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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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UGP wants to know why we hate it
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:25:19 PM »
It's very long but worth the read.

It so perfectly illuminates the jumble of internal contradictions, self-defeat and willful dependency that defines not just UGP but every Proglodyte.

When you are done you will say, "You wanna know why we despise you? Because you deserve nothing else."

undergroundpanther (11,601 posts)

What about the weak makes the strong hate them?
Last edited Sat Jun 22, 2013, 11:12 AM USA/ET - Edit history (3)

Being poor isn't always the poor person's fault.I'm poor. wonder why I am the object of right-wing scorn,hate and smear.I can hardly function.Depression draws my days away,dissociation has made much unbearable.My life is not happy or anything.I had dreams but it seems I never had enough money to live them,so I have given up on dreams.

In 4th. grade I wanted to be a veterinarian,study the lives of south american cats,living in the treetops.But no,even though I had a teacher notice I was intelligent and had me on my own study modules,nothing ever was done about it by the school. Ever since 1st. grade I was being bullied all day,and even though this one teacher was so very kind and observant ,it was not enough to overcome the damage done by a violent cold home life or the bullying ,bullying that happened as teachers stood by watching gangs of kids trying to corner me by the fence in the playground to beat my ass.

I never knew WHY I was hated by the entire school.I was hated by people in schools I didn't even attend. I just knew the world seemed to reject me,and that knowledge was seared into my soul everyday. By time I got to high school I had deteriorated and lost it.I spent many years in the psych system.The psych system did plenty of damage,drugs ,restraints, solitary confinement,mind games,humiliation,the psych wards are sometimes run by sociopaths. The power structure of a psych unit is a set-up just like the Stanford Prison Experiment.And so is our society.

Sometimes it would be dangerous to defend yourself or stand up for another whom you know was innocent. To have a moral backbone meant you got targeted as a troublemaker. And I was. Some psych wards and treatment centers have been very abusive to me and will not accept me because of this. It's stupid and sad but the autrhoritarians running these places HATE me.And that makes me laugh inwardly.I'm doing something right. I worry about the people there though living under these asshats.

And I see this same old shit republicans do and people that don't care do all over again like the assholes who put wounds in my mind and body reflected in the backlash against the Moral March in NC.on the 17th,already the Civitas bullies are making a hate list. Just like Bully kids would make obscene drawings of me and drop them casually on my desk knowing it would hurt me,trigger me.What kind of monster would find joy in doing that? A person without love,empathy or an understanding that I am because We are.

I hate the bible,but even a broke clock is right twice a day..The line,The world hates me, the world hated me from the beginning and it will hate you too..The world seems to hate anyone who stands up for the weak and abused and say NO you can't treat people like that. Love & empathy in a person makes it so, You hurt I hurt because WE hurt.So you have to do something about it,your entire being is pushing you to stand up for WE.

I am so tired,the house I'm living in,the only safe place I've ever known, is being auctioned off in September.I have no clue where to go or what to do. My mind is frozen overwhelmed.
My family plans things behind my back.I have very little reason to live really.I don't know what anyone's plans are.The program I go to they ain't helping me with this. All I want to do is curl up in a ball. But I can't,and there is nothing I can do.So I sit here unable to be calm.To not have anger,sadness,frustration,anxiety eating me up day after day.

But everyday it seems those of us who are hated,those of us who have an ethical understanding of right and wrong on a deep level are being hurt. We have been voiceless,corrupted abused,fighting a battle that never stops against those who see freedom as the freedom to abuse,exploit,dominate,control or use people. I have to exist if anything to keep screaming NO!!! to those who would destroy.

I dreamed of making this house a sanctuary,I tried to find good roommates who had empathy but they wouldn't contribute to the household they had no understanding of I exist because we are. And some were very exploitative,sociopaths,I had to evict them because they were abusing me..

It was emotional torture trying to make a sanctuary..

Anyway I try to help regardless where there is someone who needs me to if they ask.I volunteer to help too,I try to do what I can, and I don't by stand regarding abuse~ever.. But lack of money makes life so ****ing hard to live because being poor,disabled,having PTSD gives you a stigma,a stigmata that will follow you everywhere no matter your kindness ,intelligence ,creativity,courage or love...or dreams that have died or still live.

Joy is rare thing when you are so raw inside and aware,of what evil the assholes of this world do and want to do .I'm scared. TPP,the spying,and more. I know deep down we are being set up somehow,to be made powerless, to stop those who would dominate us and play king,god itself with our lives..I do not bow to gods or kings. They'll try to break me.They'll try to break all of us who are honest,have a mind of our own care and have courage in our hearts.

Would I be labeled a terraist because I tell the truth or get frustrated and rant my true feelings? especially because I'm poor,crazy and have guts to say no and tell the truth to power...Yeah.
I have been been mistreated for shaming authoritarians who'd rather get people to believe lies.
Why? Is it because the bullies out there,the republicans convinced themselves am I everything that is wong with society.They SAY it's because I'm poor and disabled .But I think it is by what others have done to me in the name of trying to make me be what they wanted me to be,or to control me or exploit my tender heart,my body.And I didn't just shut up ,blend in,and go along with it.Because I won't tolerate abuse,and I am aware of what the mind of a sociopath is about.

