Author Topic: Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour  (Read 815 times)

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Offline 5412

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Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:27:08 PM »

Well by tomorrow night my wife and I will have driven over 1,000 miles to see Glenn Beck in person in Kansas City.  I would do it again in a heartbeat....

Glenn started at WFLA in Tampa in 2000 and, in those days, he had time to answer his emails.  We had several really good exchanges and he is really a good guy.  Now that he has hit the big time, he still seems to be the same guy, funny, but lots of good common sense.

He was hilarious at times, drove home some excellent points, and most of all, for any of us who attended tea parties, it was a great shot in the arm.  He really does clarify to many just what we are opposing which I think is misunderstood by many....particularly those in the mainstream media and the government.

Couple of things which I found interesting.  He talked about how politicians have been in office and their entire goal is their personal power.  Now this is me talking.  If any of you have ever been to Williamsburg and seen the presentation they have their about our founding fathers you come away realizing just how much they sacrificed to serve their country.  They had to leave their businesses and farms, ride horseback or in a carriage for days to go to Washington to serve their country, indeed to them it was a sacrifice.  I doubt if in their wildest imagination they could have ever thought there would be a "career politician".  If so, we would already have term limits in place.  He does not use the term limits but made the best case I have ever seen in support of that issue.

He also talks about govenments cutting spending and how they do not get it.  Very funny how he presents it but basically the point is they cut programs the public support and never do they reduce jobs, payroll or take pay cuts like people in the private sector do.

I was quite surprised when he mentioned he started on WFLA in Tampa, I raised my hand and gave him a thumbs up and he responded to it.  One thing I appreciated is how he went on to explain his career since he started in Tampa and what he sees his mission to be today.  It has to be an emotionally exhausting, (though profitable) task to try to get America to wake up and see how they are losing their freedoms, taken away by the government.  To him the only difference between democrats and republicans are the democrats are just taking them away a bit faster.  He really supports his case on this issue very well.

Tried to get as much of this down while it was fresh in my mind.  If any of you have a shot at seeing him, or if it comes out on DVD, I would urge you to take the time to watch it.  Well worth it.


PS:  It is 4:00AM and we are getting ready to drive home.  Thought of a couple of points he made which were interesting and wanted to add them.  First of all when he talked about power he mentioned that Robert Byrd has been in office longer than Castro......kinda interesting.  He also took real issue with Specter switching parties, no principles or values, just maintain his personal power.

I too heard his moving piece about forgiveness.  I agree with you.  He also sounded very tired....

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 04:18:00 AM by 5412 »

Offline Rick

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Re: Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2009, 12:13:39 AM »
Thank you sir for the trip report. I will have to scourer the Youtube and see if there is not some postings.

Offline Chris

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Re: Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2009, 12:25:41 AM »
I got to listen to Glenn Beck's radio show yesterday for the first time in a long while.  He spoke about forgiveness... it was an amazing, moving piece.  :(
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Offline 5412

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Re: Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 04:19:29 AM »
Thank you sir for the trip report. I will have to scourer the Youtube and see if there is not some postings.


I will be surprised if you find anything on youtube; however if a DVD becomes available I will buy one and share it with my family.  Doubt it would be outrageously priced and I would strongly recommend it, great entertainment with a message.
