Author Topic: I have talked too many Trump voters, they all have this in common.  (Read 438 times)

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Offline dutch508

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shockey80 (3,069 posts)

I have talked too many Trump voters, they all have this in common.

Fake is real, real is fake. This is absolute proof they are all infected with the disease of propaganda. If you talk to any Trump voters that's where you should start and end the conversation. There is nothing else to talk about it.

When people believe Fox news and Rush are the real news, and every major new organization, every major newspaper in the country is the fake news, they are completely infected with propaganda. They are ****ing idiots. All of us should not hesitate to tell them this fact and do it with great resolve.

I have had enough of Trump voters wrecking my country. I am tired of ignoring them.


Star Member Faux pas (8,935 posts)

1. No critical thinking skills brought to you by the assholes who killed public education for the for profit assholes.

Which political ideology runs the education system?

McKim (1,350 posts)

65. The Dumbing Down is Real

The Great Dumbing Down is real. Just go to a used magazine store and pick up a Saturday Evening Post from 1968. You will find long interesting stories with high level vocabulary and ideas. You will find international and national coverage and a refreshing lack of popular culture garbage stories. This will help you see that we HAVE been dumbed down. Remember, the Saturday Evening Post was an average magazine, not an intellectual one. My parents did not graduate from high school but they read it every week and we all learned from it. Education was revered.
The shock of reading this will hit you in the face!


Star Member freepotter (91 posts)

31. I was totally stunned

after watching Independent Lens on PBS this morning. The program was "We Believe in Dinosaurs" that was about "The building of a $120 million Noah's Ark exhibit is featured, backed by the Creation Museum in Williamstown, Kentucky. It was designed to prove the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate. Residents who support and oppose it are heard from." Fortunately it didn't take long for that boondoggle to go kaput.

Man, you talk about a bunch of ignorant nuts! It's no wonder that this country elected the Orange Menace. There was a trailer message after the end of the film that said "40% of Americans believe in Creationism as opposed to evolution." Bet most of them, if they voted, went for Dump.

Star Member BigmanPigman (32,355 posts)

34. That was my single reason for predicting tRump would win

since the night he came down the golden escalator. I told everyone that he would since the average American is dumber than dirt. I don't think that too many have increased their IQ since then.

That is why we have to get the somewhat normal Independents to vote with us. To do that we have to talk about how awful things will continue to be if tRump is reelected and the Senate is still GOP instead of attacking each other.

We also have to think like Putin thinks: What does Putin want to see happen today, next week, next month and next year? He is planning long term and short term to destroy us.

Star Member pnwmom (102,132 posts)

45. Somewhere along the line I realized that half the voters

have an IQ below 100.

Trump's genius was in knowing how to snooker low-information voters.

pacheen (5 posts)

63. It goes beyond critical thinking skills

And I say this because I have some relatives with college degrees who are Trumpists.

I went to a high school that tried to teach us critical thinking skills. In the 1970’s. I don’t think a lot of us were ready for that, developmentally.

I just don’t know what to make of it.

Star Member Dustlawyer (9,171 posts)

78. The RW media has programmed these people with decades of constant, negative

stories and comments. They are programmed to ignore the “lies” (facts) we present and sit there with a smug smile on their faces thinking they know better.

If we can gain control of the Senate, WH, and keep the House we must reinstate the Fairness Doctrine and work to eliminate lies by the media.

certainot (6,312 posts)

24. the hate radio monopoly is very vulnerable - ready to push off the cliff

the talk radio monopoly is extremely vulnerable now with artificial intelligence enhanced transcription and the possible well deserved departure of limbaugh. it is not part of the free speech spectrum and it is not an expression of 'market demand' for hate and global warming demand and racism. the ad industry has to adjust for the possible loss of limbaugh on 600 major stations, many already artificially supported. any real activism aimed at rw radio will force the ad industry to start adjusting preemptively to protect clients. they're going to have to get many of those stations to switch programming or lose a lot of advertisers.

there are 87 major universities supporting 260 limbaugh stations and they need to be protested until they quit

without talk radio trump and the GOP are total ****ed. none of this trump disaster could have happened without limbaugh leading chorus of a few hundred liars on 1500 radio stations.

if trump/putin paid $1000/hr for radio then 1200 stations x 15 hrs a day are worth $5BIL/year

then the dem party will have to go 15 pts left.