I never asked to be born. I often wish my body didn't require food or water ,never had to sleep,could not get sick or get wounded and that my mind had never been hurt, and could never be hurt or manipulated that my body could never be violated, that I was beautiful and popular and seen as a good person,there was nothing wrong with me. I bet alot of people wish that too.

I wish I could be happy.Protected from the cruelty in this world ,find joy in something,be a joy to be around all the time, be free of the constant stress of worrying about survival and protecting my mind and body,and the dangers this civilization game brings to humanity .But why I can't handle what others take in stride I do not know. It makes me feel incompetent. But I deal with it all anyway.But I can feel the damage it is doing.

I wish I was more entertaining,fun had friends who liked to come over and hang out maybe do things together ,maybe even try to change things in the world. In reality I live isolated mostly. Transportation is a problem,I have problems ,others are stressed and have problems.This world is a monster to me,and the hatred of the weak by the wealthy ,the strong,the healthy, the popular,the 'attractive' is pathological,it surrounds us like toxic air and it will ruin our ability to survive together or ever know what it means to be safe more than awhile.

The cycles of war,peace,democracies,authoritarianism,war, peace,have been going forever.Just like the cycle of violence in an abusive relationship it's the macro and the micro,same pattern..How long will we suffer the cycles of empire and the hyper exploitation civilization and the market and abuse causes until all the I's get together into a WE, say NO more you,WE have had enough of THAT shit out of the likes of you..

Everyone has to find it inside themselves to become a WE and stand up to the smooth talking manipulators,liars and bullies,the fear inside, the hateful people and tell them to shut up and do what is necessary to stop them,even if it's death.Death not to deter crime or punish people. But to stop the abuser who refuses to stop abusing others.Sometimes the abuser won't get it with words or a punch in the nose.Sometimes you have to do what most think is wrong to do what is right,that is what I mean by a Deeper moral understanding. If you are not a sociopath you cannot become one,even if you kill a sociopath. Sociopathy is not contagious no matter how bad you have been abused. It takes a certain personality type to be an abuser\sociopath\ rule the world and micromangage millions of lives via technology and seek full spectrum domination over others lives in this entire world who are not for the most part sociopaths.

And until people quit being solipsists,understand some people are NOT like themselves,recognize what a real danger is VS. themselves making bogeyman,being manipulated emotionally, being offended or freaked out themselves things won't change.People need to own their emotions and quit thinking something that's different is always dangerous because they feel anxiety,uneasy offended or scared.People need to emotionally mature. And that means seeing that we all are not the same,we are equal and different at the same time and that is to a point OK.
But also some people among us really do exist that love to tear down dreams,to scapegoat,to bully ,to take and society will never be safe and people to exist around because these bullies they just don't want to stop doing the abuse stop the bullying,stop hating, stop thinking themselves superior and entitled to take it all to themselves,those so called 'winners'.

Some people they actually like causing harm to others,dominating them,tearing them apart.And these people think they are so much superior,we can chicken and egg the causes of sociopaths all day,love will not change them,therapy can't help because they like getting bashing those who cannot fight back, they like getting away with abuse,being assholes and monsters and they love to tear the souls out of people like me because they think I am inferior to themselves.Every social darwinist asshole puts themselves as superior.And they don't see any reason to change what they are.

But I know what they do they project upon the ones they hate,the weak,the poor,disabled,victims,what they really under that 'winner'mask, what they truly ARE.

They try to force us the victims,the poor,the people who care and are wounded to become like THEM in personality by abusing us hating us keeping us poor,hurt powerless.Because if we abuse,exploit,hate,use,rape,destroy others souls,The bullies have no one who dares stand up to say NO to what the sociopaths do to the ones like me who don't give up on our moral understanding of right and wrong and don't keep our eyes down when looking at a wannabe king..The sociopath can get away with causing pain to others and shutting down empathy and killing love itself if people LET them.

The sociopath,the republican asshole,the assholes everywhere they want a world without love courage,wisdom,understanding,kindness empathy,honesty and bravery,for these are the things inside some of us that says NO to racism,authoritarianism,abuse,financial abuse and all the other b horrors these anti humane asshole people try to do to others,especially those who are wounded by their kind,or can't fight back.

Someday I have a silly dream I can't let go of that maybe people will stop letting bullies who think their superior rule,maybe someday ...we will finally agree...I am because we are. and we will not be abused anymore because of a few I's that will not change who want to rule,abuse and exploit.My life has sent me asking why and my whys led to this.We have to stand up not just a few,all of us who do not like to abuse others.

The truth is this world never had to become like this. It does not have to be a monster, it will have death, sickness,injury and isn't that painful enough?.The sociopaths among us want to be passive monsters let them do what they want.We have to say NO you can't do that to US because I say NO, and I have a right to be what I am because WE have a right to be what WE are.Even if YOU,social darwinist self entitling,vicious,morally dead,empty ,black heart,do not care, cannot love,want power over us more than life itself,bully do not like it. Society has grown so big atomized and impersonal it has took away some of our power.WE have to get aquainted with I,US and EACH OTHER again, to become WE again..

Someday maybe WE will break up and leave the abuser and the abusive system.

