Author Topic: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10  (Read 13796 times)

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"Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:26:46 PM »

Hannah Bell (1000+ posts)          Sat Feb-13-10 04:12 PM
Original message
"Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
ENDORSED BY (list in formation):


The Adjunct Project, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City
AFSCME 3800, University of Minnesota Clerical Workers
All Nations Alliance
Anakbayan Los Angeles
Anakbayan New York/New Jersey, Jersey City, NJ
Anakbayan Philippines
Bail Out the People Movement
Baltimore Algebra Project
Baltimore Solidarity Center
California Prison Moratorium Project
California State University Employees Union
Campus Antiwar Network (CAN)
Chicago World Can’t Wait
Chop from the Top Coalition, University of Minnesota
Coalition for Community Justice, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL
Coalition for Equal Quality Education, Boston
Coalition for Public Education / Coalición por la Educación Pública, New York City
Coalition for Social Reform, UMass-Lowell
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
Committee for Revolutionizing the AcaDemy (ComRAD), University of Minnesota
Community Organizing Center for Mother Earth, Columbus, Ohio
Connecticut Students Against the War
CUNY Campaign to Defend Education
Democracy Insurgent, Seattle
DestroyIndustrY, Raleigh, NC
Education For All, San Diego
Fight Imperialism, Stand Together
Free UCR Alliance, UC Riverside
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Socialist Party
Georgia State University Progressive Student Alliance
Giant Record Corporation, Amherst, MA
Graduate Student Employees Union, SUNY Stony Brook
Graduate Student Workers United, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St.Paul
Hawai’i Solidarity Committee
Human Rights Action Committee, Framingham State College, MA
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
International Socialist Organization
International Workers and Students for Justice – University of Washington in Seattle
The Kennebunks Peace Department
L.A. County Peace & Freedom Party
League for the Revolutionary Party, New York City
Low-Income Student Alliance, New School University, New York City
March 4 Organizing Committee, CSU Monterey Bay
Massachusetts Student Action Coalition
Massachusetts Students Uniting
May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights, New York City
National MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán (MEChA), Milwaukee
Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán (MEChA), UC San Diego
Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán (MEChA), USC
National Assembly to End the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars & Occupations
Network to Fight for Economic Justice
New School in Exile, New York City
NYC Anti-War Coalition
Oakland Education Association
Olympia Coalition for a Fair Budget, Olympia, WA
People’s Organization for Progress, Newark, NJ
Peoples Video Network
p.o.n.d. records
Progressive Democrats of America, Ohio
Progressive Faculty Network of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Progressive Student Alliance – University of Florida
Progressive Student Alliance, University of Memphis
Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM)
Purchase Polis, SUNY Purchase
PUSH: Ideas into Action, SUNY Purchase
Queens College Antiwar Coalition
Queer People Of Color Action
Radical Student Union, Bard College
Rebel Diaz Arts Collective, Bronx, NY
Recreate ‘68 Alliance
Rhode Island Unemployed Council
The Silent Radio DJs
Small Schools Workshop, Chicago
Social Justice Alliance, SUNY Stony Brook
Socialism Now!, Chicago
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Organizer
Socialist Party of Connecticut
Socialist Party USA

S.O.S. Save Our Schools Coalition, Providence, RI
SpeakOut – the Institute for Democratic Education & Culture, Oakland, CA
Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA), City College of New York
Student Representative Body of the University of Marburg, Germany
Students Promoting Engagement Through Activism and Knowledge (SPEAK), Georgia State University
Student / Farmworker Alliance
Students for a Democratic Society
Students for a Democratic Society, Animas, Durango, Coloardo
Students for a Democratic Society, Chicago
Students for a Democratic Society, College Park, University of Maryland
Students for a Democratic Society, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, California
Students for a Democratic Society, Gainesville Area
Students for a Democratic Society, Milwaukee
Students for a Democratic Society / Movement for a Democratic Society, Michigan State University
Students for a Democratic Society, Oklahoma
Students for a Democratic Society, Rochester
Students for a Democratic Society, TFHS
Students for a Democratic Society, UNC-Asheville
Students for a Democratic Society, UNC-Chapel Hill
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Houston
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Minnesota
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Tuscaloosa
Students for a Democratic Society, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Students for Educational Rights, City College of New York
Students for Quality Education, Cal Poly Pomona Chapter
Students Taking Action to Reclaim our Education, University of Maryland
SUNY Downstate College of Health Related Professions Council
Take Back NYU!, New York City
Take Back WBAI, New York City
Teachers for a Just Contract, New York City
Teachers Unity Forum, Kerala, India
UCSD Coalition for Educational Justice
United In Campaign Against Budget Cuts, University of Illinois-Chicago
United Socialists of Pittsburgh State
United Students Against Sweatshops
University of Massachusetts-Lowell Coalition for Social Reform
University of Washington Student Worker Coalition, Seattle
UT Austin Stop the Cuts Coalition
UTLA / Project Great Futures / CAMS
UW-Milwaukee Education Rights Campaign
Workers Action
Workers World Party
Young Democratic Socialists, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ

