Author Topic: YouTube-Michael Moore Vs Elisabeth Hasselbeck On Osama Bin Laden  (Read 457 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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More YouTube stupidity. It makes DU look sane.  :mental:

In a war zone, the military are allowed to kill people without first putting them on trial. You can't compare it to WWII. With the Nazis, WWII was over and Germany had surrendered. bin Laden hadn't surrendered.  From what we know of the situation, bin Laden was going for his gun when he was shot.

 jad1079  1 month ago
Someone with a brain.

@luckyStrike89ru Who the **** is talking about liberals or conservatives you moron. That's such a typical douchebag rhetoric about "liberal shows". Stop labeling everything. This isn't about Liberals, it's about this little bitch who constantly defends the "status quo" perspective disregarding the facts and inserting her opinion as fact. You need to take her ***** out of your mouth.

 aleonado  2 months ago
Hey, you lefties like the status quo.

Fact: The Taliban in Oct 2001 repeately offered to hand over Bin Laden to a neutral country & GW Bush turned it down. Instead Bush began a long war that resulted in the death of tens of thousands of Afghan civilians including many children. Taliban asked for evidence against Bin Laden from the US, which they failed to provide. Bin Laden is NOT on the FBI's wanted list for 9/11 specifically, (they do not have evidence to indict him) This is a fact. Bush caused many more innocent deaths than 9/11.

 Rose999123  3 months ago  6
I call BS on that one.  :mental: :bird:

Elisabeth Hasselbeck could have made the argument that it was impractical to bring Osama Bin Laden back to the United States She could have argued that in the absence of proper justice—a “dead or alive” military option was appropriate given the circumstances.

BUT Hasselbeck COMPLETELY fails to appreciate Michael Moore’s valid observation that true justice involves bringing a criminal to court and finding them guilty through a legal process. It is the difference between justice and revenge.

 verumdolor  3 months ago
Wrong comparison, moron!  :bird:

Whether or not bil laden deserved a trial is irrelevant. This is who we are, this is the values we have as a people. We are SUPPOSED to be better than them. And THEN let the people of NY string him up.

 Spiderweb127  3 months ago
What high road do you talk about? So naive!

americans are a wierd people.

 jorn1233  3 months ago  4
You are weird.

WHAT?! She said "Trials are rights left to our citizens" WTF? This is America. We don't treat other people like dogs just because they're not citizens of our country. WOW retard

 tatertotter808  3 months ago in playlist September 15  
Bin Laden was not an American citizen.

It's amazing that liberals are called "Anti-American" because we believe in our ideals and convictions.

 TheDalinkwent  3 months ago  
So says the spineless one.

Hasselbeck is such an idiot, I dont agree with all of Moore's views but he's right this time.

 TheDoorsRule  3 months ago
Michael Moore is a tool.  :mental:  :bird:

That blonde bitch would have been a Hitler supporter if she was born in Germany in that era. Trials? "Absolutely not".

But Moore, while wrong on some details on some claims, unrelated to this story, has it right: we hung the Nazis, hung 'em high & put them on trial.

 ytgv3fc7  3 months ago in playlist
You leftists like to lockstep all the time.  :mental:

I think Elizabeth should be fired for being so disrespectful of guests who disagree with her.

The host of The View are like that all the time.  :mental:

I luv Nazis!

 jhi1947  3 months ago
Forgot your SS uniform?  :mental:  :bird:

@rp1dmc Osama was the best thing that ever happened to America because Osama is the shit and the boss. Awesome mother ****er died as a bad ass.

I got one for ya, **** YOU, YOU ****TARD!!!!!  :bird:

You have to feel sorry for Michael Moore--a wealthy, no-talent whinning "poor me" fat guy who wouldn't know an original idea or solid fact unless it was wrapped in cheese between two buns.

 beaglenuts55  3 months ago
Michael Moore is an America hating loser.  :mental: :bird:

More stupidity
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-Napoleon Bonaparte

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