Author Topic: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008  (Read 11079 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Note from franksolich: this was originally two threads here, the subway cat explaining why the bobbling primitive is homeless, and the bobbling primitive griping about people not minding their own business.  Even though they're sort of two different topics, I decided to combine them.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Oh my.

nota bene: the subway cat is quoting the bobbling primitive.

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 06:03 PM
Original message

Why Bobbolink is Homeless
Why I'm Homeless -- Necessarily Long, but I hope instructive...

Introductory Information

Many years ago, when my child was first kidnapped and I was stunned into dysfunctionality, I was able on public support to go find and rent my own apartment. Now, the pay is so low that there is NOTHING, not even a garage, that one can afford to rent on public assistance. Disabled and elderly people, many of us getting as low as $637 a month!, are forced into public housing. There are 9 million of us who need public housing. There are 6 million units available. Even a first grader can do that math... there are 3 million of us at any given time to have no place to live.

I was living in one of these Section 8 apartments. I didn't want to be there.. middle of the downtown of a big city, depressing as hell, and LOUD. Most of these buildings are privately owned, which most people don't realize, and there is NO oversight as to how they are run. From the beginning in this building, which was owned and operated by the next door Buddhist Temple, there was at least one manager who was just downright MEAN. And elderly Japanese man, he always had a mean word for anyone who crossed his path. It was clear, after being there for a while, that they definitely favored their own, which was understandable to me, but it certainly gave me first-hand experience in what it's like to be the minority, and treated as such. I tried to take the experience in that light.

One of their favorite things, knowing that we were trapped with no options, was to tell us that if we didnt' like it there, we should move. That'll mess with your head over time. At one point, I got to know the Buddhist priest, and when I told him this is what was said to us, he got angry, and said, "This is America, and nobody should be told to leave!" For a while that particular ugliness stopped... the priest had obviously had words with the management.

Then that particular priest left, and so did the old manager, only to be replaced by another one who cared about us even less, and was only out for her own agrandizement. That was soon followed by an assistant manager who was not only as mean as the old guy, but lived in the building and went out of his way to speak horridly to every tenant he came across, at whatever time of day. It made life a living hell. There was no escape from the meanness.

One time this little hitler commenced to yelling at one of the tenants during a tenant meeting... he was very abusive, and went on a tirade. There was much uproar about this, and apparently even the shy little old Japanese ladies complained to the Buddhist Temple. The little hitler was told that he must go to therapy if he wanted to keep his job. Well, I knew that would take the problem off the table temporarily, and sure enough, within a matter of months, he was back at it, yelling at people in the office, in the lobby, outside in the garden, just wherever he chose to abuse us. Many people saw the futility, and those who could, moved from the building, which meant many long-term residents left. That still didn't affect the powers that be.

One day my neighbor down the hall, David, a very sweet and quiet person, who always had a smile and kind greeting for everyone, told me that he had been humiliated by little hitler one too many times. One day, he got on the elevator, and little hitler was the only other one in the elevator. He told me he got right in his face, started yelling at him, and told him that NEVER AGAIN would he tolerate his abuse. He told me he said to him, "I know where you live, and I will come get you, take you to the pent house and dangle you over the edge by your feet while you cry and beg for mercy. Then I'll just happen to let go, and laugh as you tumble down those 20 floors. Oh, and by the way, should you decide to tell someone.... I *never* said a word to you." I said, "David! You didn't really do that!" He said, "yup, I did, and he has avoided me ever since!" When an abuser can turn a quiet, sweet person like David into one who threatens violence, then the situation has become horrendous!

David was quite ill, and the last thing he needed was abuse. There were many elderly people in the building who were doing everything they could just to hold on and not be sent to a nursing home. They certainly didn't need abuse. There were many other ill people who couldn't spare the energy to deal with this crap --one woman I particularly remember had cancer, and just hid in her apartment to avoid him. What a life.

One day I saw this little hitler pushing and pulling an elderly chinese woman -- Because she couldn't speak English! -- and he just about had her down to the pavement. I yelled at him .. "Mike, STOP! We're human beings, not cattle!" Apparently I surprised him enough that he let up pressure just enough that she got away. Another few seconds, and he might very well have had her down, and who knows what bones might have been broken. She was shaking like a leaf, and I tried to reassure her, without Chinese, that I was going to stay with her, and that it wasn't her fault. There were other tenants around, but nobody spoke up.... that is the nature of abuse and power.

The family of this woman immediately moved her out of the building, and she was gone. I spent days making phone calls, trying to find an organization which would DO something, now that we had clear evidence of PHYSICAL abuse. To no avail.... each organization only referred me to another one, and another one, ad nauseum. I gave up. I couldn't believe that even physical abuse had no recourse, but that is the fact.

As you can imagine, he turned his wrath on me. No good deed, etc. All this time, since he was the one we had to go through to get our yearly Section 8 recertifications, we had been avoiding him. We went to the Resources Coordinator for the building, who would get the papers from little hitler, we would fill them out and get copies of the necessary documents and give them to her, and she would turn them into him, then she'd get the paper back for us to sign, and turn the signed paper back into him. After my clash with him, he would no longer accept this, as he couldn't stand that people could avoid him. He made up his own rule, which was NOT HUD rule, that we had to go through him. The Resource Coordinator would no longer stand up to him, and the manager of the building insisted we all obey his homemade rule.