Until then I can and anyone else who'll join in can scream NO You can't DO that to me because WE are not going to tolerate the intolerable anymore. Sadly this hell will remain.The murder will continue,the bullying and hate will the exploitation and abuse will.The strong will hate the weak, will remain until WE do something to stop it. We have to save each other to save ourselves. The world does not have to be like this.

And then the Smarter-Than-You set weighs in.

polly7 (7,884 posts)

1. Absolutely brilliant post, undergroundpanther. nt.

Catherina (30,131 posts)

2. "We have to save each other to save ourselves. The world does not have to be like this"
NO it doesn't and it can't be, at least we have to do everything we can to fight these injustices, these monstrosities.

I've been proud to stand by your side in this fight and I will always be.

I'm concerned about your living situation. Please check your inbox dear Undergroundpanther.

"We have to save each other to save ourselves."

That's the simple truth of your brilliant rant.


treestar (41,707 posts)

4. Fear of it in themselves

They fear they could succumb to weakness.

You're right.

I fear becoming a mewling retard like your kind.

undergroundpanther (11,601 posts)

6. They are weak already

they cannot love. They will not share,refuse to face what they are, they are petrified of differences,petrified of another's freedom to say no,they won't understand, don't want to care,so they do thier best to make us, like them . But they can't no matter how much they hurt us.

I'm a medic.

You're an invalid.

I'm a firefighter.

You're constantly in therapy.

I worked 20 hour days to keep my fellow soldier's paid.

You cry because the school didn't send you to South America to live in tree tops as a vegetarian cat.

I've broken more bones than you've broken sweats.

I can't run 2-miles without shattering my knees but I do it every other day so I can continue to be a soldier as long as physically possible.

You won't get off the couch.

I can breed 'em and feed 'em.


I'll fight.

You'll die...probably by your own hand.

I want what I've worked for.

You want what I've worked for.

Yes. Yes, I hate you. I despise you. I hold you in perpetual scorn.

You don't know the first ****ing thing about love except how to manipulate and exploit it.

GoCubsGo (13,198 posts)

15. Exactly right.
They aren't "stronger". They are a bunch of scared, ignorant cowards who fear everything and everyone that doesn't fit in their narrow, little worlds. What they are really doing is bullying people.

Uh huh. Sure.

Then go be successful without us by whatever definition you assign to successful.

Do you really think James Madison, Ronald Reagan, Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney conspired to keep that idiot from living in the trees in South America?

We wish to **** it would leave already.

LiberalEsto (16,944 posts)

9. Fear, definitely
Some, not all but some, of these people are scared shitless deep inside. They hate this part of themselves, so they abuse the hell out of those who overtly show fear.

Sometimes I wonder if I could have escaped some of the childhood bullying by learning to act tough and appearing willing to fight back. Unfortunately I was raised by European immigrants who taught me to fear and respect teachers and other authority figures, and to be meek, passive and obedient. I was taught to never argue or fight back. In other words, I received the perfect training to be a bullying victim.

Undergroundpanther, I think there are a lot of people on DU who not only don't hate you, but actually like you.


99Forever (5,376 posts)

5. It really does baffle the mind to...
...try and comprehend what drives the heartless bastards.

And you are absolutely correct that the world does not have to be like this, but sadly as long as we nothing but bullies on one side of the aisle, and spineless surrender monkeys on the other, the kind of REAL CHANGE, not campaign LIES, will not happen.

Yes, that's all we need.

Another politician.

undergroundpanther (11,601 posts)

7. It's pointless to try to comprehend it
People have been trying to since ancient times.Maybe you should listen to the monsters themselves and what they say to explain themselves. Not after they are caught,but before..Like,because I can,I feel like it,or "you" made me do so and so,usually aimed at a person they've victimized in private. Could it be these empty hearted emotionally dead monsters in human suits do such evil becauuse they're bored and can get away with it?

You are seeing a sociopath from your own perspective. Too many people do that,and it helps the abuse continue.

Maybe WHY is the wrong question. Maybe the question we should be asking is Why do WE let this happen? Why do WE tolerate the intolerable behavior of some people.What good is it doing to help the world tolerating all this abuse by some people?

Because you're idiots.

If your minds were made of gunpowder you wouldn't be smart enough to blow your brains out.

zeemike (11,151 posts)

10. As you probably know, I agree with you.

But the simple answer is that if they have someone to look down on it makes them feel higher...They themselves are insecure.

gtar100 (2,576 posts)

11. Love and justice are real. And those who hate that which is inherently good

are living in denial at their own peril. Because I desire justice and feel it tear at the very fabric of my being when I see someone being violated and abused, I know that it is elemental to this universe. I didn't create this longing for justice and by your words and others who have inspired me I know it exists independent of me. Even if its fruition were to take the lifetime of several universes, it still seems reckless and foolish to willingly cause others suffering and pain for the sake of personal pleasure and gain. True justice demands complete restitution.

Say "God" and be tombstoned.

Which, ironically, puts you at odds with your thesis.

Iliyah (2,539 posts)

13. Greed

"Is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. . ."

Gluttony "Is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires"

People who crave power over others are afraid of losing statute, and their material things.

You are far from being alone in your reality. I believe the so called powerful loses sight of civil and compassionate reality.

