Current Events > The DUmpster

DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)

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--- Quote from: ADsOutburst on April 22, 2024, 06:29:33 PM ---What do they think this is, cartoon world where you just sneak up behind someone and bop them over the head, causing them to fall asleep or something? :mental:

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Best way to **** around and find out that is for sure. Go ahead and grab someone's gun. I hope it's a cop with a backup and you end up on the ambulances next customer list.
 to be delivered to the morgue.


--- Quote ---Trekologer (997 posts)
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:22 PM
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses.
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I'll take "Things That Never Happen" for $800, Alex.

The only time I've heard of this happening is when some perps try to take a cop's sidearm when being arrested.


--- Quote from: DUmpDiver on April 27, 2024, 04:07:00 PM ---I'll take "Things That Never Happen" for $800, Alex.

The only time I've heard of this happening is when some perps try to take a cop's sidearm when being arrested.

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Normal people realize that what the DUmmie said would be easy would in real life end badly and possibly painfully.


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