I knew that I could NOT deal with him alone, so I went back to the phone, and after 3 days of constant calls, it was clear there was NO RECOURSE... either suffer the abuse or leave. I finally did what I didn't want to do, and went to the Victim's Assistance program, knowing it was inevitable that would mean the cops would be drawn in. This city, Denvoid, is known for abusive cops, and I had dealt with a few of them when my car was broken in, so this was the very last resort for me.

The Victim's advocate was the ONLY one who took an interest at all. She was appalled at the abuse. Of course, she wanted me to talk with a cop. This is the one little bit of humor... the officer who came in is named.... Snow White. I kid you not. Well, dear Snow showed no compassion, no sign at all that she had any empathy for what we were going through. She did, however, agree to go with me when I had to meet with little hitler for my recertification.

We agreed to meet in the lobby at 1pm, and the door to the office was still closed. When it opened and we went in, all the managers were in there, and the sound was palpable as their jaws hit the floor to see a cop in full uniform with gun and all accompanying me to see little hitler. I said nothing to him, and he was clearly shaken.

When the business was concluded and the cop and I left, we got out the door and she turned to me and said, "Well, how was it?" I just burst out laughing, and said that was the first time he had spoken in a tone that could be heard. She looked at me puzzled, and I said, "His favorite thing, especially with elders who have little hearing, is to talk very softly, so nobody can hear him. Then, when we say, "I didn't hear you", HE YELLS AT US.. What a dear. Anyway, I asked the cop to keep a file on him, and she was clearly not wanting to, but gave me her card, and said she'd see if she could open a file.

Thereafter, I made up little cards that I carried around with me that had both the phone number for the Victim Advocate and the cop (yes, many didn't believe there could actually be an officer named Snow White!). When someone would complain to me about little hitler, I'd say, Do you want to do something about it? If they said no, I just replied, Sorry, complaining won't help, and I can't listen to complaints anymore. I'd had enough of helplessness, and trying single-handedly to get action. If they said yes, if there was something to do, they would, I'd give them a card, and tell them to call those numbers and make a complaint where it could have an effect. I found out later that even one of the staff people called the cop to complain! I was told that the cop actually called the Resources Coordinator and basicallly said, "What the hell is going on there?!" Apparently the cop had had enough calls of complaint to make her realize it wasn't just me.

However, I was told that nothing could be done. That if the little hitler abused one group but not another, they could get him on descrimination. But since he was an equal opportunity abuser, we'd just have to live with it or move.

Now, lest you think this building was just one rotten apple in the barrel, let me assure you that is not the case. During this time I was working with an organization devoted to getting single-payer health care. I had come to know one of the doctors involved with this effort, and had told her what I was dealing with in this group. I had learned about a Section 8 tenants group, and set her up to speak about health care at their next meeting. She later told me that during their break, she listened to their conversations, and they were all asking each other where they lived, if there were vacancies, and how the management was. They ALL were upset with the abuse of the management in all the buildings, and trying to find something better! This made quite an impresssion on this doctor, and she was taking me much more seriously after that.

Another of my neighbors (David had died by this time.... which is why I feel like I can use his name...) got fed up with the abuse, and set up a tenants meeting with a lawyer from Legal Aid, a HUD representative, someone from the Housing Authority, and several other "officials". She asked me to take part, and I said I would if I could, but I knew by then there was nothing that could be done unless all the tenants got together and staged a HUGE rebellion. At this meeting, they were basically told what I had been told before... nothing could be done. She came to me afterwards and said, "You were right, and I can't fight it anymore." She left and moved into a nother building and told me later that the management was better, but it was horribly infested with bugs.

After the year with the cop, I had a Lutheran pastor who would accompany me for about 5 years as I had to apply for recertification. With his presence, little hitler wasn't so abusive. Then, he changed the date of the recertifications, and the pastor was out of town. I had been very ill, and was at the end of what I could deal with. I also knew that I was wearing out, and couldn't take any more abuse, or I'd become just as ugly as they were. So, I finally decided to just leave. Just pull out and leave all my stuff behind, and just take off.

First and foremost, EVERYONE should be receiving enough money to be able to rent a market rate apartment! By forcing us into public housing we are made a special and powerless group, at the mercy of those who would take advantage of us, and they KNOW we're powerless, and like to make sure we know that, too.

Second, EVERY public and private organization or government entity that serves poor and homeless people MUST include the voices and needs and wants of that group of people! This should go without saying, and it used to be a given. At the very least, there needs to be an ombudsman, seperate from the entity, where the people "served" can make reports on what they have dealt with, how they were treated, whether their needs were met, etc.

Both sHill and Abamination are going to run right out and draft legislation that would protect people like me from this kind of abuse, right? Riiiiggghhhhtttt......

With the shortage of public housing, who is going to take on the issue of rampant abuse in said housing?