Endorsed by:

October 24 Statewide Mobilizing Conference to Save Public Education
California Labor Federation
California Faculty Association
California Federation of Teachers
United Teachers of Los Angeles
United Educators of San Francisco
AFSCME Local 444 / /

You should be proud.

Can we call it treason yet?

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 03:33:12 PM »
Watch it be a minor event. lol

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 03:38:30 PM »
When something as basic, simple, and fundamental as "Public Education" needs to be defended, well, it's already a lost cause and completely hopeless.  

Having to defend something that should come so naturally to an intelligent society means the process has been infiltrated by radicals who do not have the best interest of society's children as their goal, and that an agenda outside of useful education is in play.

In other words, the public education system with which we now live must be destroyed and then rebuilt by normal people who have a desire to live in the America designed by our founders.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2010, 03:40:13 PM »
Their strike demands or statement or whatever probably doesn't mention the children once.

Offline thundley4

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2010, 03:48:45 PM »
None of the DUmmies seem to care.

Hannah Bell (1000+ posts)             Sun Feb-14-10 02:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. k
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Hannah Bell (1000+ posts)             Sun Feb-14-10 04:17 PM
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2. kik
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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2010, 03:59:34 PM »
Can you imagine, if the human debris represented by that list of organizations were to gather in an arena, how strong the odor would be?

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2010, 04:30:33 PM »
Can you imagine, if the human debris represented by that list of organizations were to gather in an arena, how strong the odor would be?

Who could resist an air strike?

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2010, 04:47:10 PM »
None of the DUmmies seem to care.

She has been beating this drum for quite some time here is another of her threads from a couple days ago:


{the same list and other junk omitted}

At least this one has graphics. :rotf:
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Randy

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 04:55:13 PM »
Students for a Democratic Society
Students for a Democratic Society, Animas, Durango, Coloardo
Students for a Democratic Society, Chicago
Students for a Democratic Society, College Park, University of Maryland
Students for a Democratic Society, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, California
Students for a Democratic Society, Gainesville Area
Students for a Democratic Society, Milwaukee
Students for a Democratic Society / Movement for a Democratic Society, Michigan State University
Students for a Democratic Society, Oklahoma
Students for a Democratic Society, Rochester
Students for a Democratic Society, TFHS
Students for a Democratic Society, UNC-Asheville
Students for a Democratic Society, UNC-Chapel Hill
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Houston
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Minnesota
Students for a Democratic Society, University of Tuscaloosa
Students for a Democratic Society, West Chester, Pennsylvania

Code for communists.

Offline ColonialMarine0431

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2010, 04:57:31 PM »
Reason #1.254,336 why my children will go to Private School, Military School or be Home Educated.
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Offline delilahmused

