Bottom line: When the word first came out, Trump stopped incoming flights from China. Pelosi called him a racist and invited folks from China to come and get a "hug". Soon afterwards Pelosi was hammering Trump for not taking action soon enough.
Soon afterwards, the NY brass made a list of demands to Trump. Trump filled those demands barely in time to hear the same NY brass say what a horrible job Trump had done. They barely had time to get the sick people in the rest homes.
On the meds: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were essentially made unavailable by Biden, WHO, CDC, etc. Couldn't even buy it from any of the chain drug outlets. The above had to protect the big pharma industry to force the hastily approved vaccines and the billions they made. Of course, the MSM spread the word on "injecting bleach", and other fabricated stories to prevent the masses from seeking meds that were inexpensive and worked.
The effectiveness of the vaccines is over my head. Sure, it saved some. But there is evidence it killed some others. By then I had a source for hydroxychloroquine. It was like finding a new drug pusher when your old one got busted. There was never a nonpolitical reason to stop the availability of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Just a threat to the money and resulting kickbacks between big pharma and the government. That, and another opportunity to slam Trump.
And, I hope no one here is "shocked" to find out Wuhan was the source. And, how we helped fund it and cover it all up. Just another few names to add to the list of "public servants" who should rot in prision.