We can give $$$ to Coalition for the Homeless, but they already know of this, and are doing.... what?

There are many Civil Rights organizations..... who among them is supporting people abused in public housing? None, that I could find...

Does Edwards' Institute on poverty have a section that addresses abuse and legal problems of those in public housing? What would it take to get him to include this and move on it?

How can we organize some massive interviews of people who are living in public housing, to find the measure of the problem?

I know this is long and involved, and a huge problem. But PLEASE take the time to read, digest what the reality is, and let's put our heads together. There is CONSIDERABLE brain wattage here with Edwardians, and I think we can come up with some ideas!

Thank you for all your considerable support!

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Thu Feb-07-08 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #79

94. Right now I got a home. I am very tempted to ask bobbolink to set up camp in my asshole free zone.I offered to send some money but Bobbo refused.I even wanted to send a prepaid phone card that was given to me,nope bobbo wouldn't take it.However bobbo sent me a beautiful postcard with a cool ass cougar stamp on it and a great handout on the cycle of abuse.

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 10:02 PM
Response to Reply #16

19. It's not about evolving
Some of us are very evolved we can get along even if our personalities clash and we are ethically strong enough to not only care but know why we need to care..

But the problem is in eliminating those among us who refuse to live with others fairly or in peace.And teaching caring people to turn off the caring and refusing to keep on letting charismatic abusive assholes get away with anything bad they do no matter what claims to status or expertise they pull out of that swollen ego and entitlement shit they say,excuses ,more excuses and bullshit whatever..Because we need to call out the assholes and bullies,liars con men and abusive **** faces out on the carpet when evil is done, call it evil..

The problem is with OUR lack of discretion with our empathy for our fellow human beings,We suffer when we project ourselves upon the psychopaths,narcissists and authoritarian personalities.. When we act as if they were like us, and hope they feel remorse they fake it,and truth be told these toxic personalities are NOT like us..So,being that who they are is too toxic for us to exist around without being traumatized, they must be contained away from us,and kept away from power,money, privilege and sadly if they exist around others,privacy or even sometimes freedom or even not allowed to exist anymore because if given a chance to act as a free person they will use freedoms to abuse and manipulate power and people because they think they can get away with it,or they are entitled to do that because they think they are better and can rearrange reality so they truth is never revealed and their hurtful games can go on...

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 10:48 PM
Response to Reply #26

27. Thank you
It's time we stopped calling ourselves un-evolved, because we are evolved.Likewise it is time we stopped trying to make those who refuse to evolve,change.Because psychopaths authoritarians and narcissists they could care less about our well being ,so it's time we CARED LESS about THEM.

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 10:19 PM
Response to Reply #20

24. Be mad
I am,The democrats voted for Bush's ****ed up budget.. They are screwing the poor too. Remember the term Hillary Poor? That wonderful clinton games of "welfare reform"? Obama and Hillary are both loyal corporate shills. They say the same old shit,and tout healthcare that profits corporations and screw the poor..They won't change things because they BOTH are already bought and paid for thier tails are tucked tightly in the presence of their corporate sponsors .

The real challengers to the status quo were Edwards and Kucinich. They were virtually ignored by the media.On purpose. Unelectable,and the Dems even on DU MADE SURE they wouldn't be.. So yeah I am mad and I am cynical and for the most part lost any pretense of trust in the good nature of the Dem party now.I know I am so beyond disenfranchised by these political people I am invisible.I don't exist unless they wanna cut a program for the poor then they cut it to ribbons give me 5 times more hassle which pisses me off 10 times more, and I see their comfortable well off pampered asses tell me how wonderful it is to be helping us and how it will help the rich save money and how happy the middle class will be spending three bucks less next tax season...**** 'em all.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 10:14 PM
Response to Original message

23. I have mixed feelings about this being posted here..... I"ve been bashed so much at DU
that I don't trust DUers to have compassion, or caring, and I've also been stalked by a DUer.

Now that it's here, I will just have to hope for the best.

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #23

25. Bobbolink

There will be assholes.

But that does not mean you should EVER,Ever stop saying your piece.

I get bashed here too but I'll be damned if it will EVER silence me.

You see I know there are always critics and plenty of net bullies,but know what? **** them and their snark opinions and bully bullshit.

Like I have told these ****ing little twerps before Don't read my threads, use the ignore button and grow the **** up.I will say what I say regardless I do not say my stuff to please critical bullying anal retentive,stupid,snarky assholes.

I say my piece to those who find it useful, inspiring or shows them something they didn't think of,or never related to before .

In other words I write with no regrets. I let it fly chips fall where they may and I don't care who gets their toes smashed. I trust my own words and my own story and my own truth will will out.

My integrity will show my true colors to any who wish to understand it and what I mean,and try to communicate.
So,****'em if they are a bully or project their issues on you.THEY DON'T MATTER!!!So don't bother with reading their crap after the first verbally abusive post ok? You are not obligated to read verbal abuse and reply to it as if it was a genuine respondent and be nice to assholes.They do not deserve your respect.