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2010, 06:09:08 PM »
Same old 60's crap! We can finance war but not education, blah, blah, blah! When teachers start performing as well as our troops (WITHOUT whining and complaining) then they might have cause. I've seen how much my son's sergeant pay is and it's a damn sight less than your average teacher fresh out of college. Give people a reason to fight for schools and they will. I'm sick to death of being threatened by civil servants that teachers will be laid off, prisoners will be set free, fire stations will close. Government yanks essential services first as punishment for not getting enough pirated bounty from the citizens. When the rest of us tighten our belts we cut out little extras like going out to dinner and a movie (think of it as funding the arts at the micro level) and finding ways to stretch our food budget (something food stamp families never experience even in economic downturns...I don't know any who have had their food budgets cut). If I did things like the government I'd be calling my mortgage company every month and saying "sorry my house payment is $100 short this month because I had to see 3 new movies to support Hollywood and everyone needs a break, and damn I have to eat so it might as well be prime rib." I don't think they'd be too happy but the government does the equivalent all the time and I'm just sick of being blackmailed.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2010, 06:15:08 PM »
Defend public education my ass.....I have more or less just spent the last 2 months teaching my ninth grade "Honors Student" third grade arithmetic. I remember asking his third or forth grade teacher when they were going to make him memorize the multiplication/division tables...."Oh, they'll pick that up as they go along." And when I asked why they allowed them to use calculators, "Oh, It's the age of electronics."

OK, let me be honest by saying he's hard headed and stubborn like his daddy. He's been told for nine years "You're smart" blah-blah-blah. He started having trouble in Honors Algebra l last this year I had to sign a waiver or something to get him into Honors Algebra ll...I tried to help him but it was "I know what I'm doing Daddy"...that was until he made an "F" for the third grading period and one of the other "smart" kids saw his grade and they made fun of him.....they aren't supposed to compare grades or make fun of other students....... IT WAS JUST WHAT THE HELL HE NEEDED....he came home very embarrassed and upset to the N th degree. He was then willing to admit he was "LOST" and accept some help from his dumbass daddy.

Might mention here that when we sat down to do algebrs, the wife went to WAL-MART to get away from the ....uh....well...uh...departing of knowledge.

Long story sort of short....he went from C, D, F, C and C average for the fall semester to an "A" for the first grade period of this spring semester. His algebra teacher list all the "A" students on her website and report cards each grade period. They have gotten into stuff that I don't even remember seeing even in college....Teachers "A" list was running about 20 students from all her's down to seven now and the "smart" ones that fall off the "A" list are wondering how my son got on the list. His biggest problem was he was slow doing simple third grade math.

At the first of the year he was begging me to send him to a private school or a military academy. I told him, "Son. These are the people you're going to have to live, work and deal with for the rest of your life. Might as well learn how to do it now."

He was grinning from ear to ear Saturday...he was teaching Daddy some new algebra tricks.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Celtic Rose

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2010, 06:54:09 PM »
Defend public education my ass.....I have more or less just spent the last 2 months teaching my ninth grade "Honors Student" third grade arithmetic. I remember asking his third or forth grade teacher when they were going to make him memorize the multiplication/division tables...."Oh, they'll pick that up as they go along." And when I asked why they allowed them to use calculators, "Oh, It's the age of electronics."

OK, let me be honest by saying he's hard headed and stubborn like his daddy. He's been told for nine years "You're smart" blah-blah-blah. He started having trouble in Honors Algebra l last this year I had to sign a waiver or something to get him into Honors Algebra ll...I tried to help him but it was "I know what I'm doing Daddy"...that was until he made an "F" for the third grading period and one of the other "smart" kids saw his grade and they made fun of him.....they aren't supposed to compare grades or make fun of other students....... IT WAS JUST WHAT THE HELL HE NEEDED....he came home very embarrassed and upset to the N th degree. He was then willing to admit he was "LOST" and accept some help from his dumbass daddy.

Might mention here that when we sat down to do algebrs, the wife went to WAL-MART to get away from the ....uh....well...uh...departing of knowledge.

Long story sort of short....he went from C, D, F, C and C average for the fall semester to an "A" for the first grade period of this spring semester. His algebra teacher list all the "A" students on her website and report cards each grade period. They have gotten into stuff that I don't even remember seeing even in college....Teachers "A" list was running about 20 students from all her's down to seven now and the "smart" ones that fall off the "A" list are wondering how my son got on the list. His biggest problem was he was slow doing simple third grade math.

At the first of the year he was begging me to send him to a private school or a military academy. I told him, "Son. These are the people you're going to have to live, work and deal with for the rest of your life. Might as well learn how to do it now."

He was grinning from ear to ear Saturday...he was teaching Daddy some new algebra tricks.