Star Member lambchopp59 (1,166 posts)

8. Scared of the truth

So, burying oneself in the "everything's okay" propaganda world, mob mentality reinforcing the mark's set of confabulatory beliefs and presto--- A damn Trumper. Easily accomplished among the sort who drew unflattering pitchers of his/her "teechers" on their mostly blank notebooks in the school days.
And a bit astounding of those who did achieve educational attainment.
There will be tremendous amounts of cult deprogramming efforts necessary if future generations are to survive the climate apocalypse.
Meantime, the idiots will still drive one or two fat asses to the all-you-can-eat fried buffet in their behemothmobile.


Star Member CaptainTruth (1,845 posts)

12. Notice how everything Trump says is the exact opposite of reality?

His followers do the same thing.

It makes me wonder how they survive in daily life.

For example, when crossing the street do they look at the speeding bus & say "there is no bus, it's fake news" (the exact opposite of reality), & then walk in front of it?

Brainfodder (834 posts)

17. Add what they might hear in church, rallies, and other places?

I did my due diligence, people I care about are free to be ignoramuses, until..... and that's where most of us aint yet?

...please don't make me fight my neighbors....
...I haven't even met most of them after 10 years+....

I got zero RL friends now, & I'm finally OK with it.

What I do have are a ton of relatives, and they too aint getting any younger, just lost one this week in fact.

To tune into their propaganda, it's just amazing how politically moronic they are, when Tucker is being passed for credible, and the rest of their ANGRY FRAMING OF TODAY'S EVIL DEMOCRATS; looking at you dolled up Judge Scumbag!

Shady presents and pasts as regular guests?

I see enough clips from late night comedians monologues!

Time has come to blow their brains out with non-stop good ads?! Otherwise, ya gotta boycott shame anyone still advertising on their shitshows?

I may not like Michael Bloomberg much, but the ads are a good start!

 :???:  :stoner:

Star Member cilla4progress (12,776 posts)

22. I encountered their unique from of psychopathy

shortly after the 2016 election. Neighbor's trumper brother was returning a loan. It was quickly and frighteningly apparent he was living in an alternate universe.

Scariest part was it sent me into my own reality tailspin for about 48 hours.

I no longer engage, for the sake of my sanity.

Star Member rufus dog (7,790 posts)

27. Hit up some college friends the day of the pardons

A hard core trumpie, an idiot rw follower, a reformed republican and a liberal. My text said, lets just focus on the Blago pardon what are your thoughts? Now I do this occasionally so they can't get the RW talking points and are forced to deflect.

So the crazy trumper responded as expected, here it is...

"I have not had time to process the pardons. Still enjoying the irony of McCabe whining about how unfairly he and his family were treated due to his lies and actions. Poor thing -not really, he's a POS. Fits perfectly on CNN

Thank god for Bill Barr. Only lefties can actually coordinate with foreign agents to affect an election and then accuse others of doing it."

That is a whole lot of kool aid drinking.


benld74 (8,723 posts)

49. Buddy of mine posted on FB

Yeah I know,
Something really innocous bout tRump and
Began getting waylaid by our HS friends.
Those we just saw at a reunion, laughed with, drank with.
Calling logical statements stupid. Spouting rw ideas we have all heard, as fact
Couldn't reason with them
We were informed if we didn't like what they replied to not read them

So my buddy deleted his post.
He told me he will look at them differently from now on. I informed him I had a feeling they were like that. Just didn't think they were rabid.

Prue (106 posts)

54. It's frightening and disturbing

One of my ex-hiking friends is a trump supporter. She is a highly educated woman and holds several degrees including a Ph.D. Some of the things that she has said in defense of trump are totally absurd to the point that I thought she was kidding. She wasn't.

I seriously don't understand how people can turn a blind eye to trump's cruel policies and ignore what is so evident, trump is a criminal and he has no moral principles.

El Mimbreno (547 posts)

76. I've been peeling trump stickers off of road signs...

even keep a plastic scraper in each vehicle. But maybe I should just order some "to life" stickers.

Permanut (2,544 posts)

64. The Trump cult includes the Bible thumpers as well..

Trump, Turtle man, et al, had total control of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government - that is to say, ALL of it, and could have reversed Roe v. Wade. They did nothing, but the thumpers to this day talk for hours in person or on their radio shows about how Trump and the Republicans are the "pro-life" party.