The word is "stature" you idiot.

And no, it is not alone in its reality.

It's called Hell and it's chock full of morons like the lot of you who shake their fist at the Heaven that says "Thou shall not steal, lie or covet."

DirkGently (7,110 posts)

14. Fear. And ignorance.

Those are inherent human flaws that we are supposed to fight to overcome with our minds and hearts. Some people see pushing down as a way to raise themselves up.

This post stopped me dead in my tracks. You've hit all the nails I hope people come here to hammer on, beautifully.

We're fearful and ignorant.

But they're helpless and in perpetual torments of our unrestrained power.

Spirochete (4,240 posts)

17. They aren't truly strong
they just happen to be in a position of advantage that allows them to kick those around who are not. Someone strong wouldn't feel the need to do that. They're just mean.

Uh huh.

Any day you simpering droolers want to make your way through life without any concern for us would be a welcomed day.

Feel free to prove just how strong you really can be all by your awesome little self.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2013, 12:33:19 PM »
I never knew WHY I was hated by the entire school.I was hated by people in schools I didn't even attend.
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2013, 12:36:02 PM »
Actually I read that and I feel pity for her. She lives in a world she can't comprehend and blames that on the world. It is like hating the English language because you can't speak very will and misunderstand everything that is said to you. She lays blame on the mouth that speaks and the ears that hear instead of the mind that can't comprehend.
"My enemy's enemy is the enemy I kill last."
Klingon Proverb.

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Aw, just off yourself, you bloated bag of lard.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2013, 12:50:35 PM »
Actually I read that and I feel pity for her. She lives in a world she can't comprehend and blames that on the world. It is like hating the English language because you can't speak very will and misunderstand everything that is said to you. She lays blame on the mouth that speaks and the ears that hear instead of the mind that can't comprehend.

If all Heaven opened before her she would curse It for a thief because It would deny her her demons.

Where else is she to go?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2013, 12:54:42 PM »
Where else is she to go?

Well, it's very good news--if it's true--that the subway cat's mother and sisters are selling the house.

They're probably planning on interring her in a big building with small rooms and soft walls, permanently.

Which would be a "win" for humanity.

P.S. If I were a cat in South America, the subway cat's the last creep I'd like having watch me.

apres moi, le deluge

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UGP is weak and hated and will scream NO and some other things....
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2013, 12:55:10 PM »
Quote from:

What about the weak makes the strong hate them?
Being poor isn't always the poor person's fault.I'm poor. wonder why I am the object of right-wing scorn,hate and smear.I can hardly function.Depression draws my days away,dissociation has made much unbearable.My life is not happy or anything.I had dreams but it seems I never had enough money to live them,so I have given up on dreams.

In 4th. grade I wanted to be a veterinarian,study the lives of south american cats,living in the treetops.But no,even though I had a teacher notice I was intelligent and had me on my own study modules,nothing ever was done about it by the school. Ever since 1st. grade I was being bullied all day,and even though this one teacher was so very kind and observant ,it was not enough to overcome the damage done by a violent cold home life or the bullying ,bullying that happened as teachers stood by watching gangs of kids trying to corner me by the fence in the playground to beat my ass.

I never knew WHY I was hated by the entire school.I was hated by people in schools I didn't even attend. I just knew the world seemed to reject me,and that knowledge was seared into my soul everyday. By time I got to high school I had deteriorated and lost it.I spent many years in the psych system.The psych system did plenty of damage,drugs ,restraints, solitary confinement,mind games,humiliation,the psych wards are sometimes run by sociopaths. The power structure of a psych unit is a set-up just like the Stanford Prison Experiment.And so is our society.

Sometimes it would be dangerous to defend yourself or stand up for another whom you know was innocent. To have a moral backbone meant you got targeted as a troublemaker. And I was. Some psych wards and treatment centers have been very abusive to me and will not accept me because of this. It's stupid and sad but the autrhoritarians running these places HATE me.And that makes me laugh inwardly.I'm doing something right. I worry about the people there though living under these asshats.

And I see this same old shit republicans do and people that don't care do all over again like the assholes who put wounds in my mind and body reflected in the backlash against the Moral March in NC.on the 17th,already the Civitas bullies are making a hate list. Just like Bully kids would make obscene drawings of me and drop them casually on my desk knowing it would hurt me,trigger me.What kind of monster would find joy in doing that? A person without love,empathy or an understanding that I am because We are.

I hate the bible,but even a broke clock is right twice a day..The line,The world hates me, the world hated me from the beginning and it will hate you too..The world seems to hate anyone who stands up for the weak and abused and say NO you can't treat people like that. Love & empathy in a person makes it so, You hurt I hurt because WE hurt.So you have to do something about it,your entire being is pushing you to stand up for WE.

I am so tired,the house I'm living in,the only safe place I've ever known, is being auctioned off in September.I have no clue where to go or what to do. My mind is frozen overwhelmed.
My family plans things behind my back.I have very little reason to live really.I don't know what anyone's plans are.The program I go to they ain't helping me with this. All I want to do is curl up in a ball. But I can't,and there is nothing I can do.So I sit here unable to be calm.To not have anger,sadness,frustration,anxiety eating me up day after day.

