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Court Upholds Texas Moment of Silence
AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas schoolchildren will continue to pray or meditate during a daily minute of silence after a federal court threw out a challenge to the state law.
The ruling issued Thursday stems from a complaint by a North Texas couple who say one of their children was told by an elementary school teacher to keep quiet because the minute is a "time for prayer."
The complaint filed in 2006 by David and Shannon Croft names Gov. Rick Perry and the suburban Dallas school district the Crofts' three children attend.
The 2003 law allows children to "reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activities" for one minute at the beginning of each school day.
U.S. District Judge Barbara Lynn upheld the constitutionality of the law, concluding that "the primary effect of the statute is to institute a moment of silence, not to advance or inhibit religion."
One for the good guys!
--- Quote from: Splshdown on January 05, 2008, 09:41:10 AM ---One for the good guys!
--- End quote ---
It's about damn time. It's amazing how far the secularists have stretched Jefforson's personal comment to one church congregation.
It's about time the whole separation clause was brought back into proper perspective.
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