I think that qualifies them as dumb shits.


Star Member summer_in_TX (374 posts)

66. We've got a bad habit of telling those who voted for Trump in 2016 how stupid, racist, gullible, uneducated, and brainwashed they are. Some moderate Rs who voted for Trump thinking he was the lesser of two evils have told me they hope we nominate someone they can vote for. Meaning they don't want to vote for him.

But the more we act like they are all stupid and ignorant, the more they get frustrated and angry at us. The superciliousness and superiority we often express makes me wonder if we even deserve to have voters turn towards Democrats. I've observed that it takes having the right attitude toward others before things come together the way I hope they will. When I am judgmental and putting out negative vibes, the universe goes against me.

Some of the 2016 Trump voters I know are far from the stereotypes often expressed on DU. Educated, bright, caring about their community, no obvious prejudice towards gays, Hispanics, blacks, or other minorities. I have hopes for them because I know how bright they are. But not if they are constantly judged (and misjudged). No, they'll take a look at Trump's economy, deal with the Taliban, etc., and decide that a vote for him at least will show us.

A group of my more conservative friends have breakfast every Thursday morning at the local cafe. They call themselves "The Deplorables." Still, four years later after the 2016 election. I'm quite sure back in 2016 they helped convince anyone who might have still been on the fence that they shouldn't vote for anyone who looked down on them and thought they were deplorable. They have a wide social circle, respect in the community, a spirit of volunteerism, and senses of humor. So they can influence others.


solarjre (24 posts)

77. I live with the idiocy every day

My 86 year old father watched nothing but Fox News, and when they reported about The latest intelligence briefing regarding Russia helping Trump get elected, he actually said he didn’t believe it. When I asked why, he said Russia would be able to push around any of the Democrats much easier. Absolutely zero chance or reasoning with these (sorry dad, man I used to respect) idiots.

Richard58 (18 posts)

81. This is why wingnuts drive me so crazy!

When I argue with a Trumper it is always a frustrating exercise in futility! We can't even agree on basic facts. Why? Because they live in an alternative reality! According to their worldview America's economy was abysmal under Obama and soared once Trump took office. When I try to explain how Trump inherited a great economy with things things like facts and graphs from the Dept of Labor and other sources they say it is "fake news". When I talk about Trump trying to force Ukraine to get dirt on Biden they say that Trump was "deeply concerned" about corruption in the Ukraine and was trying to stop it. No evidence to the contrary will change their minds.
Even when I complain about immigrant kids in cages they reply that it was OBAMA that started that policy and Trump stopped it! It makes me want to scream!
They firmly believe that only Fox News tells the truth and all other outlets are run by "communists". Seriously, I had a wingnut tell me that MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and PBS are all run by "Marxist Jews" who "hate America". How does one combat such bigoted idiocy?
Every negative story about Trump is "fake news" in their myopic world view. They truly believe that he is a genius, a devout Christian and a corruption fighter who is "draining the swamp" despite ALL evidence to the contrary. It drives me insane! I've given up even trying to have a dialogue with those a--holes because it is pointless and a waste of time. You can't fix stupid. I weep for this nation. So many people are just gullible rubes with zero critical thinking skills. It makes me embarrassed to be an American.


After all this time the leftist DUmpmonkiez still have nothing...
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline freedumb2003b

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Re: I have talked too many Trump voters, they all have this in common.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2020, 02:25:20 PM »
Dunning-Kruger syndrome -- ACROSS THE BOARD.
Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an ax

Hello to the Baizuo lurkers from DU, DI, JPR and Huffpo

DUmmies can no more understand the "Cave" than a rat can understand a thunderbolt, but they fear it just the same. Fear the "Cave", DUmmies. Fear it well. Big Dog 12-Jan-2015

Proud charter member of the Death Squad Hate Force!

Ted Kennedy is the only person with an actual confirmed kill in the war on women.

Offline SVPete

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Re: I have talked too many Trump voters, they all have this in common.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2020, 03:59:47 PM »
shockey80 (3,069 posts)

I have talked too many Trump voters, they all have this in common.

Fake is real, real is fake. ...

What's fake is your written English ability, shockey80, :rotf: .
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.