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Opus Dei expels priest for criticizing Pope’s endorsement of same-sex civil unio
Mr Mannn:
Opus Dei expels African priest for criticizing Pope’s endorsement of same-sex civil unions
--- Quote ---(LifeSiteNews) – On February 2, Father Jesusmary Missigbètò was informed that his spiritual family, Opus Dei, expelled him for publicly criticizing Pope Francis for his support of same-sex civil unions. The 42-year-old African priest had posted on Twitter and Facebook several statements contradicting the Pope’s gestures and words toward normalizing and accepting homosexual civil unions. By February 25, Father Jesusmary was told that all appeals have been rejected and that his only possibility is now to appeal to Pope Francis. He is now excluded from any priestly ministry.
Father Jesusmary – which is the nom de plume of Abbé Janvier Gbénou – told LifeSite in September of last year that he fears that “situation ethics” are now entering the Catholic Church’s teaching. He has a doctorate in philosophy and has been with Opus Dei for nearly 25 years. In March 2021, Opus Dei suspended Father Jesusmary after he did not obey his superiors’ orders to not publicly criticize the Pope.
Since then, he has not been able to preach, offer public Masses, or hear confessions, and he is not living in an Opus Dei residence anymore, but with his family in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa). Fr. Jesusmary comes from a poor family with nine children.
The African priest was alarmed when, on October 21, 2020, in Evgeny Afineevsky’s documentary Francesco, Pope Francis said, “What we have to do is a civil coexistence law; they have the right to be covered legally. I defended this.” It was after this statement that the priest started speaking up in public.
But he is not only concerned about the matter of homosexuality. He told LifeSiteNews last September that, “beyond Francesco and the homosexual issue it raises, I see an apparent victory of situation ethics over traditional Catholic morality.”
“Since 2016,” he continued, “with the publication of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, several Catholic moral experts (notably the German philosopher Robert Spaemann and the English theologian Aidan Nichols, OP) have warned that the pontificate of Pope Francis seems to be opening the doors of traditional Catholic morality to a certain situation ethics.”
Father Jesusmary is now being punished for being “disobedient,” but he is clear on what true obedience and false obedience is. “Personally,” he stated, “I am not and will never be against obedience, but I think that obedience has a limit: sin. You cannot demand a person obey by keeping silent about the truth.”
As an example, the African priest mentioned the Church’s sex abuse crisis: “The Church has already paid the price with the pedophilia scandals that have now caught up with us and which are not an honor for us. Due to a misunderstood obedience, how many cardinals did not speak out? How many bishops have kept silent? How many priests?”
Therefore, Father Jesusmary does not believe that he is disobedient, but, instead, that he is serving the Church with his work. He has written the book “Homosexuality vs Papacy” and has published two open letters. Three more, about situation ethics in the magisterium of Pope Francis, are coming. These letters will serve for his second book, “Truth, Half-Truth and Situation Ethics: What about Pope Francis’ pontificate?” One of Father Jesusmary’s open letters to Pope Francis can be read here.
His appeal to the head of Opus Dei, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, has failed. On February 8, this prelate rejected his appeal and confirmed “the dismissal of Abbé Janvier Gbenou,” as can be seen in this document. Opus Dei, in its documents, pointed out that it rebuked Father Jesusmary repeatedly and that he “continued to disobey,” as it says in the official decree of February 1 that was given to Father the following day. His superior Abbé Serge Abdoulaye Sissoko also then made explicit reference to the fact that the priest had published another interview with LifeSite on January 8 (it was actually published the day before). His superior wrote of “the gravity of such conduct and of the damage it caused to souls.”
In October last year, Manuel Lago, the press speaker of the Ivory Coast branch of Opus Dei, told LifeSiteNews the same about Fr. Jesusmary, speaking of the “damage” caused by his public statements criticizing the Pope. After describing the penalties chosen for this priest, Lago wrote that “our attitude is that we pray for him, hoping that he will change his conduct, that he will prefer communion among us and with the Sovereign Pontiff and that he can resume the exercise of his ministry.”
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More at link. But I was right. step by step, this false pope is pushing legalized gay sex into the RCC church.
--- Quote ---According to a new study led by the noted Christian pollster George Barna, only 6% of Americans adhere to a Biblical worldview, while 88% borrow from multiple and sometimes contradictory worldviews in order to form their beliefs and habits.
The American Worldview Inventory 2021, conducted in February—among a representative sample of 2,000 adults by Barna and the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University—found the most prevalent belief system for Americans is “syncretism,” a “cut-and-paste approach to making sense of, and responding to, life.”
The study compared seven worldviews: Biblical theism (or Biblical worldview); secular humanism; postmodernism; moralistic therapeutic deism; nihilism; Marxism (along with critical race theory); and Eastern mysticism (or New Age).
“The big winner, of course, was ‘none of the above,’” Barna said in a news release announcing the study results. “In total, almost nine out of 10 U.S. adults (88%) have an impure, unrecognizable worldview that is a blending of ideas from multiple perspectives.”
Barna says the study shows the critical role doctrine and worldview should play in the church and how “knowing a few Bible verses, attending church services, and praying won’t get the job done.”
“Our studies show that Americans are neither deep nor sophisticated thinkers. … Most people seem more interested in living a life of comfort and convenience than one of logical consistency and wisdom. Our children will continue to suffer the consequences of following in the unfortunate footsteps of their parents and elders. People who are willing to fight for a more reasonable way of thinking and acting can make a difference, but it will be slow progress.”
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Emphasis mine. The numbers will be different in other parts of the world, but I don't imagine that much different. The Bible tells us multiple times that not everyone who calls on Christ will be recognized by Him, that people will spew their own ideas and call it faith and belief, and will be deceived by their own desires, manipulators, and the deceiver himself.
Homosexuality is called out as sin in the New Testament, in the Mosaic Law, and in Genesis before that law was given. Why does anyone with a tiny modicum of Biblical knowledge and common sense think we can just change that cause feelings?
I don't see an issue with civil unions for gays. This would be strictly a secular matter and beyond the scope of the Churches authority. By that same token, however, the Church should not be forced to perform same-sex marriages.
--- Quote ---I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
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Corinthians 15 9:13
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