Author Topic: Doomed Human Kills Ptarmigans With Airplanes  (Read 3372 times)

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Doomed Human Kills Ptarmigans With Airplanes
« on: November 09, 2024, 08:50:26 PM »
Airplane splattered with blood after propellers butcher flock of Alaska’s state bird: gruesome pics

A small propeller plane struck a flock of birds upon takeoff in Alaska — leaving gruesome and bloody stains across the hull.

Mark Schwantes, a big game hunter and commercial fishing captain, was getting set to take flight in a bush plane to Alaska’s capital, Anchorage, on Sept. 26 when when he noticed a flock of willow ptarmigan, Alaska’s state bird, according to a report from SWNS.

“Typically, they scatter when a plane starts up, but this time, they lingered a bit too long,” the 48-year-old told the outlet.

“Just as we were going airborne, about half a dozen flew up in front of us and hit the propeller.”

The unflappable pilot said he proceeded calmly and knew that his plane could withstand the bloody jolt.

Rabbits ordered him to kill ptarmigans. Folks, the human race is utterly doomed by rabbits.  :mad: :argh:
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