But everyday it seems those of us who are hated,those of us who have an ethical understanding of right and wrong on a deep level are being hurt. We have been voiceless,corrupted abused,fighting a battle that never stops against those who see freedom as the freedom to abuse,exploit,dominate,control or use people. I have to exist if anything to keep screaming NO!!! to those who would destroy.

I dreamed of making this house a sanctuary,I tried to find good roommates who had empathy but they wouldn't contribute to the household they had no understanding of I exist because we are. And some were very exploitative,sociopaths,I had to evict them because they were abusing me..

It was emotional torture trying to make a sanctuary..

Anyway I try to help regardless where there is someone who needs me to if they ask.I volunteer to help too,I try to do what I can, and I don't by stand regarding abuse~ever.. But lack of money makes life so ****ing hard to live because being poor,disabled,having PTSD gives you a stigma,a stigmata that will follow you everywhere no matter your kindness ,intelligence ,creativity,courage or love...or dreams that have died or still live.

Joy is rare thing when you are so raw inside and aware,of what evil the assholes of this world do and want to do .I'm scared. TPP,the spying,and more. I know deep down we are being set up somehow,to be made powerless, to stop those who would dominate us and play king,god itself with our lives..I do not bow to gods or kings. They'll try to break me.They'll try to break all of us who are honest,have a mind of our own care and have courage in our hearts.

Would I be labeled a terraist because I tell the truth or get frustrated and rant my true feelings? especially because I'm poor,crazy and have guts to say no and tell the truth to power...Yeah.
I have been been mistreated for shaming authoritarians who'd rather get people to believe lies.
Why? Is it because the bullies out there,the republicans convinced themselves am I everything that is wong with society.They SAY it's because I'm poor and disabled .But I think it is by what others have done to me in the name of trying to make me be what they wanted me to be,or to control me or exploit my tender heart,my body.And I didn't just shut up ,blend in,and go along with it.Because I won't tolerate abuse,and I am aware of what the mind of a sociopath is about.

I never asked to be born. I often wish my body didn't require food or water ,never had to sleep,could not get sick or get wounded and that my mind had never been hurt, and could never be hurt or manipulated that my body could never be violated, that I was beautiful and popular and seen as a good person,there was nothing wrong with me. I bet alot of people wish that too.

I wish I could be happy.Protected from the cruelty in this world ,find joy in something,be a joy to be around all the time, be free of the constant stress of worrying about survival and protecting my mind and body,and the dangers this civilization game brings to humanity .But why I can't handle what others take in stride I do not know. It makes me feel incompetent. But I deal with it all anyway.But I can feel the damage it is doing.

I wish I was more entertaining,fun had friends who liked to come over and hang out maybe do things together ,maybe even try to change things in the world. In reality I live isolated mostly. Transportation is a problem,I have problems ,others are stressed and have problems.This world is a monster to me,and the hatred of the weak by the wealthy ,the strong,the healthy, the popular,the 'attractive' is pathological,it surrounds us like toxic air and it will ruin our ability to survive together or ever know what it means to be safe more than awhile.

The cycles of war,peace,democracies,authoritarianism,war, peace,have been going forever.Just like the cycle of violence in an abusive relationship it's the macro and the micro,same pattern..How long will we suffer the cycles of empire and the hyper exploitation civilization and the market and abuse causes until all the I's get together into a WE, say NO more you,WE have had enough of THAT shit out of the likes of you..

Everyone has to find it inside themselves to become a WE and stand up to the smooth talking manipulators,liars and bullies,the fear inside, the hateful people and tell them to shut up and do what is necessary to stop them,even if it's death.Death not to deter crime or punish people. But to stop the abuser who refuses to stop abusing others.Sometimes the abuser won't get it with words or a punch in the nose.Sometimes you have to do what most think is wrong to do what is right,that is what I mean by a Deeper moral understanding. If you are not a sociopath you cannot become one,even if you kill a sociopath. Sociopathy is not contagious no matter how bad you have been abused. It takes a certain personality type to be an abuser\sociopath\ rule the world and micromangage millions of lives via technology and seek full spectrum domination over others lives in this entire world who are not for the most part sociopaths.

And until people quit being solipsists,understand some people are NOT like themselves,recognize what a real danger is VS. themselves making bogeyman,being manipulated emotionally, being offended or freaked out themselves things won't change.People need to own their emotions and quit thinking something that's different is always dangerous because they feel anxiety,uneasy offended or scared.People need to emotionally mature. And that means seeing that we all are not the same,we are equal and different at the same time and that is to a point OK.
But also some people among us really do exist that love to tear down dreams,to scapegoat,to bully ,to take and society will never be safe and people to exist around because these bullies they just don't want to stop doing the abuse stop the bullying,stop hating, stop thinking themselves superior and entitled to take it all to themselves,those so called 'winners'.

Some people they actually like causing harm to others,dominating them,tearing them apart.And these people think they are so much superior,we can chicken and egg the causes of sociopaths all day,love will not change them,therapy can't help because they like getting bashing those who cannot fight back, they like getting away with abuse,being assholes and monsters and they love to tear the souls out of people like me because they think I am inferior to themselves.Every social darwinist asshole puts themselves as superior.And they don't see any reason to change what they are.