That is why I don't give a shit if A bully gets his widdle feelings hurt when I ignore him or expose his bullshit for all to see..Bullies CHOOSE to bully by their own free choice..So make them accountable for it.Use them as a scratching post.

You have every right to have a voice here,and to me, it's VERY worthy of being heard especially here in GD... That is why I reposted it. I care about you Bobbolink you are one of the most awesome people here as far as this Cat is concerned.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Thu Feb-07-08 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #30

125. "If someone is stalking you, report it to Skinner & Co.. "
Like they care.

"If they can't do anything, out that user so we all know what a jerk he/she is."

It's against the rules to "call out" another DUer.

People who do shit like that are protected.

We're just told if you can't take it, "grow a skin" and other lovely shit, or just leave.

It's a campfire of monumental proportions, bigger even than the Chicago Fire of 1871.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 10:13:55 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2010, 09:50:14 PM »
Here is the original thread.  For some reason, it's in the Elizabeth Edwards group at the DUmp.
dysfunctional press  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)
Thu Feb-07-08 06:27 PM
Response to Original message
117. so- bobbolink is homeless because bobbolink chose to become homeless-
and your point exactly, is what...?

undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts)
Thu Feb-07-08 08:06 PM
Response to Reply #117
143. Question all..
Let me Question YOU.

Do you know what coercion is?
Do you know what trauma is?
Do you know what harassment is?
Do you know what abuse is?
Do you know the effects these sorts of situations have on people?
Yes or no?

A "choice" is not the same thing as attempting to escape an intolerable abusive situation. Desperate to escape abuse is not a "freely made choice". Making a choice is not the same thing as acting in reaction to being in a state of stress,abuse and desperation for a need to escape.
If you believe making a desperate escape from abuse and stress is making a"freely made" choice you are astoundingly stupid and callous and not worth anyone's time at all..

bobbolink Donating Member (1000+ posts)
Thu Feb-07-08 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #143
149. Excellent reply! "Choice" is such a muddleclass concept. Iraqis had CHOICE
of whether their country would be bombed, right?

How hard is it for people to THINK?

But, in this case, it also requires HEART, which is obviously sadly lacking....

Thanks again for having my back!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 09:53:10 PM by chris_ »
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline franksolich

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2010, 10:04:11 PM »

Okay now.

One can see the bobbling primitive's original post at the thread here where the subway cat explained why the bobbling primitive is homeless; the subway cat had simply copied-and-pasted the bobbling primitive's original comment at this campfire.

So no need to copy-and-paste sludge twice.


benny05  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Fri Feb-08-08 03:58 PM
Response to Reply #46

47. I contacted someone from One Corps
To see what the chapter could do to help Bobbie. It may take awhile before she hears anything, but that's what One Corps is for.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Fri Feb-08-08 05:30 PM
Response to Reply #47

49. Could you please ask me first before doing something like that?
Why would you do that before checking with me? Would you like for someone to do that with you?

As I've posted here before, the local OneCorps was quite dismissive. I got all the shit about how poor people in this country aren't nearly as poor as people in the rest of the world, and all that.

NO WAY are they going to "help" me, with a shitty attitude like that!

It hurt, and I wouldn't have anything to do with that kind of ignorant attitude.

I appreciate that you care, but... please... we poor people aren't incompetent... we need to be included and to speak for ourselves.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Fri Feb-08-08 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #47

50. "It may take awhile before she hears anything" What personal information did you give them????
I've posted here that I've been stalked in the past by a DUer, I've had people do all kinds of things to me that has caused hell for me...


I would NEVER to that to someone without their permission!! I wouldn't give out YOUR information to someone else?

What the ****ing hell is going on here?????

You need to tell me exactly what information you gave out, and you need to apologize for betraying my privacy.

benny05  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Sat Feb-09-08 01:54 AM
Response to Reply #50

54. Bobbolink
Did you not say you wanted a One Corps to help out in a class action suit as a project, or did you not? You also wanted an ombudsman, which is what I asked for from the One Corps group in your area.

In being angry with me, consider that you asked for help. That's fine because you wanted your voice to be heard. You asked that we as JRE supporters put our heads together. I did what I could, which is reaching out to John Edwards supporters who are action oriented. This is why John Edwards set up One Corps--to address local concerns within communities. For what it is worth, the person I contacted immediately sent out an e-mail to the the One Corps chapter in your area.

Please, no more yelling at anyone, including me. As you know, I asked someone not to yell at you.

I owe no apology for an open web request for help. I am saddened you were sharp in your words for my trying to help, but I know you are mistrustful since you've been let down.

I hope you seek counseling from a social worker, if you haven't already.

I did what I could for you. I'm sorry if you mistrust my intentions to help.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Sat Feb-09-08 06:35 PM
Response to Reply #54

55. I did NOT ask for my personal info to be put on a web site!!
Or to be released to ANYONE without my permission!

ANYONE who is web informed understands that. As a matter of fact, one Edwardian informed me that he wouldn't do a simple request because it meant registering on a site. SO... YOU are out of line to be criticizing me for being upset that you did this! I can't even believe you would insult me by insinuating I'm mentally ill because I don't want my personal info released to ANYONE without my permission. To insinuate such is controlling, and in need of "consultation" too.

