Author Topic: Fat, Unhappy Campus Protesters Should Try Lifting Weights And Eating A Burger  (Read 1262 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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Fat, Unhappy Campus Protesters Should Try Lifting Weights And Eating A Burger

As my X feed continues to populate with videos displaying the disgraceful behavior of pro-Hamas campus protesters across the country, I can’t help but notice how unattractive and unkempt they all seem to be.

In an era that celebrates obesity and poor health, I know these are not politically correct thoughts, but the uncomely appearance of student protestors is hard to ignore. Unsightly midriffs and unappealing piercings, which haven’t really been in vogue since the early ’90s, abound on these encampments. The masks don’t help.

I noticed this trend long before the protests littering college campuses. Many extreme activists — particularly those of the gender cult — seem to possess some sort of internal self-loathing, furious with a society that only acknowledges outer beauty.

I understand this anger and it’s not completely unjustified.  As a fitness instructor who spent years in front of a camera, often wearing minimal clothing, I struggled with body dysmorphia for most of my life. I felt the constant pressure to lose just a few pounds. I always resented being directed to tell those working out with me at home that “this move will really whittle your waist” or that just a few more reps would help them “melt the fat away!” I hated the sales pitch of weight loss and the unrealistic standard of beauty pushed on women, particularly in Los Angeles where I lived.

My insecurities manifested on one side of the extreme, with endless exercise and food control. These protesters have landed on the opposite side of the spectrum. They have thrown in the towel altogether, displaying an utter disregard for their appearance or health. You don’t have to be a beauty queen to care about your appearance, but you should have more than an ounce of self-respect.

In her profound book, Love Thy Body, Nancy Pearcey outlines how pervasive hostility toward the body and biology fuels many leftist ideologies such as transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion, and euthanasia. She meticulously outlines how the mind-body split can drive activist behavior. Bringing the physical body in coherence with mental and spiritual bodies can help alleviate the discontent so many young people seem to feel today.

Physical health and mental health are related. Many leftists are consumed by self-hatred.

Some protestors demanded vegan food be delivered to their encampments. Diets that eliminate all animal products may be fine for some people who have time to prepare food with an eye toward proper food combinations that contain complete proteins.

But prepackaged highly processed vegan foods such as fake meat products, non-dairy ice cream, or any of the other vegan snacks are no healthier than their traditional counterparts. In fact, they are usually worse, filled with inflammatory ingredients such as seed oils and glucose-spiking carbohydrates, which can lead to unstable blood sugar and erratic moods.

A vegan donut is just as bad for you as a regular one. Slick marketers have simply convinced many that it isn’t. What these non-meat-eating children need is a good grass-fed burger, a set of heavy weights, and maybe a beer to help them lighten up.
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I saw a clip on the news last night were one of these idiots on the hunger strike was complaining. She hadn’t had any food in 100 hours and it was her birthday and she was hungry. I guess the dip shit didn’t understand that a hunger strike means you don’t eat. :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :loser: :loser:
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