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The DUmpster / The Shit is Now Real for MAGAtown
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 01:50:42 PM »
Aviation Pro (12,207 posts)

The Shit is Now Real for MAGAtown
It's no coincidence that Loose Banana Cannon indefinitely postponed the documents trial on the same day that Stormy Daniels cut Mother****er's flaccid penis off. All of MAGAthood thought this was just another installment of reality TV, but now they are facing the real and growing possibility that that ****ing sack of shit is going to prison.

And once President Biden is returned to office with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate the insurrectionists currently infesting Congress will be duly rounded up under the new, hyperaggressive DoJ leadership headed by AG Sally Yates.

Time to clean out the Augean Stables.

You kiss your father with that mouth?? Get a life dip shit.
Trump is legs. This has toast.

The close are walling in.

Blah blah blah.

You guessed it right SVP the whole thing was just to embarrass Trump. And apparently her testimony was one of several versions that she told in the past. she’s just another attention whore looking to embarrass Trump because she didn’t get what she wanted. She needs to go back to lap dancing.
This really sucks when someone hasn’t committed a crime they make one up. or turn a traffic ticket into 27 felonies. Something really needs to be done. The Republicans need to turn this onto the Democrats so they can get a taste of it and maybe do something to it. Vulnerable to.
The DUmpster / Re: Time Mattered
« Last post by Wineslob on Today at 11:52:32 AM »
'Postponed indefinitely' means postponed...

By a Trump appointee.    :lmao: :yahoo: :lol: :rofl:
I tried, while serving my time on I-880, to figure out what purpose, if any, having Creep Porn Liar testify would have for the prosecution. Not being a lawyer, the most I could come up with would be that Trump had something to hide (though she could not testify to the reason(s), for lack of knowledge). Were that what Bragg's & Minions', the direct and cross-examination should have taken half an hour and less than exciting.

Bragg's real purpose, IMO, was to give Creep Porn Liar an opportunity to embarrass Trump with porn fiction and prejudice jurors' minds with lurid irrelevancies. But pop up more :popcorn: , Creepy Porn Liar gets cross-examined today. Her script-writing and acting skills might be challenged.
Duncanpup (12,921 posts)

I mentioned to the fellas at the local restaurant getting takeout. Mrs Stormy Daniels testifies today.
I like to keep the local maga supporters up on current events. So I ordered four cheeseburger platters to go the fries are fresh cut and coleslaw is the best.

Yet sitting there I brought up that Stormy takes the witness stand today.

And this be last time she ****s trump...

The last time she tried to "**** Trump", the whore wound up owing HIM money. Forgive me if I'm not straining under the weight of her "testimony", DUm'Rat...
Well, you can believe Mr. Pecker, or...

Because Joshua trees are Jewish?

And they support Trump!

"From the river to the sea"... [/Islamofascist Scum]  :fuelfire:
It’s really disgusting to see how the FBI has turned against the American citizens and is the tool of a corrupted ministration to try and prevent a feral election involved needs to be prosecuted and jail time, including the president and anyone who in the cabinet who is involved

It hasn't turned that way; it's largely been the political secret police, the US-KGB almost since it's inception. J.Edgar was using it as the agency to collect "compromising" information on anyone and everyone; and the beat goes on and on and on ever since...
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