I have written before on DU that I have been a victim of stalking by a DUer in the past. Surely ANYONE can understand that.

I have also had, a year ago, someone who said they were "helping" put my personal information on a website, and it created all kinds of hell for me, including the uselessness of my own phone afterwards, because I was being harrassed by sales calls every 10 to 15 minutes!

I resent your implication for something that every experienced user of the internet understands, and strongly suggest that you publicly apologize for coming down on me for this.

It's one reason I wanted to be discontinued at the secret site.... I wanted my email to be taken down, because I no longer trust people to use that with common sense and common courtesy.

You obviously didn't want to truly understand what my request was.

So be it.

benny05  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Sat Feb-09-08 07:45 PM
Response to Reply #55

56. So be it bobbolink
First, I didn't put your personal info on a website. I only know what city you live in based on your profile here. You will need to disable that as well if you don't want anyone to know where you live.

Second, you asked for help, so I e-mailed a one corp member (who had an e-mail address available)--- (obviously you didn't read what I wrote). I linked your post from this site in the private e-mail. I also forewarned the member that you might be difficult to deal with, and you are proving it.

I ask in the future not to yell at me or anyone else. And please don't ask for help if all you wish to do is to rant and really don't want any help, but just want to vent. I believe I was compassionate.

I hope you will seek professional help. None of us is equipped to help people with big emotional problems of your magnatude.

I wish you the best.

bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Sun Feb-10-08 03:48 PM
Response to Reply #58

59. The lack of privacy, the sense that anyone can butt in at any time with their "answers", and if you don't agree with their "answers" then you are castigated for it.... it's all very demeaning!

One loses any sense of personhood, but then we are supposed to just spring up and be "strong".

I can't even believe the words I have received because I need to protect what little privacy I have left! "Walk in the shoes..."

It is just common courtesy to ASK someone first! I'm amazed that that even has to be said.

undergroundpanther  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Wed Feb-06-08 05:58 PM
Response to Original message

28. Pub'lick Housing..Ears burning
I Lived in section 8 I managed to get it in a pretty decent place too, but my landlord was a putz. It was a corporate complex and it just sucked, I was never late on rent yet every month they sent me threats to evict me just in case it was late it always said on the bottom if my rent has been paid please disregard this notice.

They tried to kick me out on trumped up crap and I took them to court and when Maryland disability law had them by the balls they settled.

I lived in that place close to ten years. I tolerated section 8 personnel poking through my apartment every year to check if things were up to code supposedly, but they always seemed to focus on my controversial artwork and my gender issues or my beliefs and not their jobs.It was humiliating sometimes,when a caseworker would try to convert me and if I did not convert she treated me like a second class citizen..

Public group homes for people with mental illness can be worse. Places I have been were where staff makes passes at you,cracks the door to watch you shower,and staff provokes the living shit out of you just because they can get away with it. I have been choked,by a staff whacked out on drugs, on the job.I have been totally ignored,and the list goes on.And nobody dared consider the system and how it treated us was WRONG. No they all blame the individual for blaming the weakest means they never offend the corporate masters.

How do we fix this problem that the RICH have caused that created the poor? Get the public to understand PROGRESSIVE taxes on the wealthy are the costs wealthy people incur for their lavish lifestyles. Taxes are the payments they make for all they take for themselves. Taxes are to help people so rioters don't tear their perfect little worlds apart..Once no one can get wealthy enough to buy the state apparatus than maybe than things for us may change,but after bush I think so much has gone to shit, in this country people are so oblivious,obedient,ignorant and brainwashed,people who income wise are two steps away from the street themselves are in such hostile denial of their own fiscal fragility they don't want to give to shits about poor people, because one hospital stay and they will be on the street the homeless or disabled people's lives they once said were worthless parasites.We the poor and imperfect are not seen as worth having our own lives by some rich arrogant butt holes out there filling the airwaves with sometimes not so subtle messages that poor people are the cause of all the woes of the middle class.We suffer because a few rich people are living so insulated from any accountability, hardship,work or misfortune that no one really cares to fathom the damage that pathological greed tolerated by a culture of who wants to be a millionaire does to all our actual humanity we show to one another.They are so enchanted with the fantasy of wealth as seen on TV they fear looking at reality of things like being suckered into debt bondage as they sign up for their Wal Mart credit buy a 60 inch plasma TV they just HAVE to GET.Just like the corporations commanded them to.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2010, 10:06:51 PM »
I think I read that thread before for some reason but no idea where I read it. Why did Underground Panther repost the same thread?
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2010, 10:09:46 PM »
bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) 
Fri Feb-08-08 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #47
50. "It may take awhile before she hears anything" What personal information did you give them????
I've posted here that I've been stalked in the past by a DUer, I've had people do all kinds of things to me that has caused hell for me...


I would NEVER to that to someone without their permission!! I wouldn't give out YOUR information to someone else?

What the ****ing hell is going on here?????

You need to tell me exactly what information you gave out, and you need to apologize for betraying my privacy.

