Author Topic: The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy  (Read 6457 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy

If a belligerent state launched 186 explosive drones, 36 cruise missiles, and 110 surface-to-surface missiles from three fronts against civilian targets within the United States, would Joe Biden call it a “win”?

Would the president tell us that the best thing we can do now is show “restraint”? What if that same terror state’s proxy armies had recently helped murder, rape, and kidnap more than 1,000 American men, women, and children? What if this terror state were trying to obtain nuclear weapons so it could continue to agitate without any consequences?

This is what Joe Biden and the Barack Obama acolytes, Iranian dupes, and Israel antagonists he’s surrounded himself with demand of Jewish State.

And by “Iranian dupes,” I don’t only mean the Jake Sullivans and Antony Blinkens of the world, who worked to elevate the mullahs over Sunni allies and the Israelis, or even a Hamas-bestie like Rob Malley or Israel-hater like Maher Bitar. I mean assets of the Islamic State who promised the Iranian government to help out in any way possible.

Their worldview is a cancer that’s metastasized within the Democratic Party. To these people, Israel will always be the villain. And if the Iranian regime’s murder of more than 600 American servicemen couldn’t cool that bromance, 1,300 dead Jews certainly aren’t going to do the trick.

President Barack Obama and Joe Biden have done a lot harm to the world with their foreign policy.
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Obama, Biden Kicked Nuclear Can Down the Road and Failed

Home | Larry Bell
Tags: ayatollahs | blinken | irgc
Obama, Biden Kicked Nuclear Can Down the Road and Failed
middle east nation presidency propaganda 
Billboard: Tehran, Iran c. April 2018: President Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei and Imam Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (1900–1989) displayed on a wall as propaganda. (Petrajz/

Larry BellBy Larry BellWednesday, 17 April 2024 05:51 AM EDTCurrent | Bio | Archive
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The Obama and Biden administrations have finally kicked the Iran nuclear can down to the end of the road through endless failed attempts to play nice with ayatollahs who lead chants of "Death to Israel; Death to America" . . . and mean it.

Most recently, in response to last week’s Iran’s drone, cruise missile and ballistic missile attack on Israel from its own soil, President Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a phone call that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive action against Iran.

That attack came as no surprise.

Iran had vowed retaliation for an April 1 Israeli strike on its Damascus consulate in Syria that killed seven officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) including two generals believed to have planned the unprovoked Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas proxy attack on Israeli communities, savagely murdering more than 1,200 civilians, and taking 253 hostages.

And although Joe Biden had publicly warned Iran not to attack, simply saying "Don’t," the real behind -the-scenes message was apparently something more like "go ahead and do it, but just don’t overdo it right now during an election season."

More proof that President Barack Obama and Joe Biden have done damage to the world.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

Offline Airwolf

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Actually I feel it's been Jimmy Carters policies that have made this world as it is now. If he had supported Iran and not let the Shah be chased out of Iran, who knows what it would be like now. Yeah, the Shah wasn't the best but at least that country was freer then it is now.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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