Good for you!  I'm glad he is doing so well now  :cheersmate:  (of course it root beer for your son)

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2010, 07:01:16 PM »
As I said a couple of days ago, I will gladly take a second job--to include being a fry cook at the local McDonald's--if that's what it takes to get The Heiress into a Catholic school.  She's two years old, and she's doing things at her day care that some of the four-and-a-half year-olds can't do yet.  So, she's incredibly smart right out of the gate.  (Yes, she gets that from both of us.)  Can't start teaching her soon enough.  When she's acting up, we let her know it, so we don't let her get away with anything.
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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2010, 07:27:10 PM »
We don't have to live, work and deal with private school or military academy people?

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2010, 07:37:58 PM »
If the lazy-assed unproductive taxpayer parasite commie pricks coordinated this with a "not one damn dime day", the nation would come to a screeching halt!  :mental:
           ►☼Liberals Are THE Root of ALL Evil!☼◄

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2010, 07:43:54 PM »
Utah is considering abolishing 12th grade.

Not cutting public salaries. Not cutting bureaucrats. Not trimming welfare.

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2010, 08:04:01 PM »
We don't have to live, work and deal with private school or military academy people?

If you can deal with the public school students, you can deal with anyone.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2010, 08:14:55 PM »
If you can deal with the public school students, you can deal with anyone.

Thats true

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2010, 09:17:33 AM »
Our son was just accepted to a local Catholic HS next year (9th grade)!!  Yes, it'll mean a good deal of sacrifice but his future is worth it.  The public HS in our township is next to worthless and we were luckily able to get him into the adjacent town's elementary school (K-8) as it's an NJ School Choice school.  It took us 3 tries through their lottery system but we finally won and he's been there since the 5th grade.

He's actually stoked to wear a uniform next year!
Piney Power!!

Grow your own dope -- plant a Democrat!

"We will preserve for our children (America), the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."  -- Ronald Reagan.

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2010, 09:26:26 AM »
I love how the teachers are all for the strike--screw the kids, it's all about meeeeeee!!!
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline delilahmused

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2010, 10:22:16 AM »
If you can deal with the public school students, you can deal with anyone.

Yeah but I'm not sure it's worth sacrificing a child's education. If you have a kid that learns in the traditional way and is above average intelligence public school is a fine choice. Education's not a one size fits all thing, though. By 4th grade they'd run out of spelling words for me and I had to "sit quietly at my desk" while everyone else was practicing their words and taking their tests. For my youngest son, they failed him miserable because he was tracked as having a learning disability. When we started homeschooling he couldn't tell time past the quarter hour. By the time he graduated college he was in Calculus and had (with time and maturity and practice) learned the skills needed to succeed in that kind of atmosphere.

Besides, they may have to live in a world with them but as adults we can choose who we want to be friends with, what we want to achieve, and what we want to learn. My son was one of the "good" kids. And I kid you not, teachers have said this to me, they put the worse little turds next to him constantly hoping "his calming influence would rub off" on the little turd. Considering all the times he came home complaining (which sent me to school on his behalf) it didn't work. He doesn't have to deal with those people in real life (granted most of them are probably in jail, but he doesn't have to make 'prison guard' a career choice.

I know a few hardcore democrats, but they're nothing like the idiots at the dump, I don't need people like that in my life and as an adult I can choose to avoid them except in the most fleeting of ways. In government schools that's not the case. We're put in arbitrary groups based on age and with kids from the neighborhood (so much for diversity). Just as in real life, homeschoolers socialize with people of a variety of ages, younger and older. Most homeschoolers joke that "homeschooling" is a misnomer because they spend most of the time in their car. In our area there was Latin (with ages 9-adult), Destination Imagination, math and investment clubs, science classes, etc. My son, at least once a week while he was consumed with curiosity, talked with NASA scientists and astronauts in the online chats they host. He developed leadership qualities I don't think he would have otherwise.