Directed at someone trying to help out.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2010, 10:12:32 PM »
This is from Chris's link:

benny05  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) 
Sat Feb-09-08 01:54 AM
Response to Reply #50
54. Bobbolink
Edited on Sat Feb-09-08 02:44 AM by benny05
Did you not say you wanted a One Corps to help out in a class action suit as a project, or did you not? You also wanted an ombudsman, which is what I asked for from the One Corps group in your area.

In being angry with me, consider that you asked for help. That's fine because you wanted your voice to be heard. You asked that we as JRE supporters put our heads together. I did what I could, which is reaching out to John Edwards supporters who are action oriented. This is why John Edwards set up One Corps--to address local concerns within communities. For what it is worth, the person I contacted immediately sent out an e-mail to the the One Corps chapter in your area.

Please, no more yelling at anyone, including me. As you know, I asked someone not to yell at you.

I owe no apology for an open web request for help. I am saddened you were sharp in your words for my trying to help, but I know you are mistrustful since you've been let down.

I hope you seek counseling from a social worker, if you haven't already.

I did what I could for you. I'm sorry if you mistrust my intentions to help.

bobbolink Donating Member (1000+ posts) 
Sat Feb-09-08 06:35 PM
Response to Reply #54
55. I did NOT ask for my personal info to be put on a web site!!
Or to be released to ANYONE without my permission!

ANYONE who is web informed understands that. As a matter of fact, one Edwardian informed me that he wouldn't do a simple request because it meant registering on a site. SO... YOU are out of line to be criticizing me for being upset that you did this! I can't even believe you would insult me by insinuating I'm mentally ill because I don't want my personal info released to ANYONE without my permission. To insinuate such is controlling, and in need of "consultation" too.

I have written before on DU that I have been a victim of stalking by a DUer in the past. Surely ANYONE can understand that.

I have also had, a year ago, someone who said they were "helping" put my personal information on a website, and it created all kinds of hell for me, including the uselessness of my own phone afterwards, because I was being harrassed by sales calls every 10 to 15 minutes!

I resent your implication for something that every experienced user of the internet understands, and strongly suggest that you publicly apologize for coming down on me for this.

It's one reason I wanted to be discontinued at the secret site.... I wanted my email to be taken down, because I no longer trust people to use that with common sense and common courtesy.

You obviously didn't want to truly understand what my request was.

So be it.

benny05 Donating Member (1000+ posts)
Sat Feb-09-08 07:45 PM
Response to Reply #55
56. So be it bobbolink
First, I didn't put your personal info on a website. I only know what city you live in based on your profile here. You will need to disable that as well if you don't want anyone to know where you live.

Second, you asked for help, so I e-mailed a one corp member (who had an e-mail address available)--- (obviously you didn't read what I wrote). I linked your post from this site in the private e-mail. I also forewarned the member that you might be difficult to deal with, and you are proving it.

I ask in the future not to yell at me or anyone else. And please don't ask for help if all you wish to do is to rant and really don't want any help, but just want to vent. I believe I was compassionate.

I hope you will seek professional help. None of us is equipped to help people with big emotional problems of your magnatude.

I wish you the best.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2010, 10:13:53 PM »
Ooops, I just posted that exchange in the other thread.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2010, 10:16:55 PM »
Ooops, I just posted that exchange in the other thread.

It's copacetic; I just decided to combine both campfires.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2010, 10:22:16 PM »
Typical liberal answer to an honest statement from another member.

dysfunctional press  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Click to send private message to this author  Click to view this author's profile  Click to add this author to your buddy list  Click to add this author to your Ignore list      Thu Feb-07-08 03:10 PM
Response to Original message
37. you made your choice- i hope it works for you.
"First and foremost, EVERYONE should be receiving enough money to be able to rent a market rate apartment!"

that has to be, without a doubt- one of the most IGNORANT staements i've ever seen on this or any other message board.
have you ever heard of roommates? those are the things that LOTS and LOTS of people who can't afford a place all their own get, in order to have a roof over their heads.

benny05 Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Journal Click to send private message to this author Click to view this author's profile Click to add this author to your buddy list Click to add this author to your Ignore list    Thu Feb-07-08 04:47 PM
Response to Reply #37
39. Good idea, but yelling is not
The poster has been yelled at enough.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2010, 10:22:28 PM »
Here's another interesting exchange Frank, she always seems to be fighting with someone:
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2010, 10:27:13 PM »
WOW! this is from the link I posted:

asdjrocky  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) 
Fri Feb-08-08 01:36 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. You know what Bobbie-   Updated at 1:46 PM
I am sick and tired of watching you brow beat these good people because they do not fall in line with what your current agenda happens to be.

I've had it!

You cruse this board like you're the only person who has know suffering in your life. By the way- I'VE BEEN HOMELESS! I've eaten out of garbage cans. I've stolen to eat, and I've sold things to eat that I never thought I'd sell. Get my meaning???

If you want help, if you want to build a coalition, you are going about it the wrong way. I haven't weighed in on this because I try to be a nice person, that is now over.

