Author Topic: In re: Hannibal Lecter  (Read 274 times)

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Offline CC27

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In re: Hannibal Lecter
« on: May 12, 2024, 01:28:03 PM »

In the pantheon of fictional sociopaths, Thomas Harris achieved the pinnacle of same with his remarkable character of Lecter. Gifted beyond comprehension, educated and well-read in classical and modern literature, history, and current events, medically trained, aware of the vagaries and distinctions between classes and castes
, and horrifyingly charismatic, he is the ultimate formidable villain .

I am virtually certain that Trump never read the series of books, but he probably saw at least one of the films, and remarked to himself, and probably anyone else who would listen, that the persona of Lecter, the gestalt, would be the highest achievement of any individual. For Trump, Lecter is equivalent in his sphere of Jesus or Gandhi in a normal person’s mind.

One of the aspects of the series is that Lecter was in fact apprehended, stood trial, and was sentenced to a psychiatric institution from which he managed to brilliantly engineer an escape and continue his behaviors elsewhere, defeating in the most horrifying manners all who came to destroy him. He has been stated by many to be the most villainous individual in cinematic history.

This entire oeuvre appeals to Trump who believes that as a “stable genius” on trial for a crime he knows he committed and for his personal knowledge of the existence of crimes and deeds of which the general public knows nothing, he is capable of equaling the notoriety of this psychopath and has drawn many parallels between himself and Lecter. The difference between them of course is that Lecter was a character created to possess an extraordinary intellect whereas Trump simply believes that he is incredibly brilliant, manipulative, and shrewd, the truth being quite to the contrary.

Finally, Trump’s quotation “the late, great, Hannibal Lecter” implies that the character exists as a real individual within Trump’s maladaptive psyche. And you know what they say: neurotics build glass houses and psychotics live in them.

Blah blah blah word salad

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Re: In re: Hannibal Lecter
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2024, 01:46:39 PM »
I think this guy needs to see a shrink! We have a man who was trying to do something good for the country and it’s people and all they can do is turn him into a super villain of so many heinous crimes they can’t even list them. When in fact, he has done absolutely nothing wrong.
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Re: In re: Hannibal Lecter
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2024, 03:54:49 PM »
What a weird caricature of Trump dems have constructed in their minds. They seem to portray him as being incredibly conniving and self-aware, but also dumb and ignorant.

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Re: In re: Hannibal Lecter
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2024, 04:32:41 PM »

MiHale (9,798 posts)
10. Excellent essay...thank you for the insight....nt
Reply to PCIntern (Original post)
Sun May 12, 2024, 12:10 PM
That word salad meant something to somebody.

Sun May 12, 2024, 01:12 PM 
18. *rump's dog whistle for racism
Last edited Sun May 12, 2024, 04:46 PM - Edit history (1)
The real life character that Hannibal Lecter could most be compared to would be Jeffrey Dahmer and his victims were primarily black.

*rump is one sick, evil piece of excrement.

Thanks for the thread PCIntern

This primitive managed to make it all about race.
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Re: In re: Hannibal Lecter
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2024, 09:15:17 PM »
How underwhelming, and very boilerplate.

From Zimmerman to Trump to Rittenhouse to republicans in general. From saint skittles to "gentle giant' mike brown, to tawana brawley to jussie smollet.

These DUmmy assholes and their democrat cohorts nearly always claim to know what is in the minds of everyone on both sides of any incident.

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Re: In re: Hannibal Lecter
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2024, 12:46:53 AM »
How underwhelming, and very boilerplate.

From Zimmerman to Trump to Rittenhouse to republicans in general. From saint skittles to "gentle giant' mike brown, to tawana brawley to jussie smollet.

These DUmmy assholes and their democrat cohorts nearly always claim to know what is in the minds of everyone on both sides of any incident.

That's because the average mental midgets of the Dim'Rat Party cannot imagine anyone not being as cynical, self serving, and hypocritical as they are. They don't have the mental capacity to envision that anyone's thought process could even slightly differ from their own. This is why we catch all the "voting against our own best interests" crap from these mouth-breathers.

Leave the shallows for the dark, murky depths of the Dim'Rat Party where the DUm'Rats dwell, and the ASSumptions about the thought processes of others go even more over the top - like, into realms that Dunning and Krueger never imagined possible.  :thatsright:
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