Author Topic: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08 Systematic Chaos  (Read 6892 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08 Systematic Chaos
« on: December 22, 2009, 04:50:25 PM »
08. Systematic Chaos, once known officially as Gentle Giant, also known as the gigantic primitive, the Vegas blimp primitive, and "Ege Bamyasi" off of Skins's island; a les risibles primitive.

The gigantic primitive allows me to illustrate something about the nature of the laughter in the DUmpster.

Generally, most of the time, it is not good manners to make fun of fat people, especially really fat people.  Being really fat is punishment in itself.

On the contrary, it is usually a good idea to be supportive of, and assuring to, really fat people, and most especially those who are unhappy about being really fat, and bravely trying to do something about it.  They deserve encouragement, not ridicule.

I give you, for example, the droopy drawers primitive on Skins's island, the "Tobin S." primitive, who with his positive attitude about himself, about other people, about the world in general, has been melting away bulk faster than butter evaporating under the Nebraska Sandhills sun in mid-summer.

The droopy drawers primitive has been quoted in the DUmpster before, but as far as I'm aware, comments about the droopy drawers primitive have ranged only from indifference to vigorous enthusiasm, no ridicule or mockery at all.

The gigantic primitive however is a different story.

God gave each of us judgement, to evaluate people and things.  When seeing someone in distress, it is useful to try and determine how much of that wretchedness and misery is self-imposed, and how much is due to external forces.

In the case of the droopy drawers primitive, the droopy drawers primitive seems to have long ago recognized that much of his own problem is his own fault, and appears determined to address those things he can change.  One can't change external forces--other people, genetics, past experiences--but one can change oneself.

The gigantic primitive however is a different story.

Using my own God-given judgement and evaluation, it appears to me that the gigantic primitive is 91.874% to blame for his own monstrous obesity, all the rest possibly being other people, genetics, past experiences, and George Bush.  Well, the gigantic primitive can't do a damned thing about this other stuff, and needs to work on the rest of the problem, 91.874% of the problem, himself.

But the gigantic primitive won't; he acts as if 8.126% of a problem is bigger than 91.874% of the same problem; it's just so much easier to blame the maternal ancestress, the roomie Joe, George Bush, Republicans in general, casino operators, and physicians and nurses.

Did I mention that I had a less-than-stellar childhood and that nearly every woman I had developed a crush on up to that point in my life (going back to the age of 13 and I promise to tell that story someday) not just rejected me, but did so in some form of cruel fashion? So no, my self esteem just didn't seem to warrant a decision as proper and intelligent as learning to go veg.

However, a few years later I was wandering around in the book store wanting to learn to eat better than constant fast food and there was the yellow, trade paperback version of "The McDougall Plan" staring me right in the eye! I bought it right then and there that day in about 1993, took it home and read it cover to cover, shuddering at everything I had learned about how food was driving me to an early grave. So, from somewhere in the high 300s I managed to get back down to just over 300 when severe depression and loss of self-confidence caused me to slowly quit. I piled everything I'd lost back on and then some, and I ended up dealing blackjack in a small Nevada town about 65 miles from Las Vegas, just as fat, sick and out of shape as ever.

In 2002, the landscape of my life looked something like this: I had just come in to my apartment, home early from work, one day to force my oldest brother to leave due to some horrible actions on his part (keep in mind that for years I thought of him as a surrogate father after our father died when I was 6, so feeling the need to sever ties with him even temporarily was painful beyond belief).

That left my mother, who I allowed to stay with me because otherwise she would have chosen to spend her entire Social Security check on gambling and cigarettes and who would have otherwise lived in shelters rather than properly taking care of herself.

I had been working for over two years at the same casino on the Las Vegas Strip as a card/dice/roulette dealer, and one of the bosses "had it in for me". According to him, I was "this close" to being terminated for infractions which were blown completely out of proportion when he suddenly quit. After that, I remained with the same establishment for another 4 years and never got a single write-up or mark on my record. Go figure. And finally, my "dating" experiences were more and more starting to resemble the plot of a Stephen King novel and that alone can depress most people.

Needless to say, I was piling on weight left and right and actually trying to punish myself in any way possible with a SAD diet of almost solid junk food, fast food and pizza. I wanted the toxic influences out of my life, but how does one throw their own mother out into the street when they're in their 70s and call it "tough love"? So, I chose instead to collect about 30% of her income as "rent", stayed out of her business otherwise, and just tried to cope with a house full of second-hand smoke every time I came home.