You have your problems, and I have mine. I have no car, I have no real life, and if I don't get this job in Missouri, I could very well be homeless too. Many times, again and again, I've seen people here reach out to you, doing what they can, and I see hands bitten off. Forget that shit.

These are good, decent people I see you attacking, and I'm the guy that is going to stand up for them. Seriously, how much help do you think this is going to get you? Being attacked, when I'm trying to live my own life, and also doing what I can to help, is going to get absolutely ZERO help from me. This is the real world.

Look at it this way, would you give me a dime, or any help at all, if I kicked you in the ****ing teeth while I asked?

Look, I know you have problems, as do all these good people at DU, but I feel you're expecting a lot form virtual strangers who are on a discussion board.

And by the way, don't tell someone who doesn't have a dime in his pocket, came out of complete poverty, and still lives in it every single day, that he doesn't care about the poor. That is just a bunch of bullshit. Do you realize that? Do you realize you're not the only poor person here?

You're smart, you can write, and you are capable of critical thinking, so here's an idea; turn some of that critical thinking on yourself for a while. There is help for you, but you are looking in the wrong place. Quit bitching about the world and how hard it is for you, and do something about it.

If this sounds harsh, too bad. I'm sick and tired of seeing you attack my friends here -and yes at one time I counted you among those friends- and I'm not going to just shut up about it. Got it? If you want a fight with someone, fight me. Leave them alone.

You want some help? Help yourself first. And don't you dare to lecture me about the poor or homeless. I've been there, and I am there.

Now go ahead and attack me, but leave these good people, who try again and again to help, alone. Come, enjoy, have a dialog, but stop these stupid, unproductive attacks.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2010, 10:30:44 PM »
WOW! this is from the link I posted:

Holy shit...

Or as the more polite among us would opine: "Oh my."
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2010, 10:31:24 PM »
bobbolink  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)
Thu Feb-07-08 10:45 PM
Response to Original message
14. Nobody else willing to participate in this?
Why am I not surprised...

Crazy old lady.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2010, 04:33:12 AM »
You would think that since liberals are known for their generosity, that someone at DU would open their home to Bobo.  :lmao:
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2010, 05:42:28 AM »
The heart and soul of a DUmmy on display...I WANT I WANT GIMME GIMME

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2010, 05:47:49 AM »
You would think that since liberals are known for their generosity, that someone at DU would open their home to Bobo.

Well, the poetess CalPig primitive does live in Streisandian grandeur in California, just she and her husband in a really palatial place, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't care for a pink bathroom.

And the kaput primitive, the "kpete" primitive, lives in similar luxury and opulence down in San Diego, in a gated community, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't want a bedroom without a fireplace.

And the sparkling husband primitive, who lives in Baltimore, has some rental row-houses, but probably the bobbling primitive wants solid-oak wainscoating, and not this vinyl stick-on stuff.

The cross-eyed Iowa primitive, the "Hawkeye-X" primitive, lives in Denver, the same city as the bobbling primitive, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't want to be around small children.

Pedro Picasso, the "Atman" primitive, has a second home in Connecticut, but probably the bobbling primitive wants to live near a river, not a lake.

The "tularetom" primitive has some impressive real-estate in California, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't care for mowing the lawn.

The "BeHereNow" primitive has a swimming pool at her home in California, but probably the bobbling primitive wants a place with a tennis court, not a swimming pool.

The hypochondrial primitive, the "mopinko" primitive, lives in an affluent suburb of Chicago, but probably the bobbling primitive wants wooden, and not metal, medicine cabinets in the bathroom.

The Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland, the "flyarm" primitive, lives in both a plantation-style setting in New Jersey and a luxury place in Florida, but probably the bobbling primitive wants a valet, not a chambermaid.

And there's Bill Gates up in Seattle, but never mind.

Even Versailles Palace wouldn't suit the bobbling primitive.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2010, 05:51:48 AM »
Crazy old lady.

I've known of Bobbolink for a long time, but I've never really read any of her postings until now.  My lord what a batshit crazy person.  She's almost up there with UP.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2010, 07:59:14 AM »
Something tells me the "little hitler" wasn't the managers at these Section 8 houses, it was Bobo the Hobo.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2010, 10:16:51 AM »
Directed at someone trying to help out.

From reading this appears to me that Bobbo doesn't want real tangible help...she just wants sympathy for her alleged plight.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2010, 12:39:19 PM »
I've known of Bobbolink for a long time, but I've never really read any of her postings until now.  My lord what a batshit crazy person.  She's almost up there with UP.

Now you know why Bobbolink made it to the Top Ten last year. :mental:
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2010, 12:40:22 PM »
I knew I had seen this thread before.  Thanks, Texacon.,2304.0/

Sorry for the duplicate.
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2010, 01:47:01 PM »
NP Chris. I think this should be brought up every 2 1/2 years to remind us the origins of Bobo da Hobo. I missed this the first time around so this is all new to me and I imagine alot of the members here.