But I know what they do they project upon the ones they hate,the weak,the poor,disabled,victims,what they really under that 'winner'mask, what they truly ARE.

They try to force us the victims,the poor,the people who care and are wounded to become like THEM in personality by abusing us hating us keeping us poor,hurt powerless.Because if we abuse,exploit,hate,use,rape,destroy others souls,The bullies have no one who dares stand up to say NO to what the sociopaths do to the ones like me who don't give up on our moral understanding of right and wrong and don't keep our eyes down when looking at a wannabe king..The sociopath can get away with causing pain to others and shutting down empathy and killing love itself if people LET them.

The sociopath,the republican asshole,the assholes everywhere they want a world without love courage,wisdom,understanding,kindness empathy,honesty and bravery,for these are the things inside some of us that says NO to racism,authoritarianism,abuse,financial abuse and all the other b horrors these anti humane asshole people try to do to others,especially those who are wounded by their kind,or can't fight back.

Someday I have a silly dream I can't let go of that maybe people will stop letting bullies who think their superior rule,maybe someday ...we will finally agree...I am because we are. and we will not be abused anymore because of a few I's that will not change who want to rule,abuse and exploit.My life has sent me asking why and my whys led to this.We have to stand up not just a few,all of us who do not like to abuse others.

The truth is this world never had to become like this. It does not have to be a monster, it will have death, sickness,injury and isn't that painful enough?.The sociopaths among us want to be passive monsters let them do what they want.We have to say NO you can't do that to US because I say NO, and I have a right to be what I am because WE have a right to be what WE are.Even if YOU,social darwinist self entitling,vicious,morally dead,empty ,black heart,do not care, cannot love,want power over us more than life itself,bully do not like it. Society has grown so big atomized and impersonal it has took away some of our power.WE have to get aquainted with I,US and EACH OTHER again, to become WE again..

Someday maybe WE will break up and leave the abuser and the abusive system.

Until then I can and anyone else who'll join in can scream NO You can't DO that to me because WE are not going to tolerate the intolerable anymore. Sadly this hell will remain.The murder will continue,the bullying and hate will the exploitation and abuse will.The strong will hate the weak, will remain until WE do something to stop it. We have to save each other to save ourselves. The world does not have to be like this.

Yes, I read it all. Doing yardwork today, took a break to grab lunch, read it, and was even able to keep my food down afterwards.  Good for me.

Surprisingly enough she's getting some comments from this.

In summary, strong people prey on the weak, she's a victim, and when will the weak of the world join hands and fight against the strong and tell them no.  Here's some comments:

Quote from:

1. Absolutely brilliant post, undergroundpanther.

"Brilliant" in its most watered down form, maybe.

Quote from:

2. "We have to save each other to save ourselves. The world does not have to be like this"
NO it doesn't and it can't be, at least we have to do everything we can to fight these injustices, these monstrosities.

I've been proud to stand by your side in this fight and I will always be.

I'm concerned about your living situation. Please check your inbox dear Undergroundpanther.

"We have to save each other to save ourselves."

That's the simple truth of your brilliant rant.

Quote from:

3. "What about the weak makes the strong hate them?" It might be catching.

No doubt.

Quote from:

4. Fear of it in themselves
They fear they could succumb to weakness.

Sounds like UGP is the one in fear.

Why does virtually everything boil down to fear to your dolts? My guess is these people to whom UGP addresses are just normal people living their lives and she assigns some ulterior motive to them when they won't do what she wants them to do.  Sorta like all you left wing freaks react.

Quote from:
undergroundpanther                    Response to treestar

6. They are weak already
they cannot love. They will not share,refuse to face what they are, they are petrified of differences,petrified of another's freedom to say no,they won't understand, don't want to care,so they do thier best to make us, like them . But they can't no matter how much they hurt us.

Mirror, mirror on the wall....

Quote from:
GoCubsGo              Response to undergroundpanther

15. Exactly right.
They aren't "stronger". They are a bunch of scared, ignorant cowards who fear everything and everyone that doesn't fit in their narrow, little worlds. What they are really doing is bullying people.

Mirror, mirror on the wall........ Part 2.

Quote from:
LiberalEsto               Response to undergroundpanther

9. Fear, definitely
Some, not all but some, of these people are scared shitless deep inside. They hate this part of themselves, so they abuse the hell out of those who overtly show fear.

Sometimes I wonder if I could have escaped some of the childhood bullying by learning to act tough and appearing willing to fight back. Unfortunately I was raised by European immigrants who taught me to fear and respect teachers and other authority figures, and to be meek, passive and obedient. I was taught to never argue or fight back. In other words, I received the perfect training to be a bullying victim.

Undergroundpanther, I think there are a lot of people on DU who not only don't hate you, but actually like you.

Part 3.

Quote from:
99Forever (5,375 posts)

5. It really does baffle the mind to try and comprehend what drives the heartless bastards.

And you are absolutely correct that the world does not have to be like this, but sadly as long as we nothing but bullies on one side of the aisle, and spineless surrender monkeys on the other, the kind of REAL CHANGE, not campaign LIES, will not happen.

Yeah, whatever you want to believe.