Some kids thrive in public school and that's fine but it needs to be seriously overhauled and I just didn't think it was worth sacrificing my son to. If he was more successful at that kind of learning, maybe. But until there's a mass exodus or some other extreme measure by families who pay for and are supposed to be served by public school it won't change. There's no incentive and it's just to easy to let the status quo be.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2010, 11:13:59 AM »
Defend public education my ass.....I have more or less just spent the last 2 months teaching my ninth grade "Honors Student" third grade arithmetic. I remember asking his third or forth grade teacher when they were going to make him memorize the multiplication/division tables...."Oh, they'll pick that up as they go along." Real answer:  NEVER. And when I asked why they allowed them to use calculators, "Oh, It's the age of electronics."
OK, let me be honest by saying he's hard headed and stubborn like his daddy. He's been told for nine years "You're smart" blah-blah-blah. He started having trouble in Honors Algebra l last this year I had to sign a waiver or something to get him into Honors Algebra ll...I tried to help him but it was "I know what I'm doing Daddy"...that was until he made an "F" for the third grading period and one of the other "smart" kids saw his grade and they made fun of him.....they aren't supposed to compare grades or make fun of other students....... IT WAS JUST WHAT THE HELL HE NEEDED Hell yes!  I wish they'd bring back the dunce cap, myself, and they can put it on my kid for the test run.....he came home very embarrassed and upset to the N th degree. He was then willing to admit he was "LOST" and accept some help from his dumbass daddy.

Might mention here that when we sat down to do algebrs, the wife went to WAL-MART to get away from the ....uh....well...uh...departing of knowledge.

Long story sort of short....he went from C, D, F, C and C average for the fall semester to an "A" for the first grade period of this spring semester. His algebra teacher list all the "A" students on her website and report cards each grade period. They have gotten into stuff that I don't even remember seeing even in college....Teachers "A" list was running about 20 students from all her's down to seven now and the "smart" ones that fall off the "A" list are wondering how my son got on the list. His biggest problem was he was slow doing simple third grade math.

At the first of the year he was begging me to send him to a private school or a military academy. I told him, "Son. These are the people you're going to have to live, work and deal with for the rest of your life. Might as well learn how to do it now."

He was grinning from ear to ear Saturday...he was teaching Daddy some new algebra tricks.

I've been through a painful year myself.  When my 3rd grader started bringing home "E's" in math (wtf?  why not just an "F"?) I realized how badly they'd failed her in 1st and 2nd grade - she was still doing addition and subtraction on her fingers, so of course multiplication blew her away.  I had to make her the table, and I had to drill her with flash cards, and I asked myself daily what the hell they were doing in the classroom>?????  Great post, and your kid has great parents.   :cheersmate:
Cursing is the crutch of the inarticulate mother****er, DUmmies.   -NHSparky

Deadbeats eating mushroom duxelles and dandelion salad with a shallot vinaigrette are still deadbeats.    -GOBUCKS

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2010, 12:07:56 PM »
I've been through a painful year myself.  When my 3rd grader started bringing home "E's" in math (wtf?  why not just an "F"?) I realized how badly they'd failed her in 1st and 2nd grade - she was still doing addition and subtraction on her fingers, so of course multiplication blew her away.  I had to make her the table, and I had to drill her with flash cards, and I asked myself daily what the hell they were doing in the classroom>?????  Great post, and your kid has great parents.   :cheersmate:

Once upon a time in a forth grade classroom long long ago ... I met the stepson's forth grade teacher (who would soon go on sick leave for the balance of the year and retire, but that is another story ).  We discussed multiplication tables which were verboten.  They used the math wheel and did new math now.  I was discretely elbowed a few times during the conversation and given 'the look'. 

At that time I always carried two pens, one red and one black, I was working as an instructor and when notes came from school I corrected the spelling and grammar before signing and returning, it was just force of habit.  I received 'the look' and more than a few comments from the wife. 

By seventh grade I could see no other option other than summer school for math.  It was expensive but well worth the money.  We were close to sending him to the local Catholic High School but in the end relented so he could remain with his friends. ( Mistake IMHO) However, the SS was one of the few in his graduating class who could actually make change without a calculator. 

< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "Strike and National Day of Action to Defend Public Ed" 3/4/10
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2010, 12:16:46 PM »
I've been through a painful year myself.  When my 3rd grader started bringing home "E's" in math (wtf?  why not just an "F"?) I realized how badly they'd failed her in 1st and 2nd grade - she was still doing addition and subtraction on her fingers, so of course multiplication blew her away.  I had to make her the table, and I had to drill her with flash cards, and I asked myself daily what the hell they were doing in the classroom>?????  Great post, and your kid has great parents.   :cheersmate:

Nowadays we could only imagine the horrors of whats going on with Kevin Jennings and Planned Parenthood and others in the schools.