..they flat refused to hear truth...

Bless your brain-damaged heart. You've become so delusional that you actually believe your lies to be the truth.
...voted against all things good and voted for evil
Okay, so you admit that illegals flooding the country and murdering innocents is "good". I guess that goes hand in hand with your previously mentioned delusions.
...every single one of them are brainwashed "christians".

It's always hilarious to me when someone who constantly bends knee to the will of The Party accuses someone else of being brainwashed.
If they only knew the truth would they have voted differently?
Based on how they voted it actually sounds like they actually knew the truth. Of course, they probably got their info from places other than The Party's propaganda arm (MSNBC) or an echo chamber internet message board on which you must walk in lockstep or get banned.
You know, DUmmie Beachnutt, even though you're a misguided, misled, unthinking disappointment, your family probably still actually loves you. And think of it this way...they want to have contact with you despite the fact that you're a disappointment. You, on the otherhand, don't want anything to do with them because they refuse to accept and embrace your delusion. Which of you two are intolerant?