Despite many attempts, due to my appearance (weight) and lack of "credit-worthiness", I couldn't escape one of the lowest paying dealing jobs in Las Vegas for something like the Hard Rock Hotel, the Venetian or Caesar's Palace. I got fed up with feeling like a constant victim of everything and started getting proactive. I bought a recumbent exercise bike and began using it almost daily (but still eating SAD... just trying to not be as out of control), and also found a decent car I could buy rather than trying to live my life by bus.

And then ooops, like Wild Bill finding Grandma:

Two other things happened as well, at nearly the same time. First, I put an ad out on and laid all my cards on the table. I was as honest as it was humanly possible to be about where I was in life and just stated that I only wanted an end to the loneliness and mind games. The same day I expanded my search out to 300 miles to include cities like San Diego and Phoenix was the day my wife (who lived in Tempe, a suburb of Phoenix) also placed her ad.

I can't to this day put into words just how much her ad spoke to me like nothing else I had ever read. Basically, she was just asking for a good friend and confidant, and maybe a chance not to have to become her neighborhood's "crazy cat lady" in another 40 years. You will start to see a theme here with dates, I think: I first corresponded online with her on July 8, 2002. I planned my first road trip to Phoenix to meet her for my days off over August 8.

The other thing that happened just before August 8 is that both of my legs (which had been swelling and had me scared to pieces) literally burst open from the amount of fluid retained in them. I was coming home from work after standing 5 1/2 + hours every day on my feet with socks as wet as if I'd been dancing in rain puddles for fun. I went where I always did when I had a problem at that time -- to my HMO's "Quick Care".

This was only a couple of nights before I was due to leave for Phoenix, and all I could think was that there was no way this young lady who was waiting for me was going to want me now. I will never forget that night in the Quick Care room, calling Jeanette on the verge of breaking down and bawling, and trying to explain what was going on with me, while waiting for the doctor to come back with prescriptions and treatment advice for my first ulcers. After explaining everything to her she told me not to worry about it and to still plan on coming down to Phoenix if at all possible.

That was my first inkling, at the age of 33, of what it was like to talk to a woman who was honest and sincere, and who had a good heart. On June 8, 2003, we were married in the Clark County Courthouse's small wedding room, alone. I did not invite my mother to attend. She would end up passing away of metastasized cancer of the lungs, ovaries and uterus on October 8, 2003, at the age of 74. Don't get me wrong, there are some few things about her that I miss, but she really did help ensure that my formative years would be... adventurous.

The above link's to those items quoted above, and to all the antics of the gigantic primitive since he left--the gigantic primitive wasn't banned, and swims back there every so often--Skins's island.

More background, from 2005:,28090.0/,28357.0/

The gigantic primitive plans for 2009:,20614.0/

The gigantic primitive okay:,22934.0/

The gigantic primitive misses birthday dinner:,26675.0/

The gigantic primitive decides he might leave Skins's island:,27622.0/

The gigantic primitive reads franksolich:,30113.0/

The gigantic primitive suggests a diet:,30966.0/

The gigantic primitive down to 475:,31460.0/

The gigantic primitive has trouble with chafing:,32007.0/

The gigantic primitive down to 440:,34717.0/

The gigantic primitive orders new slippers:,34977.0/

The gigantic primitive gets new slippers:,35414.0/

The gigantic primitive has an authentic cold:,35715.0/

The gigantic primitive gets down to 433:,35950.0/

The gigantic primitive harassed by bill-collectors:,36178.0/

The gigantic primitive back on plan:,36836.0/

The gigantic primitive plans Thanksgiving:,37027.0/

The gigantic primitive has a wet Thanksgiving:,37115.0/

The gigantic primitive spinning his wheels:,37269.0/

The gigantic primitive trying to be honest:,37333.0/

The gigantic primitive's wife is upset, out of sorts:,37484.0/

The gigantic primitive mounts a stationary bicycle (photograph, too):,38018.0/

The gigantic primitive down to 438:,38266.0/
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 12:27:35 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 04:53:43 PM »
I'm just messing around, because with all this snow, nothing else to do.

This is what first got me interested in the gigantic primitive, when he was still on Skins's island:

Systematic Chaos  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-19-09 11:57 PM
Response to Original message

5. And so it happens again! (Paratransit rant #2)

Ah, yes. My 40th birthday. Everybody only gets one of those and historically speaking once you've had yours, your days of youth are over and it's on to middle age.

Hey, I don't mind... at least not until Paratransit comes along, yet again, to completely and totally **** up a dinner Jeanette and I had planned for weeks ahead of time.

To make a long story short, due to the ridiculous way the driver's manifest was arranged, we finally ordered the driver to take us home rather than to the restaurant after being nearly two and a half hours non-stop on his bus, and he still was nowhere near the neighborhood across town where the place was.

