Author Topic: critters that go bump in the night.  (Read 1659 times)

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Offline vesta111

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critters that go bump in the night.
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:19:58 PM »
  Cats and dogs have been hyper vigilant at night in the last few days.

I put it down to the heat, they sleep all day and when it gets a lot cooler they prowl around .

I just have AIR in the bedroom so today I slept off and on and now that night Is falling I am wide eyed and bushie tailed.

My PC is in the kitchen and as I was talking to a friend I could hear what sounded like rain hitting the roof top vent.    It is not raining out.    It is too soon for the Oak trees to be bombarding our roof top with Acorns and occasionally I hear a small creak on the metal vent.

I turned on the stove vent for half an hour to scare whatever away but the creaks and pings kept up.

What ever is up on my roof is heavy enough to cause me and pets to be aware of it.

I can't awaken Hubby as he just got to sleep, it is dark out now and what could he see at night if he climbed on the roof to check it out.

The logical part of my brain is telling me that as the heat was so high today, could this just be the house cooling down and going back in place after expanding in the heat.?

Then I think of the horror story's I have heard of when racoon's get into an attic or under the house, mice and rats that get under homes and in the walls to chew up electric wires.

 My Mom had a neighbor that had lived in an old home for 20 years, one day the ceiling in the living room fell due to the weight of I believe a gigantic wasp nest that weighed a few tons or more.  Everyone in the vicinity was told to stay in their homes as the sky was black from their escape.

To tell you what it is like in this area is to mention the Fishercat.   A very nasty little fellow just as mean as a wolverine.  There are some pictures of this small beast on line but not allot as they are very reclusive.

You will know when they are in your area as they have this ungodly scream that is high pitched and sounds like a woman being eaten alive. I have only heard them once when I was a kid and I will never forget the terror it gave me while ice fishing for smelts at midnight.

These little guys weigh in at about 8-10 pounds and have taken down Pit Bulls on a good night of hunting.  Their favorite food is the cat, they will charge through screens in windows to to get to a house cat or dog.

At a cat show in our area there had to have been 3 people that were advertising their Fishercat proof runs for those living in areas that were susceptible to them.

If in fact these noises are not part of the high to low temperatures fluctuation, if there is some kind of unknown animal or even a bird looking for a home, how can we handle this ourselves without having to pay a pretty penny to get it taken care of ??

Offline debk

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Re: critters that go bump in the night.
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 10:32:56 AM »
I had squirrels get in between the drywall in my old house. Had a professional take out the first one...he cut a hole in the wall...  :censored:

The second one, I just let stunk for about a week. But I didn't have a hole in the wall.

Somehow they could get into the attic, but we never could figure out why.

I've had two squirrels get into this one. First one, the cats chased into the bathroom....when I was in there going potty.....ok that was a shock. We got that one trapped in a corner in our bedroom, and released it out into the yard.

The second one the cats chased up here into my office, and I knew it was in the house when it went running past me ... I was laying on my loveseat reading a book....and the cats jumped over me to get to it. They chased it back downstairs to our room where we caught it in the bathroom. We released that one out front too.

Both were fairly young, and we have a very small unscreened gap on the porch between the stone and the door frame and we think they came in that way, because we keep the door from the family room to the porch open just enough for the cats to go in and out as long as it's about 55 or higher outside.
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Offline BEG

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Re: critters that go bump in the night.
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 02:36:28 PM »
I had squirrels get in between the drywall in my old house. Had a professional take out the first one...he cut a hole in the wall...  :censored:

The second one, I just let stunk for about a week. But I didn't have a hole in the wall.

Somehow they could get into the attic, but we never could figure out why.

I've had two squirrels get into this one. First one, the cats chased into the bathroom....when I was in there going potty.....ok that was a shock. We got that one trapped in a corner in our bedroom, and released it out into the yard.

The second one the cats chased up here into my office, and I knew it was in the house when it went running past me ... I was laying on my loveseat reading a book....and the cats jumped over me to get to it. They chased it back downstairs to our room where we caught it in the bathroom. We released that one out front too.

Both were fairly young, and we have a very small unscreened gap on the porch between the stone and the door frame and we think they came in that way, because we keep the door from the family room to the porch open just enough for the cats to go in and out as long as it's about 55 or higher outside.

When we had a rat in our last house it died in the attic.  My husband made a big mistake, he poisoned the rat.  So instead of it dying in a trap and we could find it, it died somewhere we couldn't.  The smell was HORRID.  He searched for days and then he found it, under a pile of insulation.  He threw away the rat, got all the insulation around the rat and even tore the  paper off the sheetrock where is was laying.  There were no stains on the sheetrock.  It still smelled.  I swear that smell hung around longer than a month.  :puke: