Author Topic: The negative effects of Obama's ‘positive’ school discipline policies  (Read 1002 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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The negative effects of Obama's ‘positive’ school discipline policies

The Obama Administration coerced schools nationwide to overhaul their discipline policies. Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said the racial disparity in school suspensions wasn't a reflection of problems in our society, but the result of "racial discrimination" in our schools.

So he issued a threat: Even if your school rules are totally fair and administered totally fairly, we may come after you if your discipline numbers aren't racially balanced.

The Department of Education opened investigations into hundreds of school districts serving millions of students, leaving schoolhouse chaos in its wake.

The Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS) is nothing but an epic failure for sure. Too much feel good with poor outcome.
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Offline SVPete

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That the Parkland shooting is the bitterest fruit of that policy is known, with many Ds, Libs, & Progs swimming in the Egyptian River about it. That the NY Daily News would dare print this may lessen the number in the Egyptian River.

The policy itself was outrageous. Almost as outrageous is that the Feds have the ability to arm-twist schools into adopting such policies or Mooch-chelle's hypocritical lunch menu standards.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Just like when he released all those illegal kids that flooded in, dispersing them all over the US with no vaccinations or background checks etc.
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I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

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Offline Movie buff- The Sequel

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As a substitute teacher in a largely urban/ ghetto area, I've seen firsthand the negative consequences of the control liberalism has over our schools, especially in terms of its toxic effect on their disciplinary policies. Students (Especially minority students who've learned how powerful the all- purpose race card can be when used on the right people) believe they can do whatever they want, rules don't apply to them, and any potential punishments that might be imposed on them are nothing to be afraid of.
A few examples of this:
I've had to break up three fights, one of which had gang elements.
I've had a mouthy little puke of a student threaten to jump me in the streets because I gave him a referral (The student in question was a disruptive pain in the butt the entire period, including at one point making a cruel comment about kids with special needs).
I've had another mouthy little puke of a student openly accuse me of racism in front of the rest of the class and a school administrator, on the grounds that he and two other disruptive students I called the office on that period happened to be black (Never mind that the first student I sent to the office that day happened to be white).
I've had yet another mouthy little puke of a student actually try to cite Martin Luther King Jr. to justify his obnoxious acting up in class (Never mind that, as a sub with a B.A. in History with a specialization in American History including two classes on African- American History, I can guarantee I've forgotten more things about Dr. King than that brainless little thug ever knew about him).
I've had a student threaten to have his dad, who's apparently a boxer, come to school and beat me up because I dared to tell him to stop chattering with the student behind him and get to work (I retorted by informing him that I'm friends with one of the best personal injury lawyers in the county, who'll happily sue his meathead dad into oblivion if he lays a finger on me).
I've heard students say things (Including to my face) that I would never have dared say when I was in school, out of fear of what the administrators and my parents would have done to me in response.

Thanks, Obama! This is your presidential legacy in action!
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 05:33:21 AM by Movie buff- The Sequel »