Author Topic: Does the war on Christianity exist?  (Read 12687 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Does the war on Christianity exist?
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:56:31 PM »
Marine court-martialed for refusing to remove Bible verse

A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer – a verse of Scripture the military determined “could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline.”

The plight of Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling seems unbelievable – a member of the Armed Forces criminally prosecuted for displaying a slightly altered passage of Scripture from the Old Testament: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

Sterling, who represented herself at trial, was convicted February 1, 2014 in a court-martial at Camp Lejune, North Carolina after she refused to obey orders from a staff sergeant to remove the Bible verses from her desk.

She was found guilty of failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, and four specifications of disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer.

US military eases uniform rules to allow turbans and beards

New US military guidelines have opened the way for service members to wear religious clothing such as turbans or skullcaps while on duty, the Department of Defense has announced.

The guidelines, published on Wednesday, also allow for facial hair, body art and other expressions of religious belief. It is not a blanket permission, however; requests for dispensation from stated uniform policy are to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The military counts thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Wiccans and members of other religious groups among its ranks. The groups have protested against the exclusion of religious apparel, saying it forces them to choose between their religious beliefs and a desire to serve.

To be approved, changes in apparel or presentation must not impair the operation of weapons, pose a health or safety hazard or interfere with other military equipment such as helmets, flak jackets or wetsuits, according to the guidelines.

“The new policy states that military departments will accommodate religious requests of service members, unless a request would have an adverse effect on military readiness, mission accomplishment, unit cohesion and good order and discipline,” said Pentagon spokesman Lt Cmdr Nathan J Christensen.

The military is going out of their way to persecute Christians and at the same time making allowances for Muzzies.

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Offline thundley4

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Re: Does the war on Christianity exist?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2015, 11:54:57 PM »
You should check out this article:

Yes, it exists, at home and abroad.

Seven months later, the position remains unfilled — a small but concrete example of Washington’s passivity in the face of an ongoing wave of atrocities against the Assyrian, Chaldean, and other Christian communities of Iraq and Syria.

Obama rarely mentions Christian persecution when talking about ISIS or any other Muslim terrorist groups.

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Re: Does the war on Christianity exist?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2015, 02:12:19 AM »
I'm surprised that in lieu of a conviction, the Marine Corps didn't offer the young lady a combat billet.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.