Quote from:
undergroundpanther                Response to 99Forever  

7. It's pointless to try to comprehend it
People have been trying to since ancient times.Maybe you should listen to the monsters themselves and what they say to explain themselves. Not after they are caught,but before..Like,because I can,I feel like it,or "you" made me do so and so,usually aimed at a person they've victimized in private. Could it be these empty hearted emotionally dead monsters in human suits do such evil becauuse they're bored and can get away with it?

You are seeing a sociopath from your own perspective. Too many people do that,and it helps the abuse continue.

Maybe WHY is the wrong question. Maybe the question we should be asking is Why do WE let this happen? Why do WE tolerate the intolerable behavior of some people.What good is it doing to help the world tolerating all this abuse by some people?

If this were happening to me, I'd certainly do something about it.  Then again, I never put myself into a position where I let it happen to me.  As a general rule, conservatives don't ever allow that to happen.  Yet you libs do it all the time.  What's up with that?

Quote from:
99Forever                 Response to undergroundpanther

8. I guess I am seeing sociopaths from my own perspective because it's the only one I have. I'm not sure where you got that I think it should be tolerated, when in fact, quite the opposite is true.

"I'm not sure where you got that I think..."???????

Not sure where she got it from? It's UGP!!  You're talking to a nut! Well, someone who's more nutty than you are, at least.

Quote from:
undergroundpanther                    Response to 99Forever          

12. No I don't think you tolerate abuse.
Yes our own perspective is what we have most the time,but we need to learn to step outside our own perspective sometimes.

How I do it is by imagining what if I were..__________ It is an excercise in knowing the 'other'. it cultivates awareness.But you have to be totally honest.

What if there were no limits on what I could do,If I wanted to do it I could. But avoiding all the people who might say I can't do____ becomes a game of how can I get away with___... ever notice how bullies build gangs around themselves by manipulating emotionally passive people? Soon others who share that sociopath way of thinking will join in the game all will build a posse it will become a huge game, with___ as victims. All that matters in that mindset is "winning" and building a posse to protect you from losses and those people that say you can't do____.

That's all social interaction can be to a person with dead emotions. A hallmark of sociopaths is emotional shallowness or deadness.

Quote from:
99Forever               Response to undergroundpanther

16. I think we are in agreement.
Perhaps I'm not expressing myself as well as I should.

Oh, you're talking whacko just fine, it's just not as advanced as she is.

Quote from:

10. As you probably know, I agree with you.
But the simple answer is that if they have someone to look down on it makes them feel higher...They themselves are insecure.

Part 4.

Quote from:

11. Love and justice are real. And those who hate that which is inherently good are living in denial at their own peril. Because I desire justice and feel it tear at the very fabric of my being when I see someone being violated and abused, I know that it is elemental to this universe. I didn't create this longing for justice and by your words and others who have inspired me I know it exists independent of me. Even if its fruition were to take the lifetime of several universes, it still seems reckless and foolish to willingly cause others suffering and pain for the sake of personal pleasure and gain. True justice demands complete restitution.

Oh, that's so deep.

Quote from:

13. Greed
"Is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. . ."

Gluttony "Is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires"

People who crave power over others are afraid of losing statute, and their material things.

You are far from being alone in your reality. I believe the so called powerful loses sight of civil and compassionate reality.

And the greedy and gluttonous are those who won't give you what they earned. Yawn. Heard it all before.

Quote from:

14. Fear. And ignorance.
Those are inherent human flaws that we are supposed to fight to overcome with our minds and hearts. Some people see pushing down as a way to raise themselves up.

This post stopped me dead in my tracks. You've hit all the nails I hope people come here to hammer on, beautifully.

She definitely hit, or was hit by, something.

Quote from:

17. They aren't truly strong
they just happen to be in a position of advantage that allows them to kick those around who are not. Someone strong wouldn't feel the need to do that. They're just mean.

Way to tell her she's wrong. You're a monster.

Quote from:

18. Because doing so gives them some little justification in their cold hearts and that little bit is all they need. Its a sad and scarily place to be, yet so many people live there.

You never left there.

Quote from:

19. Did you grow up in a religious family?
What you posted is complex, but like you, I believe there is hope.

... and change.  Own it.

Quote from:

20. they play strong cause they are weak and scared. beating up on those they can makes them feel like they can still control somethings

Part 5.

Look primitives, you simply can't sit there and claim your way is the best way and then turn around and complain and say they're mean and heartless when others don't agree. It makes you look like the kooks we have you pegged as being.

For example, I live my life doing what I need to do. If I do something, and some LW freak doesn't like it, or thinks it's environmentally irresponsible, or that it's going to hurt others, etc..., and I know good and well what they're saying isn't true, then ignoring you and doing what I want to do will be what happens.  If you don't like it, if it doesn't fit the mould of how liberals believe it should be done, then that's your problem, not mine.  Your labels of me will continue to be ignored.

Besides, it's all in your imagination anyway; an imagination of yours that's defined as "anyone who doesn't agree with liberalism and prevents it from taking place is just the strong hating on the weak."

« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 01:09:03 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2013, 12:58:11 PM »
undergroundpanther (11,601 posts)

What about the weak makes the strong hate them?
Last edited Sat Jun 22, 2013, 11:12 AM USA/ET - Edit history (3)

Being poor isn't always the poor person's fault.I'm poor

I stopped reading here because the last two words, in her case, is false. When compared to people in the third-world countries that the DUmmies claim to love the UGP is rich. When her/his/its wealth and material items are compared to the actual work that she/he/it did to get them, she/he/it is filthy rich.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2013, 12:58:40 PM »
I stopped reading here because the last two words, in her case, is false. When compared to people in the third-world countries that the DUmmies claim to love the UGP is rich. When her/his/its wealth and material items are compared to the actual work that she/he/it did to get them, she/he/it is filthy rich.

apres moi, le deluge

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2013, 01:00:08 PM » are an insane,deviant and useless piece of shit that has deluded itself into believing that the world is all wrong.
You have no desire to be normal and consider all that have tried to help you as hating you.
What you want is a life of pity,attention and handouts,not for one second have you ever desired to set yourself aside and strive to be a part of society,you just want it to cater to you.

Eat shit and die parasite.  

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2013, 01:06:58 PM »
Hey, subway cat (on left):

Get a load of this, you rancid bag of shit:

Damn, I am so ****ing sick of these whiners.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2013, 01:08:58 PM »
It's not hate it's reality something that is as foreign to you as the planet Vulcan. You have this idea that your some kind of cat trapped in a human form and that it's OK? 99% of the people on this planet would say that your crazy and would be right. That's not hate that's just fact. Sorry to break it to you once again. Living in denial and talking with a message board populated with people that are  the mental equivalent of soap and getting advise from them isn't helping you at all.

You have been locked up more times then John Dillinger and you refuse to get help and take the advise given to you. The most anyone can feel isn't hate , it is pity at most and the least is confusion as to why the State hasn't stepped in and kept you confined for your own good. One day your postings will stop either because you decided to off yourself or your finally locked up. Get help and stop blaming others for your condition. None of us has control over you to the point we can harm or help you. Only you have that control.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2013, 02:23:39 PM »
...You have this idea that your some kind of cat trapped in a human form and that it's OK?...

The whole cat schtick is just another avoidance scheme.

When they don't want to work they say they're lame.

When they're shown not to be lame they say they're in pain.

When they're shown to not be in pain they say they're too depressed.

When they're told they have no reason to be depressed they claim they do because they were born to the wrong century/nation/political-economic-social system/gender/species.

If excuses for failure had any value they'd be successful beyond their wildest dreams.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2013, 02:39:41 PM »
I can't understand why undergroundpanther can't fit in:

an eternal mystery to me  :???:

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2013, 02:42:46 PM »
We don't hate you UgPee.  We're disgusted with your ilk.
Look in the mirror, you slovenly twit.
There is the reason you suck at life.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2013, 02:51:48 PM »


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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2013, 02:58:29 PM »
If all Heaven opened before her she would curse It for a thief because It would deny her her demons.

Where else is she to go?

I absolutely agree. She reminds me of a character from the Great Divorce. When offered heaven, reasons were found to say no.
"My enemy's enemy is the enemy I kill last."
Klingon Proverb.

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2013, 03:56:03 PM »
undergroundpanther (11,601 posts)

What about the weak makes the strong hate them?

Yeah, UGP, what about the weak makes the left hate them so?
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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2013, 04:19:51 PM »

Can't take that much UGP self-pity

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2013, 04:22:14 PM »
Lessee, the ugly psychotic waste of skin (and a lot of it) was mistreated by the school system, the social workers, the psycho social workers, and she lives in Baltimore....

Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2013, 04:51:54 PM »
Lessee, the ugly psychotic waste of skin (and a lot of it) was mistreated by the school system, the social workers, the psycho social workers, and she lives in Baltimore....


And if you ask it what it wants it will say...

Bigger schools, more social workers, more psychiatric social workers and more democrats.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 05:51:15 PM »
Solution to UGP's housing dilemma after a BUICK.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2013, 08:42:26 PM »
Pssst... hey you. Yeah, you kitty. I do not hate you. Really I don't. I don't think anyone here at CC hates you. We laugh at you kitty. You provide us with entertainment.

I do not spend my entire day obsessing about obumbles and the dems. I do not spend my entire day thinking about you idiots at DU. I do not wake up in the morning and think "What can I do to make someone's life miserable." I do not whine about my problems on CC and believe me I have problems... just as I am sure everyone here has problems of some type.

In short, I do not choose to be miserable. I take pleasure in watching the sun rise and set. Watching the little birdies at the feeder. Taking my doggies for walks. A good meal. A long walk with She Who Is The Omnipotent One. A good movie.

There is so much that is good in life that to spend it miserable like you is just completely beyond me. I actually feel sorry for you. You are a prisoner of your own hate. Only you can change that.   :loser:
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2013, 11:22:42 PM »
The amount of projection in that thread cannot be measured with existing technology,  to say nothing of the OPs complete and utter psychosis.

Perfect example of these people.

Solution to UGP's housing dilemma after a BUICK.

I'm sure she could pick up this VistaCruiser for cheap.

And hey, free pallet!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 11:26:35 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

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Re: UGP wants to know why we hate it
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2013, 01:26:35 AM »
^UGP already has a well developed culinary pallet.

edit carat
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.