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2010, 05:00:15 PM »
You would think that since liberals are known for their generosity, that someone at DU would open their home to Bobo.  :lmao:

I wouldn't want that loony toon in my frikkin' Sate! Let alone in my house!
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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2010, 05:33:20 PM »
Well, the poetess CalPig primitive does live in Streisandian grandeur in California, just she and her husband in a really palatial place, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't care for a pink bathroom.

And the kaput primitive, the "kpete" primitive, lives in similar luxury and opulence down in San Diego, in a gated community, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't want a bedroom without a fireplace.

And the sparkling husband primitive, who lives in Baltimore, has some rental row-houses, but probably the bobbling primitive wants solid-oak wainscoating, and not this vinyl stick-on stuff.

The cross-eyed Iowa primitive, the "Hawkeye-X" primitive, lives in Denver, the same city as the bobbling primitive, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't want to be around small children.

Pedro Picasso, the "Atman" primitive, has a second home in Connecticut, but probably the bobbling primitive wants to live near a river, not a lake.

The "tularetom" primitive has some impressive real-estate in California, but probably the bobbling primitive doesn't care for mowing the lawn.

The "BeHereNow" primitive has a swimming pool at her home in California, but probably the bobbling primitive wants a place with a tennis court, not a swimming pool.

The hypochondrial primitive, the "mopinko" primitive, lives in an affluent suburb of Chicago, but probably the bobbling primitive wants wooden, and not metal, medicine cabinets in the bathroom.

The Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland, the "flyarm" primitive, lives in both a plantation-style setting in New Jersey and a luxury place in Florida, but probably the bobbling primitive wants a valet, not a chambermaid.

And there's Bill Gates up in Seattle, but never mind.

Even Versailles Palace wouldn't suit the bobbling primitive.

I'm really startin' to think this BS is nothin' more than a scam! I mean c'mon! How long would any of us put up with the crap Bobo the hobo swears she has to on a daily basis?

And this:
Many years ago, when my child was first kidnapped and I was stunned into dysfunctionality, I was able on public support to go find and rent my own apartment. Now, the pay is so low that there is NOTHING, not even a garage, that one can afford to rent on public assistance. Disabled and elderly people, many of us getting as low as $637 a month!, are forced into public housing.

Okay, I've had about all I can take from these two posers! UP is just as bad if not worse! I musta missed this crap back in Feb!


Does she not think one other person on the planet has gone thru a similar situation? There are many, many people who get on with their lives, refusing to let the criminals win! The way she talks, you'd think she's the first and the last! Wise up bobbo louie! You're addicted to groveling and the sympathy you unfairly demand of everyone around you! Heroin would be better for you and would certainly be better for those who give a shit about you!

Nothin' worse than a woe is me, gimme a handout cause I been hurt, frikkin' liberal! Refuse to help yourself, then browbeat everyone who shows the least little bit of sympathy! Die ya POS! Put everyone outa your misery!

Does that sound harsh? I certainly hope the **** it does! I have absolutely no sympathy for some welfare queen unwilling to at least try and improve their lot in life when the chips are down!

By your own admission, it's been years! ****in' years! Get over yourself! Life sucks! Get used to it asshole! Nobody ever promised you a frikkin' Rose Garden! If they did, they must be just as intelligent as you appear to be!

I was homeless once for all of 26 hrs myself! A whole 26 hrs! And that's only because it took me that long to walk to somebody that cared! I didn't even own a damn car to live in! Difference is, I didn't start demanding things as soon as I walked thru the ****in' door! Took me all of 30 days loadin' boxcars out of a frikkin' 20 below freezer to get back out on my own!

Guess what odbodkins, I thanked them, somethin' completely alien to your thought process! I tried to pay them for my room and board and they would have none of it! Merely asked me to return the favor if they found themselves in the same predicament! After all, it was durin' the "Carter 'Misery Index' years"! I'm sure that means nothin' to you, as you seem to burn every bridge you come upon!

Ya ****in' leach!



and I was stunned into dysfunctionality

Oh, WTF????? You can be as functional as the next guy tryin' to get the advocates from 'Leaches 'r Us" to work on your behalf, but then it's lights out, huh?

I call Bull Shit!!!!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 05:44:24 PM by AllosaursRus »
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: the predicatment of the bobbling primitive, from February 2008
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2010, 08:09:47 AM »
What really chaps my rear about bobo the hobo, is that the very same things she resents middle class people having, who work for those things, she wants given to her on a silver platter. Better yet, she thinks she deserves to have even more and better things given to her, than those middle class people have worked to have. Yet she thinks that the people who worked to have nice things should have them confiscated-and given to her, I suppose-but that she shouldn't have to lift her little finger to have a luxurious life. She really is nuts, because one would have to be stark raving mad to have that degree of self-entitlement. If you're poor and living on the hard-earned taxes confiscated from the pay of those who worked for it, where do you get off thinking that you're entitled to a better lifestyle than those who work not only for what they have, but for what they're forced to fork over to you because you're too lazy to work to get your own? She not only thinks she deserves the best at no exertion to herself, she thinks that those who actually worked for what they have, have no right to good things and should have them taken and presumably given to her! Pardon my repetition, but I am just flabbergasted at the out and out self-centeredness and egotism and bitter envy of this woman.