Author Topic: Will Morningstar gets triggered. Cries like a baby.  (Read 1330 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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Will Morningstar gets triggered. Cries like a baby.
« on: June 08, 2018, 03:19:08 PM »
It all started with a lefty alerting on a Conservative post.
Bottom line: Lefty can dish it out but he can't take it.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
24. This was alerted by some snowflake. No Hide from me.

Geeze Louise, these Lefty's have no spine.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
27. It was alerted a day later by a troublemaking troll. Not "lefty".

Don't fall for troll-trouble. The alerter wants to make you accuse each other for kicks.

The fact that it was alerted the next day proves it was a random troll.

The alerted poster, jaimebondojr, is a good friend to all here. None of us would alert a cute nickname which meant no harm.

As I said above, Skinner should use this name on 4-chan. Skinner on 4-chan? "4-skins!" LOL!
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
30. Most Lefty's are triggered easily....and alert at the drop of a hat.

so I don't believe you.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
33. Please do believe me. I insist. Trolls sow fear and suspicion. It's what they do.

We're better than that. You're a good poster. I don't have to be RW to appreciate a thoughtful post.

Sure some folks have thin skins. I don't. If a dirt-bag tries to screw with me, I'll stand right up to that dirt-bag and stand like a man, not crawl and whimper like a dog.

These alert-bunnies who hide in the weeds and press ther little trouble-buttons have wrecked our jury-system, so when a real pervert hurts a DI Member on purpose, why alert? Why bother?

The alert button is only to hurt people. The honestly-abused need not apply.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
34. Sorry Will, but I consider you a troll.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
36. Sorry you feel that way. Most people would disagree with you.

Trolls are malicious. Where is my malice?

Trolls are hurtful. Whom have I hurt?

Trolls are stalkers. Who have I stalked?

Trolls are liars. What lies do I tell?

Trolls are haters. Whom do I hate?

Trolls are troublemakers. What trouble do I cause?

Trolls are sadists. What pain do I inflict?

Trolls are psychological warfare. What minds have I destroyed?

Trolls are bad-faith alerters. What DI Members have I removed?

Trolls are anti-social personalities. What websites have I ruined?

Trolls are psychopaths. Who have I stepped on?
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
37. I am not alone on this. You are the very definition of a troll
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
39. I must be a very bad man. I must be the worst man in the world.

A true devil. Who knew? Why is there no crowd with burning torches and pitchforks on my lawn?
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
40. I didn't know troll caves had lawns.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
41. You can't take away my self-esteem. I know I'm good. So do others. You can't change that.
D26-15 (5,837 posts)
43. You nailed it, Da Mann.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
44. He may have "nailed IT", but none have yet nailed ME. Can't nail ME.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
46. Sorry. There is no great demand to "nail" soy boi trolls.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
50. "no demand to nail soi boi trolls" I AM NOT A HOMOSEXUAL! TAKE THAT BACK!

Just because I survived torture and gang rape in my early teens, some people say that "turned me queer!" I've been dealing with people calling me queer for being a male rape survivor all my life.

I will not hide my shame, because I have nothing to feel ashamed.

I've been standing up to (redacted --Ed.) and others who call me "soi boi" all my live.

You can't hurt me. You have no such power.

I'll pray for you. I bear you no ill will.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
51. I never said you were.

a might touchy today, are we?
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
45. "I am not alone in this". I see you are correct. You are not alone in this. You have help.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
47. perhaps you can post a poll: "Is Will Morningstar a troll?"

the results might be enlightening.
Will Morningstar (5,636 posts)
49. Why not, "Is Will Morningstar a Child Molester?", then? Or "Bank Robber?"

I meet no definition of "Troll", "Child Molester", or "Bank Robber". That's why not.

Defamation of Character is a Personal Attack.

Post an OP calling me (don't let's be cute. "Poll" is no dodge!) Troll or Child Molester? Just because the site-owners have thrown up their hands is no excuse. I'm neither Troll nor Child Molester.
Da Mannn (19,540 posts)
52. Calm down. I just made a suggestion

for an interesting post.

Offline DUmpsterDiver

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Re: Will Morningstar gets triggered. Cries like a baby.
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2018, 08:36:26 PM »
Triggering can be helpful at times.  Not too long ago a trigger was pulled that sent three .22 magnum rounds of lead my way.
I responded with a redhawk draw and double actioned two 240 grain HP response rounds that stopped the show.

The neighbors documented they heard three pops (his) and one big one (mine (x2)).  Yeah, I was triggered.

ESAD anti-Americans.

Offline Skul

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Re: Will Morningstar gets triggered. Cries like a baby.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2018, 11:49:12 PM »
pewpewpewBooBoom >silence< 
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline DUmpsterDiver

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Re: Will Morningstar gets triggered. Cries like a baby.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2018, 01:57:15 AM »
Ears ringing, mouth dry and compliance with the swat followup.  Sympathy came with time and understanding.