When we finally got back home it was 7:50 in the evening, and our ride home at the restaurant was set for 8:34. Mind you, we were picked up just a few minutes after 5:00! I don't believe he would have made it to the restaurant by 8:34... or if he did we might have had 10 minutes to walk in and take a deep whiff of the smells of what we wouldn't be eating tonight before jumping on another bus to get home who knows when...?

What sucks about this the most is that when Jeanette called these dipshits up and arranged the rides, she plainly stated that we wanted to be at the restaurant by 6:00. We expected to have over two hours to sit and eat and enjoy a couple margaritas. But noooooo. And then the driver was asking if we wanted to reschedule our ride home for a later time. As if I couldn't wait to see how badly they could **** that up as well.

We ordered pizza tonight. We'll sit home, play games on the computers or our XBox and just try to forget what happened tonight.

But seriously, how can this company be so consistently negligent and lax? They just raised all of the fares by a considerable amount due to when Diesel was running over $4.00 per gallon. Now it's back to around half that, so they can't be that strapped for cash. What? Did Bushit and "Big Dick" Cheney show up at the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada's main office and give a ****ing motivational speech?

Hell with my 40th birthday dinner... what about all the people who use this service for dialysis and other lifesaving medical treatments? I got off that bus shaking like a leaf from taking my blood sugar medications and then proceeding to be without any food or liquid for nearly three hours while being jounced around like a bingo ball in a hopper. How sick have other people gotten? I have to wonder how many people throw up or mess themselves from being trapped for hours just trying to get from point A to point B?

Do yourselves a favor, everyone. Stay the living **** out of Vegas for any reason! This town doesn't need your support or your tourism. I'd rather they just nuke it and start over about now.

I'm telling you, the same level of incompetence and bullshit that pervades this public transit system is in all walks of life in this city and why I didn't figure that out years ago is anybody's guess. Minneapolis and Phoenix both made infinitely more sense and were so much better arranged than this place. I'm gonna shut up now and quit going on about shit that doesn't matter.

Dinner will be here soon and Jeanette will be back with cold drinks. I just had to get this off my chest real quick while I was here alone.

March 26, 2009

You know, I've been reading the gigantic primitive for a long time now, through all of his ups and downs, and this guy is an ungrateful ass.

All he does is bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.....

The gigantic primitive never has a kind word to say about the physicians and nurses trying desperately to save his life, nor the other medical staff trying desperately to make him comfortable whenever he's in the hospital.

I'll bet he's never said "thank you" to a single one of them.

And then the nice guy who drives the gigantic primitive and his wife around, showing them the sights of Last Vegas; I'll bet the gigantic primitive's never tipped him.

Damn, this guy is just an insufferable ungrateful ass.

I'm starting to suspect the gigantic primitive entertains private fantasies--at his size, all he can do is fantasize--about being like one of those monolithic Polynesian kings reclining on a curtained platform borne on the shoulders of six or eight strong men, dining on whole pizzas and buckets of ice cream as they trot around.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2009, 09:08:41 AM »
Anyone want to take a bet that his poor suffering wife (Jeanette?) silently prays every night, that this fat ****s heart will finally explode under his massive frame, so she never has to wipe his fat, worthless ass again?
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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 02:31:16 PM »
Anyone want to take a bet that his poor suffering wife (Jeanette?) silently prays every night, that this fat ****s heart will finally explode under his massive frame, so she never has to wipe his fat, worthless ass again?

I'd lay down a sizable chunk of change that there are days she's not that silent about it.  :evillaugh:
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Offline franksolich

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2009, 02:43:09 PM »
I'd lay down a sizable chunk of change that there are days she's not that silent about it.  :evillaugh:

The guy's a prima donna, expecting to be catered to on the least little things.

Not only a prima donna, but also unimaginative.

I need to explain that "make lemonade out of lemons" comment, which appeared on freerepublic, not here.  Apparently the gigantic primitive read franksolich at freerepublic.

So the overworked and much-harrassed handi-bus driver keeps hauling the gigantic primitive and his wife all over Last Vegas, and the couple aren't going to make it to their planned bacchanalia at the restaurant.

Well, excresence happens, and there's not a damned thing one can do about it.

Once it became obvious the poor driver wasn't going to make it, the gigantic primitive should have made lemonade out of lemons, sitting back with the wife and enjoying a personally-guided tour of the bright lights of the city, in ease and comfort.

Just because one thing doesn't work out doesn't mean another thing won't.

apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2009, 03:02:29 PM »
Anyone want to take a bet that his poor suffering wife (Jeanette?) silently prays every night, that this fat ****s heart will finally explode under his massive frame, so she never has to wipe his fat, worthless ass again?

What about the roomie, does she like the roomie?

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2009, 03:03:36 PM »
What about the roomie, does she like the roomie?

Actually, I get sort of the impression roommate Joe is a lazy slob.

The gigantic primitive's wife weighs 150 pounds.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #07
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2009, 10:18:04 AM »
I can't find it, even though a "word search" must inevitably bring it up, because the word is pretty unusual, and in fact franksolich is perhaps the only person who's ever used the word, but many moons ago, I wrote a piece here about what ails the primitives on Skins's island.

erysichthonian: an insatiable appetite; the need to devour all that is there.

There's lots on Erysichthon, but this one, from a high school course, an easy read:

- - - - -

Erysichthon (ur i sik' thon) was a vain and boastful man: He paid little attention to what other people said or thought. He paid even less attention to the gods. Erysichthon always did exactly as he pleased.

One day he and his servants went into the woods to look for; firewood. In the middle of a small grove, he spotted a fine, strong oak tree. "That's the tree I want!" Erysichthon shouted. He turned to his servants. "Cut it down right now!"

But the servants would not even go near the oak. "Master, we cannot cut that tree," one of them said. "It belongs to the goddess Demeter. You cannot take her tree."

Erysichthon laughed at them. "Foolish, frightened little men! Give me that ax! We will see who's afraid of Demeter!"

Erysichthon picked up the ax and swung it. He made a deep cut in the trunk of the oak. As he pulled the ax out of the tree, the servants screamed in terror. Bright red blood was pouring from the cut! But Erysichthon ignored the strange blood. He continued swinging his ax. In a short time,the oak fell to the ground. "This will be enough firewood for a week," said Erysichthon proudly. He then carried the blood-soaked wood home with him.

It wasn't long before Demeter found out what had happened to her favorite tree. In anger she called upon the terrible Famine to punish Erysichthon.

"Stay with Erysichthon day and night Demeter commanded. "No matter how much he eats, it will never be enough. He will starve even as he fills himself with food." Famine did as Demeter ordered. She went to Erysichthon that very night and breathed her hunger into his body.

The next morning Erysichthon noticed that he was very hungry. He ate four dozen eggs, eight cheeses, and six legs of lamb. But the more he ate, the more he wanted. Erysichthon spent the entire day eating, yet he could not fill himself.

Each day passed in the same way. Erysichthon ate all of the time, but still he starved. He sold his land, his animals, and everything else he owned to buy food. But it was never enough. In desperation, he sold his daughter to a ship's captain as a slave. The frightened girl pleaded with her father, but he would not listen. "Do as I tell you. Go down to the shore and wait for the captain. Don't bother me any more with your crying."

As the daughter stood on the shore, she prayed to Poseidon for help. "Great god of the sea, please save me from this terrible fate."

From deep in the ocean, Poseidon heard the girl. He was angered that she should have to pay for her father's mistake. In pity, he turned her into a fisherman. When the ship's captain arrived, all he found was an old man with a bucket of fish. Believing his slave had escaped, the captain quickly left.

The girl soon regained her own form. She returned to her father and told him what had happened. "My daughter, that is wonderful news!" the starving man cried. "Now I can sell you again for even more money!"

Erysichthon sold his daughter many times. Each time Poseidon turned her into something else and she was saved.

But Erysichthon could still not buy enough food to fill himself. His body grew weaker and weaker. He ate all day, but he was starving to death.

One day all the food in the house was gone. Erysichthon began to go insane with hunger. In desperation, he turned upon his own body. He chewed hungrily at his arms and legs until at last Death freed him from his torture.

- - - - -

This of course applies more to emotional or spiritual greed, than to physical greed; in the case of the primitives on Skins's island, perhaps the "sacred grove" is the national treasury, or the blood of the taxpayers.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #07
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2009, 10:33:10 AM »
The above's a high-school thing; I believe in the original story, Erysichthon ultimately devoured the goose that laid the golden egg, his own daughter, and so no more golden eggs.

Besides parallels with the "sacred grove" being the national treasury or the blood of the taxpayers, one can see parallels with the way primitives sap the strength and energy, and the resources, of their own families.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Top DUmmies (Primitives) of 2009: #08
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 10:40:34 AM »
Actually, I get sort of the impression roommate Joe is a lazy slob.

The gigantic primitive's wife weighs 150 pounds.

Agreed. Joe is a lazy bastard.  There are only a couple of reasons he is even in the picture.  Cheap rent and a free lay.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
